View Full Version : Niggers knowing their place

02-03-2023, 05:27 PM
About the last two months, I've had several experiences with niggers knowing their place. Mostly it's them opening the door for me, and nodding. Today, a high fashion, African nigger who drove a white Range Rover, opened the door for me, nodded, and wished me to have a "good day sir". I was really surprised because this is typical good human behavior. In my mind, I said "Good boy, you learned some manners at least". I didn't say anything, just a quick nod. Despite its veneer of gentleness, I kept my distance; who knows when it will chimp.

I think it's an African nigger because of how it spoke, and dressed, and not our local-grown coons. Maybe I just give off the aura that, niggers, I'm not going to take your shit, so behave while I'm around ". Perhaps it's my gray hair and moustache.

At other instances, before the holidays, niggers let me and my girlfriend pass, nod, and appear deferential. I don't always have a scowl on my face, just a stoic look amongst apes. With normal humans, I smile, smile at children, and be congenial. I project a stern look with blackies because I don't want them to think they can assault me. But I know where my keys are at any time, and I always maintain a safe distance.

Now if all niggers really started to know their place, as in the days of old, then society has a chance to just move forward. But that ship has sailed, and now most of them only know gibs and reparations. If all niggers just accepted their place as below us, then we may treat them like obedient pets. But no, they think they can behave like chimps and then we have to accept their vile nature.

Chimps acting polite is certainly .01% of their population.

02-04-2023, 07:52 PM
About the last two months, I've had several experiences with niggers knowing their place. Mostly it's them opening the door for me, and nodding. Today, a high fashion, African nigger who drove a white Range Rover, opened the door for me, nodded, and wished me to have a "good day sir". I was really surprised because this is typical good human behavior. In my mind, I said "Good boy, you learned some manners at least". I didn't say anything, just a quick nod. Despite its veneer of gentleness, I kept my distance; who knows when it will chimp.

I think it's an African nigger because of how it spoke, and dressed, and not our local-grown coons. Maybe I just give off the aura that, niggers, I'm not going to take your shit, so behave while I'm around ". Perhaps it's my gray hair and moustache.

At other instances, before the holidays, niggers let me and my girlfriend pass, nod, and appear deferential. I don't always have a scowl on my face, just a stoic look amongst apes. With normal humans, I smile, smile at children, and be congenial. I project a stern look with blackies because I don't want them to think they can assault me. But I know where my keys are at any time, and I always maintain a safe distance.

Now if all niggers really started to know their place, as in the days of old, then society has a chance to just move forward. But that ship has sailed, and now most of them only know gibs and reparations. If all niggers just accepted their place as below us, then we may treat them like obedient pets. But no, they think they can behave like chimps and then we have to accept their vile nature.

Chimps acting polite is certainly .01% of their population.

Tru Dat!!

02-05-2023, 07:58 PM
They belong in Hell no matter how magical they are

02-05-2023, 09:07 PM
It's the magics that I think are more insidious. They are the ones who can fool a lot of unaware people into thinking they are human just like us.

02-06-2023, 08:52 AM
It's the magics that I think are more insidious. They are the ones who can fool a lot of unaware people into thinking they are human just like us.

They do it ALL of the time!!

Tar Remover
02-15-2023, 03:35 AM
Good to keep vigilant. The inner chimp is always there, just beneath the surface.

Banana Republic
02-15-2023, 09:05 PM
Good to keep vigilant. The inner chimp is always there, just beneath the surface.

Hey, man. Could you help on this Youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8)There is a fucking spear-chucking sub-human ape in the comments saying that it is happy that white people are going extinct. Could you put this boot-lipped, savage, melon-sucker in its place?
Its nickname is @Janikbily903

Tar Remover
02-15-2023, 10:14 PM
Hey, man. Could you help on this Youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8)There is a fucking spear-chucking sub-human ape in the comments saying that it is happy that white people are going extinct. Could you put this boot-lipped, savage, melon-sucker in its place?
Its nickname is @Janikbily903

That shit happens to be RIGHT up my alley! I would be happy to trash a dumb-ass, loudmouth chimp faced nigger- Jenkum bily!


Unfortunately for you, Jenkum bily, NONE of that is going to happen. Wypipo aren't going anywhere. If we did, your whole race of feral, retarded monkeys including you would starve to death along with exterminate each other. Which is fine with me, nothing would make me happier. The sad part is self-deprecating liberal white clowns keep feeding you and keeping your failed, useless race alive when you should have gone extinct centuries ago.
So you are correct. You won't live to witness this Wakanda induced psychosis because it isn't going to happen. The unfortunate downside of it all is the fact that there will always be enough of you to be a drain on the rest of society at large. Please go extinct. Hell awaits......

