View Full Version : Boycott niggas and niggalovers!

Wake Up Call
02-15-2023, 08:50 PM
It's time to boycott, despise and avoid the woke establishment and its pet niggers that are eroding the moral and noble fiber of Western society built by white men.

Stop feeding now the leftist cancer that is eating us inside out. Our enemies aren't other whites from other nationalities. We should now be more united than ever, and
not divided, like the powers that be, the globalists and a bunch of weirdass lowlife, limp-wristed, and pathetic leftists want us to be.

Don't watch TV with niggers and leftists in it, don't read newspapers and magazines with them, nor take part in anything related to the New Left and its nigger pets.

Avoid it all and tell your white family, relatives, friends etc. to do so as well.

Spread the truth about this evil agenda that is pushing white people against the wall before it's too late.

02-16-2023, 12:53 AM
It's time to boycott, despise and avoid the woke establishment and its pet niggers that are eroding the moral and noble fiber of Western society built by white men.

Stop feeding now the leftist cancer that is eating us inside out. Our enemies aren't other whites from other nationalities. We should now be more united than ever, and
not divided, like the powers that be, the globalists and a bunch of weirdass lowlife, limp-wristed, and pathetic leftists want us to be.

Don't watch TV with niggers and leftists in it, don't read newspapers and magazines with them, nor take part in anything related to the New Left and its nigger pets.

Avoid it all and tell your white family, relatives, friends etc. to do so as well.

Spread the truth about this evil agenda that is pushing white people against the wall before it's too late.

I do it ALL of the time!!

Tar Remover
02-16-2023, 09:51 AM
Been doing it for years. Everyone else is just catching up......

02-16-2023, 10:23 AM
we are on the cusp of a Christian revolution. I think some of the church going niggers will join too. Everyday folk are sick and tired of watching their morals being diluted and their kids fed a diet of niggers and depravity. There is nowhere left to sink and even niggers can't get any lower.

Banana Republic
02-16-2023, 08:55 PM
we are on the cusp of a Christian revolution. I think some of the church going niggers will join too. Everyday folk are sick and tired of watching their morals being diluted and their kids fed a diet of niggers and depravity. There is nowhere left to sink and even niggers can't get any lower.

What I'm going to tell you now may sound crazy and ridiculous for some people, but in the future, when the whole world will be more fucked up than its now, they will remember this comment made by some random dude online.
Rebecca Brown Yoder (born Ruth Irene Bailey), was an interesting and nice Christian woman. Unfortunately this noble lady died in 2020, so she is not among us now. A white life lost.
This woman, in her book He Came to Set the Captives Free told us she was a member in a high-level Satanic brotherhood, with its seat in Gaylifornia. She also said that they are very rich powerful individuals whose intention is to bring degeneracy and liberal values upon the whole world, but specially to the United States. They also work and sometimes send orders, plans and projects to other high-level organizations like the Freemasonry, Skull & Bones etc. and they rule government institutions from behind the curtains. She didn't say any names, but I wouldn't be surprise if George Soros, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers were among them.
If you think this is weird or absurd, consider when Alex Jones tried to enter the Bohemian Grove (an exclusive gentlemen club, also in Gaylifornia) in 2000s. It was nighttime and there was a giant owl in the middle and several men saying weird words and celebrating some unknown ritual.
Also, think about why Gaylifornia is in this sorry state now, with many people fleeing it, and homeless, and niggers, and drugs, and Hollywood etc.

I hope one day God shows the truth to all the world.