View Full Version : NFL combine be like a slave auction and sheeeit

02-12-2023, 03:18 PM
Of course the article ignores that the players that get the most scrutiny are the YT quarterbacks.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-12-2023, 08:32 PM
Of course the article ignores that the players that get the most scrutiny are the YT quarterbacks.
This one will never hold any ground. This sport makes a shitload of money for the owners, the fast niggers and everyone involved. They have said this for years. The fast niggers will shut this down because they want millions. Otherwise, they will roam the streets and kill each other just like the slower niggers.

02-13-2023, 08:57 AM
Maybe they could put more white players in the NFL so it would be less of a slave auction? Just an idea.

Went for a drive today. Nice empty streets with all the fat dumb fools home watching the Nigger Bowl.

02-14-2023, 12:43 AM
. Otherwise, they will roam the streets and kill each other just like the slower niggers.

sounds like the BEST outcome to me !! :lol

02-14-2023, 12:55 AM
sounds like the BEST outcome to me !! :lol

Tru Dat!!

02-27-2023, 03:54 PM
Deadspin was part of the Gawker Empire, run by the nigger-loving and nigger-marrying fag Nick Denton. Gawker went bankrupt after Hulk Hogan, man who told his daughter not date niggers, sued Gawker for invasion of privacy and won. When I cared about the NFL and read their season previews, Deadspin was nothing but self-loathing white liberals going on about much Whitey is bad etc. Not caring about the NFL and college football for the last five years has made my life so much better. I get out more, spend time with family, and don't have to watch a bunch of niggers get paid to chase a football around because if they didn't, they'd be raping white wimenz.