How's that? Make sure you click on the filter and click Newest First.

Ray Cizzums
02-15-2023, 11:16 PM
Hey, man. Could you help on this Youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNR8B3l-MH8)There is a fucking spear-chucking sub-human ape in the comments saying that it is happy that white people are going extinct. Could you put this boot-lipped, savage, melon-sucker in its place?
Its nickname is @Janikbily903
YouTube "permanently disabled" my account, for implying one of their "Black Creators" was fat and fugly, which she absolutely is.
This sheboon bitch and her nigger guests do nothing but bash whitey on one video after another. She's a complaint machine,
and job one for ShitTube is protecting her "Muh Feelz". Having no account makes YouTube a pain in the ass to use....

Tar Remover
02-15-2023, 11:35 PM
YouTube "permanently disabled" my account, for implying one of their "Black Creators" was fat and fugly, which she absolutely is.
This sheboon bitch and her nigger guests do nothing but bash whitey on one video after another. She's a complaint machine,
and job one for ShitTube is protecting her "Muh Feelz". Having no account makes YouTube a pain in the ass to use....

If you could direct me there. I can take the appropriate action.... :lol

Ray Cizzums
02-16-2023, 12:12 AM
If you could direct me there. I can take the appropriate action.... :lol

Some fat sow from Massachusetts, who calls herself Di Di Delgado. She brags about living off of whitey's welfare
gibs-muh-dats, starts go-fund-muhs for herself, asked for a free car, but she don't want no pile of junk she has to
fix. She got some lame outfit called "Turtleboy Sports" kicked off YouTube and Twitter, and they had close to 100K
subscribers. They used to call out ratchets, sheboons and buffarillas, but now, all you see is them going after white
trash. Di Di likes to do "Slam poetry" at clubs, about guess what ? Whitey. All I did was point out it looked like she slammed
a lot of cheeseburgers down her gullet, and that her guests look like a bunch of pygmy headhunters. Apparently, those
niggers didn't feel "safe", having to endure such comments, even though theirs are far worse.

Tar Remover
02-16-2023, 05:58 AM
Some fat sow from Massachusetts, who calls herself Di Di Delgado. She brags about living off of whitey's welfare
gibs-muh-dats, starts go-fund-muhs for herself, asked for a free car, but she don't want no pile of junk she has to
fix. She got some lame outfit called "Turtleboy Sports" kicked off YouTube and Twitter, and they had close to 100K
subscribers. They used to call out ratchets, sheboons and buffarillas, but now, all you see is them going after white
trash. Di Di likes to do "Slam poetry" at clubs, about guess what ? Whitey. All I did was point out it looked like she slammed
a lot of cheeseburgers down her gullet, and that her guests look like a bunch of pygmy headhunters. Apparently, those
niggers didn't feel "safe", having to endure such comments, even though theirs are far worse.

I am familiar with Turtle Boy Sports. He is a riot.

I am in the process of hammering anything pertaining to Di Di Delgarbage and reporting videos with her in it. Provided they didn't turn the comments off like the little ape babies they are....

Ray Cizzums
02-16-2023, 07:24 PM
I am familiar with Turtle Boy Sports. He is a riot.

I am in the process of hammering anything pertaining to Di Di Delgarbage and reporting videos with her in it. Provided they didn't turn the comments off like the little ape babies they are....

She's definitely a protected species online, and probably has a group of groids who pile on with complaints.
It's easy to get in a comfort zone, where you think you're not going over the line - but scum like YouTube are
constantly changing their "Terms of service", in favor of stank niggers like Doo Doo Delfatto....

Tar Remover
02-16-2023, 11:24 PM
She's definitely a protected species online, and probably has a group of groids who pile on with complaints.
It's easy to get in a comfort zone, where you think you're not going over the line - but scum like YouTube are
constantly changing their "Terms of service", in favor of stank niggers like Doo Doo Delfatto....

I am making sure I don't go too far. I hope. But I am definitely flagging all that ratchet's shit.....

02-16-2023, 11:29 PM
It's the magics that I think are more insidious. They are the ones who can fool a lot of unaware people into thinking they are human just like us.

And they are the first (and only) the Filth MSM foists on an unsuspecting America as typical for niggers. Nothing could be further from the truth