View Full Version : Algebra is racist

07-23-2017, 05:51 AM
Algebra is one of the biggest hurdles to getting a high school or college degree — particularly for students of color and first-generation undergrads.


West Texas Red Dirt
07-23-2017, 10:43 AM
Don't those dumbass niggers claim they invented algebra and YT done stole it?

Buck Simian
07-26-2017, 04:58 AM
Holy shit. Now math is racist? What is next? Having to exert effort to breathe air is racist? YT needs to supply oxygen tanks to all niggers so they don't have to use their lungs?

Cracka Jack
07-26-2017, 06:43 PM
Mark my words. Within 5 years, unless :tthumb can change things radically for the better -- high schools and universities will offer nothing but classes on "twerking" and how to fill out government gibsmedat forms.

Idiocracy is coming to fruition much sooner than any of us would have imagined possible.

Rape Ape
07-26-2017, 07:31 PM
First it was Ebonics. Now we're going to get Nigonometry and Coonculus.
2 + 2 = :kfc

Buck Simian
07-27-2017, 12:54 AM
This is not surprising really. Remember a few years back when schools stopped teaching cursive because niggers couldn't read or write it? Rachel Jeantel for instance. This is exactly why we see these statistics of how the USA is far behind other countries when it comes to education. Its not fair, we come out of the gate with a 13% disadvantage, that being niggers!

07-29-2017, 06:28 PM
Being an old bastard I often wondered about the college curriculum compared to '60s high school. I knew of calculus and trig in college but algebra is new to me. What the hell are they teaching for the math studies in school today? Was my school that far ahead or is it dumbed down that much to pass the niggers? Stupid question; I'm sorry!