View Full Version : c(r)Ape-r Coonye proves again you can take a nog outta the hood, but can't take the hood outta the nog

02-05-2023, 04:12 AM
Coonye lives in a dilapidated mansion with his lardass copycat mudshark , falling apart so bad it has to be hidden with massive tarps.

Crap on ridiculous nog , just waiting for you to come to your bitter end.


02-05-2023, 11:33 AM
Coonye lives in a dilapidated mansion with his lardass copycat mudshark , falling apart so bad it has to be hidden with massive tarps.

Crap on ridiculous nog , just waiting for you to come to your bitter end.


TNB to the 10th Degree.

02-05-2023, 05:58 PM
Coonye lives in a dilapidated mansion with his lardass copycat mudshark , falling apart so bad it has to be hidden with massive tarps.

Crap on ridiculous nog , just waiting for you to come to your bitter end.


Kanye West's $2.2 million LA ranch and Sunday Service HQ looks worse for wear with walls collapsing, trash strewn everywhere

Why is anyone acting like this is shocking? Every nest in which niggers squat - be it 2 million-dollar mansion or a 100$ crib in Detroit - ends up the same conditions. Genetically niggers are still in the mindset of living in cowshit huts on the savannah. It's all the same to them.

Koonye and his new mudshark whore are vaguely amusing.