View Full Version : The arsonist who set fire to the Notre Dame cathedral was a nigger from Rwanda.

02-15-2023, 01:30 PM
I should have known. I had my theories that the terrorist who set fire to the famous cathedral was a Muhammad. Nope, turns out it was a full blooded nigger right from Africa. Only a Afro-nigger would desecrate something so prominent and holy, regarded and cherished by white people, in such a horrible manner.

https://news.artnet.com/art-world/nantes-cathedral-fire-suspect-1897302 (https://news.artnet.com/art-world/nantes-cathedral-fire-suspect-1897302)

He was working as a volunteer in a cathedral, a predominantly white religion, in a white country, with white history. He posed as a CHARITABLE WORKER to get close to something significant in white culture to destroy it. Whatever made him admit to it, he did, and now he's only going to serve 10 years in prison.

He's not the only one. There have been church fires all over Europe since the migrants started pouring in. Village idiots with no regard for the culture of others, much less the culture of countries stupid enough to take them in.

I'm Athiest, (no god of mine would have made a world with niggers in it) and even I can't stand what this piece of black human garbage has done to the Notre Dame Cathedral. It's beauty, it's historical significance. God or no god, this was an attack on whites. Ireland said it best, "our charity and kindness is being taken advantage of."

02-15-2023, 01:54 PM
That's niggers. They could never, can never, and will never create something as majestic as that Cathedral.

I am not Catholic but that church was something like one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Bad enough if it was a careless accident, but it was actually a NIGGER !! :fume

Fuck I hate those useless slime mold bottom feeders.

I hope to see more of THIS everywhere. Nigger wanted to take a dump on white people praying in France, coon found out.


02-15-2023, 02:55 PM
That's niggers. They could never, can never, and will never create something as majestic as that Cathedral.

I am not Catholic but that church was something like one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Bad enough if it was a careless accident, but it was actually a NIGGER !! :fume

Fuck I hate those useless slime mold bottom feeders.

I hope to see more of THIS everywhere. Nigger wanted to take a dump on white people praying in France, coon found out.


Fuckin-a right!

Also, that article from daily mail had to have been written by a bleeding heart lib. Calling the strike to the nigger "shocking" "horrific" and "sickening." Oh sure, but if it were a nigger punching a white of any gender or age, they'd call it "self-defense" or some shit. This whole one-sided narrative in favor of "the poor and helpless" niggers sickens me. What have they ever done to deserve the help they get?

The nigger was playing music over their protest to keep a church standing. Should've strung the nigger up by his vocal cords that can't sing for shit. They got plenty of trees in France.
I'm kidding, I would never desecrate a tree with the body of a nigger. Trees give us oxygen, shelter for small animals and birds and help the planet sustain life. Infinitely better than a nigger. String 'em up on a mosque, I'm not going in anytime soon.