View Full Version : Sweet Diversity! Off duty muzzie cop brings $24K in cash to niggerpad to buy car, gets robbed, shot and killed instead

Whitey Ford
02-11-2023, 12:12 PM
Man accused of shooting off-duty NYPD cop is arrested with VICTIM'S own handcuffs: Officer, 26, was wounded when Facebook Marketplace sale turned into shootout


The suspect allegedly lured the victim into an ambush by pretending to sell a car through Facebook market place.

The victim and his brother-in-law arrived with $24,000 in cash to buy the car - a Honda Pilot - when the suspect allegedly drew a gun on them.

He then allegedly opened fire and struck the officer in the head.

The victim's brother grabbed the officer's gun and fired back, but the thief managed to escape in a black BMW.

After a city-wide manhunt, the car was located abandoned in Harlem, near where the suspect lived with his girlfriend, according to The Post.

Sources also said the BMW belonged to the suspect's mother, who lived near where the shooting took place in East New York.

It is believed he could behind a similar robbery which took place near the shooting scene on January 13.

Jones has a rap sheet with at least 22 arrests on it for a variety of crimes, including some violent attacks.

He has previously been booked for harassment, grand larceny, and strangulation, according to The Post.

He was wanted for a traffic and vehicle related warrant from 2019 at the time of his arrest on Monday.


02-11-2023, 12:43 PM
Niggernomics, cap a cop, free munney !! What a species of imbeciles.


" I aint bin aperested mammy, Ize jes beez an apefronaut nows !! "

02-11-2023, 12:58 PM
Ah, Facebook Marketplace, where dreams can come true and you find your heart's desire!

How dumb was Adeed, this so-called cop? This tactic - advertising an item and requesting the buyer to come to meet in a private place where they are robbed and/or killed is something even kids know about.

Maybe he thought the violent nigger - with 22 priors - wouldn't do that to HIM, what with him being a cop and all?

Is there the slightest chance that the revolving door in NU might be removed for niggers with a rap sheet longer than my arm? Nah, probably not. Can't keep the "chosen species" behind bars. Robin Steinberg says that kind of raycism hurts the psyches of her precious POC.

02-11-2023, 08:14 PM
Ah, Facebook Marketplace, where dreams can come true and you find your heart's desire!

How dumb was Adeed, this so-called cop? This tactic - advertising an item and requesting the buyer to come to meet in a private place where they are robbed and/or killed is something even kids know about.

Maybe he thought the violent nigger - with 22 priors - wouldn't do that to HIM, what with him being a cop and all?

Is there the slightest chance that the revolving door in NU might be removed for niggers with a rap sheet longer than my arm? Nah, probably not. Can't keep the "chosen species" behind bars. Robin Steinberg says that kind of raycism hurts the psyches of her precious POC.

An @$$lifter batwinged by a NIGGER!! A nigger commits homocide on a sand nigger!! What an Orwellian world we live in!!