View Full Version : Nigger Runs Over, Fatally Stabs ER Doctor cuz "White privilege"

02-08-2023, 01:46 PM
Dr. Michael Mammone, 58, was killed after Vanroy Evan Smith, 39, ran him over and then proceeded to stab him to death while ranting about “white privilege.” Multiple angles of the disturbing incident were captured by CCTV footage. Mammone was riding a bicycle when he was run over at high speed by a suspect driving a white sedan. The suspect, later identified as Smith, then exited the vehicle and proceeded to stab the critically injured ER doctor.

Where's the outrage over this savagery?

The irony is that if Vanroy the nigger had been shot or stabbed by one of his homies, this doctor would have tried to save his worthless life.



02-08-2023, 02:11 PM
Whitey reported this already, but yeah there is no shortage of nigger outrages these days.

The media and Soros funded DA's are inviting groid nation to use deadly force against white people and the niggers are gaining confidence in acting out their ferality.
I wonder if they think no white people will start targeting THEM at some point !

White privilege my ass, this is nigger privilege, knowing it can do this and probably be out in a few years. Less than 10 and a nigger's in, then OUT , for murder.


02-08-2023, 02:11 PM
Where's the outrage...???? Same place it is for the 5 Waukeshau Grand Mothers mowed down before Christmas..... Same place it's for the 5 year old Cannon Hinnant who was simply riding his bicycle when he was shot in the head, point blank, by a filthy ape....

How long can the MSM continue with these outrageous lies, denials and omissions???



02-08-2023, 02:42 PM

02-08-2023, 07:02 PM
Whitey reported this already, but yeah there is no shortage of nigger outrages these days.

The media and Soros funded DA's are inviting groid nation to use deadly force against white people and the niggers are gaining confidence in acting out their ferality.
I wonder if they think no white people will start targeting THEM at some point !

White privilege my ass, this is nigger privilege, knowing it can do this and probably be out in a few years. Less than 10 and a nigger's in, then OUT , for murder.

Thanks. I did look but guess I missed it.

Where's the outrage...???? Same place it is for the 5 Waukeshau Grand Mothers mowed down before Christmas..... Same place it's for the 5 year old Cannon Hinnant who was simply riding his bicycle when he was shot in the head, point blank, by a filthy ape....

How long can the MSM continue with these outrageous lies, denials and omissions???



Stop talking about those little incidents. Niggers did it, so we're better off ignoring it. Besides, the niggers probably had mental health crises so it's not their fault. It's YT's fault for being rayciss and not getting them the help they needed.


02-09-2023, 05:48 PM
Kind of wonder which car he stole he used for this hit. Like they say it's not the car that is a danger...it's the nigger behind the wheel.

02-09-2023, 07:16 PM

I swear, I can't take it anymore.


02-09-2023, 07:38 PM
I swear, I can't take it anymore.


yep.. they're gonna keep poking all the bears, and these bears have a lot more than teeth and claws

02-09-2023, 10:39 PM
I'm just sickened by the fact the liberal media is not reporting this. I haven't looked to see if fox news is reporting it or not yet. If anyone knows let me know. They seem to be one of the last media sources on mainstream to report black on white crimes.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-10-2023, 12:50 AM
I'm just sickened by the fact the liberal media is not reporting this. I haven't looked to see if fox news is reporting it or not yet. If anyone knows let me know. They seem to be one of the last media sources on mainstream to report black on white crimes.
If you’re waiting on the liberal msm to report nigger atrocities, you will be waiting till the end of time. They ignore every, single one and can’t wait for the next nigger ventilated by a white cop.

02-10-2023, 04:56 AM
Our justice system is a joke. When it's obvious who the murderer is, there are no mitigating factors. There should be no forum that "he has a mental illness". A thousand percent unfair to the family, and our society. Why have trial, when there are several witnesses? Swift dangling justice is necessary here.

There's a campground in Dana Point I used to camp with my ex-wife's family on the 4th of July. It's a beautiful, serene area. As many people there are, I've never heard of such a rabid inhuman act. These niggers are aksing for it.

Whitey Ford
02-13-2023, 06:38 PM
Now the nigger claims that he's Jesus.

Calif. man accused of running over and fatally stabbing doctor has no regrets, claims he is Jesus Christ (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/calif-man-accused-of-running-over-and-fatally-stabbing-doctor-has-no-regrets-claims-he-is-jesus-christ/ar-AA17rtC1?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=c0c1f75edd794e25b17535bdee59f360)

The man accused of running over and fatally stabbing a California ER doctor said he has no regrets killing because he is “God and Jesus Christ.”

In a rambling jailhouse interview with the Orange County Register, Vanroy Evan Smith, 39, quoted Bible verses and said people would think differently about his alleged crimes if they knew he was the “King of Kings.”

“I have killed,” Smith said. “If they knew who I was, they would let me walk out of here. The would fulfill all my desires.”

02-14-2023, 08:41 PM
and this guy was an accountant

02-15-2023, 12:14 AM
I swear, I can't take it anymore.


A benefit of not being as active on CO as I used to be is that my blood pressure's been a lot better. But after seeing that, if I had to go to my doctor tomorrow, he'd say, "What the hell went wrong!

God damn it. They came to this continent in chains, they can go back to their continent in chains.