View Full Version : Explaining niggers to my niece, plus one dumb white guy who thinks it's smart to befriend niggers.

02-12-2023, 08:27 PM
My niece wanted to video chat me, her uncle, to ask about a lesson she learned in school last week from her liberal teacher. That lesson being "you can't discover a country if people already live there. This is why Christopher Columbus was a bad person."

Ignoring the sheer stupidity of such a notion, I explained to my niece that the reason countries like America and Australia and parts of Africa were discovered was because the tribes inhabiting those places didn't know how to read, write, or communicate with the rest of the world. They had no civilizations of their own and even to this day do not classify as a civilized people, even when other (greater) races try to help them. In the case of niggers, they are a race of children, being babysat by other peoples, squatting in our cities free of charge, and piggybacking off the accomplishments of peoples greater than them, like Whites and East Asians, and demanding we give them a ladder to stand with us. In reality they would stab us in the back and take all our stuff and they aren't even secretive about it.

Moral: the key phrase of niggers is "whaa, why can't we be like whites? Why are whites so special? We want to be special! It's not fair!" and they cry so loud that the liberals give them free shit to shut them up. Like "reparations" and places of government and notable careers with influence.

Also, here's a video of a virtue signaling idiot talking about passing out at a nigger cookout and how being white means you're not stupid as long as you're not racist.


This might be sheer coincidence, but a lot of geniuses were and are racist. Can't imagine why, though.

Tar Remover
02-12-2023, 08:57 PM
"places of government and notable careers with influence."

And they inevitably fuck THAT up too....... Niggers are fuckin' stupid.

02-13-2023, 09:51 AM
"places of government and notable careers with influence."

And they inevitably fuck THAT up too....... Niggers are fuckin' stupid.

And they are all MARXIST dhimmirats!!