View Full Version : Attention Frequent Flyers!

SC Anemia
02-15-2023, 03:22 AM

Oh man, hold on to your butts! This an older video but Tucker Carlson reported tonight the airlines are implementing this isanity now.

P.S. No problem with female pilots but snakeheads...oh hell no!!!

02-17-2023, 12:46 PM

Oh man, hold on to your butts! This an older video but Tucker Carlson reported tonight the airlines are implementing this isanity now.

P.S. No problem with female pilots but snakeheads...oh hell no!!!

I'll stick to driving vacations. Any holiday destination that requires flight is too dangerous now anyway because of the infestations of niggers and muzzies.

animal mother
02-17-2023, 01:31 PM
United airlines flight leaving Hawaii almost augered in the Pacific a few weeks ago. Hmmmm, wonder if it had equity pilots aboard????

SC Anemia
02-17-2023, 04:41 PM
United airlines flight leaving Hawaii almost augered in the Pacific a few weeks ago. Hmmmm, wonder if it had equity pilots aboard????

It's unclear what caused the drop. United told The Air Current that the incident wasn't related to any problem with the plane.

Holy shit!

SC Anemia
02-17-2023, 04:48 PM
United airlines flight leaving Hawaii almost augered in the Pacific a few weeks ago. Hmmmm, wonder if it had equity pilots aboard????

Of course i couldn't find a thing about the race of the crew but plunging from 2200 feet to 775 right after take off? I think I'll use a different carrier next time I fly. Jeebus!

02-17-2023, 05:00 PM
Don't worry. They'll blame it on all the surveillance balloons traversing their flight paths.

03-20-2023, 05:53 AM
There have already been several niggercaused plane crashes by these affirmative action jigs. Fun fact: Many African airlines are banned from even flying to Europe or North America because their niggerpilots are so incompetent.

My favorite niggercrash was shown in an episode of "Air Crash Investigation," I believe the episode title was "Slam Dunk." The pilots were two nigger bucks (always a recipe for disaster) and as the plane was crashing, the niggercaptain axes nigger co-pilot, "What did you do?!" and nigger co-pilot says, "Ah dindu nuffins!" Dindu nuffins were his literal last words.


03-24-2023, 04:02 PM
Don't worry. They'll blame it on all the surveillance balloons traversing their flight paths.
Haha, now I start to realize why they introduced "the possibility of extraterrestrial"! Just another whipping boy in case niggers mess up again.