View Full Version : Epic battlesow fight. A weave is a casualty

02-07-2023, 11:01 PM
Poor weave got dragged all over the place on a string. The white girl there can't believe how beastly these sows are.

For sure they're just like us.


Ray Cizzums
02-08-2023, 10:47 AM
I don't know what it is about niggers, but they just can't resist ripping electric connections out of walls and ceilings.
Thermostats, cable and phone jacks, intercom boxes, light fixtures. In the past, I've been tasked with repairing this
monkey damage, and my customers didn't want to hear it, when the extent of the damage was far more than it
appeared. The consequences of ripping wires out by the roots can be extreme. I had to fix a pendant fixture in a
18' high stairwell, that apes decided to swing from, which ripped the box right out of the ceiling. We had to erect a
12' high scaffold, and take the entire ceiling down, cut an access into the attic, crawl 10', install an accessible junction
box in the wall. The ceiling box install we put up could hold 300 #, but we made sure the fixture would detach if another
monkey decided to swing, and break his neck. This was in "No income" town house, less than a year old.

02-08-2023, 01:28 PM
I don't know what it is about niggers, but they just can't resist ripping electric connections out of walls and ceilings.
Thermostats, cable and phone jacks, intercom boxes, light fixtures. In the past, I've been tasked with repairing this
monkey damage, and my customers didn't want to hear it, when the extent of the damage was far more than it
appeared. The consequences of ripping wires out by the roots can be extreme. I had to fix a pendant fixture in a
18' high stairwell, that apes decided to swing from, which ripped the box right out of the ceiling. We had to erect a
12' high scaffold, and take the entire ceiling down, cut an access into the attic, crawl 10', install an accessible junction
box in the wall. The ceiling box install we put up could hold 300 #, but we made sure the fixture would detach if another
monkey decided to swing, and break his neck. This was in "No income" town house, less than a year old.

I never knew what niggers did until I started watching court shows. The groidles routinely and utterly destroy a rental, get sued by the landlord and stand there as though the pictures of unspeakable filth and damage in the nest were nothing. "I los' my key" so why not just kick the door in (more than once)? Wall-to-wall rotting garbage in the kitchen? "Trash do be in a kitchen".

Humans, including me when I lived in rentals, manage to stay in a place without ripping doors off hinges, smashing huge holes in walls, leaving carpets looking like crime scenes, wrecking the plumbing/electric, getting ovens so filthy they need to be tossed, putting a ton of chicken grease ON THE CEILING, putting out cigarettes on the woodwork (Muh son like he Black and Milds"), cracking kitchen counters in half, etc., etc. I couldn't understand how they even manage to do these things. I still don't get it, but I guess one should expect this when allowing wild, undomesticated beasts to live in their properties. Even a chimp can learn to live in a human dwelling without destroying it!

Niggers should all be packed off back to Africa to their ancestral homes where, if they punch a hole in the wall, can just go to where a herd of cows is pissing, get more mud and patch the hole, that is if they're not too lazy to do even that.


Ray Cizzums
02-08-2023, 05:07 PM
Niggers should all be packed off back to Africa to their ancestral homes where, if they punch a hole in the wall, can just go to where a herd of cows is pissing, get more mud and patch the hole, that is if they're not too lazy to do even that.

I lost track of a great online post, where this contractor's relative had his apartment building repeatedly trashed by niggers,
and he came up with a solution. He put 1/2" plywood behind fiberglass-reinforced sheetrock, explosion proof light fixtures,
and concrete countertops and cabinets, with no doors. The sink was $75, the faucet $25, stove and fridge from habitat for
humanity. He found a wall mount bathroom sink and toilet made out of stainless steel. These shitkicker apartments were all
on the ground floor concrete slab, with cheap vinyl floor. The niggers he was forced to show apartments to bitched that they
looked like a jail cell. The bullet-proof monkey cages were nigger resistant, but nothing is nigger proof, of course....

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-08-2023, 05:36 PM
I lost track of a great online post, where this contractor's relative had his apartment building repeatedly trashed by niggers,
and he came up with a solution. He put 1/2" plywood behind fiberglass-reinforced sheetrock, explosion proof light fixtures,
and concrete countertops and cabinets, with no doors. The sink was $75, the faucet $25, stove and fridge from habitat for
humanity. He found a wall mount bathroom sink and toilet made out of stainless steel. These shitkicker apartments were all
on the ground floor concrete slab, with cheap vinyl floor. The niggers he was forced to show apartments to bitched that they
looked like a jail cell. The bullet-proof monkey cages were nigger resistant, but nothing is nigger proof, of course....
:lol When one moves out you just pressure wash the nigger nest and move another in. Genius! I used to be a contractor and I still deal with nigger nests at times, they rip baseboards off the walls, doors are hanging from hinges, I have seen dead rats, roach shit all over the walls, you name it. I was in one where the entire house was a fucking shit show but the nigger had a closet full of 200 dolla Jowdan bakkabawl shoes. Nigger priorities are on point.

02-08-2023, 06:57 PM
I lost track of a great online post, where this contractor's relative had his apartment building repeatedly trashed by niggers,
and he came up with a solution. He put 1/2" plywood behind fiberglass-reinforced sheetrock, explosion proof light fixtures,
and concrete countertops and cabinets, with no doors. The sink was $75, the faucet $25, stove and fridge from habitat for
humanity. He found a wall mount bathroom sink and toilet made out of stainless steel. These shitkicker apartments were all
on the ground floor concrete slab, with cheap vinyl floor. The niggers he was forced to show apartments to bitched that they
looked like a jail cell. The bullet-proof monkey cages were nigger resistant, but nothing is nigger proof, of course....

Well, they would know. But nigger nests should all be patterned on prison cells, one of the few places we know niggers can't totally wreck.

Why anyone wants to be a landlord now, I just don't know. They can't refuse anyone especially Sec8 groids. This pisses me off me so much. Niggers get their charity nests checked out first by Sec8 to make sure the accommodations are good enough for these filthy, bloodsucking parasites.

When I was very young and renting, no one gave a shit what condition the apartment was in because of course I paid the rent myself from my White Privilege J-O-B instead of with forced handouts.


02-08-2023, 08:24 PM
This video should be televised in major events, like the SOTU speech, Superbowl, etc. with the caption, "Niggers just like us". When they were slaves, they were in check. Now they've been set loose in civilized places, watch out.

As long as it's black on black violence, that's ok.

Tar Remover
02-18-2023, 08:20 PM
It's what niggers do.....:gorilla