View Full Version : Hungry she boon "food service director" steals $1.5 million worth of chiggun wangs from impoverished Illinois nigger school district

Whitey Ford
01-31-2023, 03:41 PM
A lot of niglets went hungry because of this, I'll wager. :lol

Vera Liddell allegedly stole $1.5M in chicken wings from Illinois schools


The Vera Liddell the food service director of an impoverished Illinois school district was charged with stealing $1.5 million of food — most of which was chicken wings.

Vera Liddell, 66, alleging began stealing from the Harvey School District during the heigh of COVID-19, local TV station WGN station reported.

The station reported that Liddell ordered more than 11,000 cases of chicken wings for the district with school funds, but took all the poultry for herself.

“The food was never brought to the school or provided to the students,” court records claimed.

Prosecutors alleged she started stealing while students were learning remotely but the district was still providing meals available for pickup.

"...meals available for pick up..." Even during a pandemic, when the niglets are absent, whitey still foots the bill for their nutrition. It never ends.


It’s unclear what happened to the tens of thousands of pounds of chicken wings. Local news did not report the day of her arrest.

The alleged scheme was apparently uncovered when the district manager conducted a routine audit in January 2022 and founds food costs were $300,000 over budget just halfway through the school year, according to CBS News.

The food service provider employees all knew Liddell by name “due to the massive amount of chicken wings she would purchase,” prosecutors said, according to WGN.


01-31-2023, 03:49 PM
Jeebus, is it opening a chain of chiggun coop chow stores to take on the Colonel ?

It’s unclear what happened to the tens of thousands of pounds of chicken wings. Local news did not report the day of her arrest.

If its unclear, sowboon probably let most or ALL of it go bad... TNE - typical nigger embezzlement :lol

01-31-2023, 04:46 PM
You just can't make this shit up. Maybe she was starting a chain of Buffalo Wild Wings.

02-01-2023, 06:05 PM
Niggers are as corrupt as they are incompetent.


02-01-2023, 06:20 PM
The station reported that Liddell ordered more than 11,000 cases of chicken wings for the district with school funds, but took all the poultry for herself.

Niggers ook about raycists but they always stereotype themselves.


02-03-2023, 11:20 PM
If its unclear, sowboon probably let most or ALL of it go bad... TNE - typical nigger embezzlement :lol

I wouldn't be surprised if it took a bite out of every last one, its way of taste-testing the vendor's food quality. "Sheeit muhfuggas, ahz beez checkin dat chiggun foh da keeds!"

02-04-2023, 07:45 PM
Jeebus, is it opening a chain of chiggun coop chow stores to take on the Colonel ?

If its unclear, sowboon probably let most or ALL of it go bad... TNE - typical nigger embezzlement :lol

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :unigger:rofl:dindu:facepalm:kfc:racist

02-04-2023, 07:46 PM
Niggers ook about raycists but they always stereotype themselves.


Tru Dat!!