View Full Version : personal takeaway from Tyre Nichols

01-30-2023, 09:22 AM
Hey all I just wanted to share my first impressions of this situation and see if you concur. Why was it a nothingburger? So first of all nowadays it's been a whole decade of BLM. People who protested in 2013 now have jobs or burned out over saying deceased #42069's name. It seems basically that the Ben Crump agitprop machine has lost some steam since 2020 between nigger fatigue and pandemic fatigue. This was why certain media outlets kept hyping up how bad the beating was. National Guard in ATL? Well they kind of know people want an excuse to chimp out. But it's also media performance. Then we watch the supposedly appalling footage. The end result is 'no whitey to blame, nothing to gain'. It's very funny and the most damning thing about the situation that everyone involved was a nigger and the whole situation was niggers top to bottom. There will be more talks about mental health and coonmunity policing because we can't just admit that a gang of niggers with badges is a whole other level of bad compared to any other gang, and have no semblance to a civilized constabulary. To those who haven't seen, they do not act like sworn LEO but rather like a pack of baboons yelling like Samuel L Jackson, complete with slapstick shit like spraying themselves with their own mace and crying out awwww SHEEEIT and running out of breath from a 50 yard run.

In the end, the suspook refused to follow directions at a traffic stop and fled on foot. NYT says the officers gave '71 commands in 13 minutes' and that was too much to expect for any American citizen to follow I guess. That comes to one command per roughly one command every 5-6 seconds. Do you millenials remember 'bop it'? A toy that's like a big fidget spinner that gives commands (twist it! pull it!') at a faster and faster rate. It's just obvious that by defiance or niggerdom the nigger did not follow a single command, was a criminal, and was apprehended. Imagine having to beat someone to death just to make their arrest. It's not
police, it's the niggers.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-30-2023, 11:37 PM
I pretty much agree with everything you said. They have supposedly canned a 6th white officer that was on the scene but he hasn’t been charged. Expect a chimpout over that. This is a feel good story to me. 1 good criminigger and 5 niggers off to NU. They have also put 2 sows on leave that took 25 minutes to drive the amberlamps there. What do they expect, those two probably had to finish their 3 piece at KFC before getting to some nigger the ghetto police just beatdown.

01-31-2023, 03:20 AM
Imagine having to beat someone to death just to make their arrest. It's not
police, it's the niggers.

I think it's a little more complicated than that. First off, MPD had to "walk back" their earlier statement that he was driving recklessly. It's starting to appear that their whole story was bullshit. No surprise there, seeing as how all the cops involved were niggers. Same goes for the all nigger EMT's who have now been fired as well for taking too long to respond or act once on scene.

I've watched the video and noticed that the neighborhood appeared to be middle to upper middle class by Memphis standards. It's quite possible he was pulled over simply for driving a hoopty there. Even niggers can spot niggers who fit the profile. It's just as easy as for niggers it is for us since 99% of them fit the profile. What I failed to see in the videos was the driver ever once fighting back. It looked like he was trying to ball up in the fetal position and later flee. The lawyers will claim he fled for his very life. The end results will favor that version in court with zero doubt, like it or not.

Here's the overall problem with all police today: First, we keep having to reach lower in the barrel for recruits. No one wants to get $20K/year to get shot at. I don't. I doubt anyone does and if they do, we don't want them wearing a badge. Second, they are not trained properly. Have you ever heard of police training including the Constitutional? Most couldn't recite one sentence from any of our founding documents but are instead spoon fed only what they want them to know. Public schools quit years ago so unless people in mass decide to start taking law classes or educate themselves, you should assume that the cop you just passed doesn't give a shit about your actual rights. Training is being sabotaged from one end to the other in all areas of law enforcement. Soros has basically paid for the campaigns of his goons and toadies across the country in every DA, mayor, and city council race he can get his filthy hands into. This un-elected tyrant knows to not only attack us on a national level, but down to the local dogcatcher and has done so quite effectively in cities nationwide. This combined with what he and his fellow commie thugs did with local school boards and the DOE, once they control the local law enforcement, it's over for those cities with almost zero chance of recovery.

Why, you might ask, would he bother? Defunding of the police is not the ultimate goal, but only one more strategy to win his overall game. In order to take over an entire country, you must have one, single, centralized police force. It's easier to control. I've talked local law enforcement who have told me in no uncertain terms that they have no love for the federals or their control over local laws or people. These guys will be the first to go when they take over. Many sheriffs have said that they will refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws. Just last week in Illinois, yet another one made national news for just that. Our sheriff feels the same way. If he doesn't, then at least he faked it well and agreed with me when I grilled him for 30 minutes at the kitchen table when he was stumping for my vote. Poor guy didn't know what he was in for when he knocked on my door. He was pretty rattled when he left. He wasn't expecting a quiz on the posse comitatus implications on local law enforcement or my expectations as sheriff w/respect to them either. He had to admit he didn't know what it meant.

If they can cause enough mayhem nationwide with incompetent cops, they will gather the required public support to nationalize our police. There will be no state left to run to in order to get away from a bad local justice system. That is the ultimate goal.

Was this nigger resisting? Clearly, he was not complying with orders. Here's the problem: When ANYONE is laying on the ground getting pummeled, the natural reaction is to protect the head and vital organs. This cannot be over ridden with constant verbal orders of "STOP RESISTING!" It's the first thing cops start screaming for the cameras and everyone knows it. The cops know it more than anyone and they are trained to do it to cover their assess. I've been on the receiving end of a disgruntled cop's bad day at work and can say first hand that sometimes, you can't please them no matter how hard you are trying. Mix that with incompetence and nigger DNA and it's a recipe for disaster. Put a stupid scared nigger, innocent or guilty, with blue lights in his rear-view mirror and you might get fight or flight if you yank him out and start beating his ass. It's just human nature. It's especially nigger nature. This one chose flight after a beat down for foolishly protesting his innocence - which is now looking to be most likely the case. I haven't found yet where he had a criminal record and by all accounts was simply driving home from work. There is no evidence that he fought back other than his attempt to flee - presumably in fear for his life. If I thought 5 niggers were determined to beat me to death, I'd probably try to run as well.

Should the guy have kept his mouth shut? Absolutely. Should he have been beaten to death? I've lived in Memphis. There are plenty of niggers the cops should have focused their blows on before this one. So far, I haven't found that this one even had a criminal record but if he did, it will come out.

These cases are going to keep happening with exponential frequency because that is what the system is being set up to do. Failure IS THE GOAL. All the parties involved in this case are pawns in this game whether they knew it or not and whether they were guilty or not. I keep this in mind anytime I see a cop come up behind me. I keep my answers limited to yes sir, no sir, three bags full. It would behoove everyone, especially niggers, to do the same in this end of days for our country and Constitution.

01-31-2023, 04:49 PM
I think it's a little more complicated than that. ....

Well, I came across a site where they are suggesting that Tire Necklace was muh dikking an officer's wife and this was pure retaliation.

Also, the first cop that encountered Tire was white. He only tased Tire, but it seems like an argument could be made that he aimed the nigger at the other niggers on purpose, knowing what they would do, even if they were entirely ignorant of his cuckoldry situation.


Of course, the whole argument falls apart if they are saying Tire muh dikked a nigger cop's wife, because I can't imagine why a nigger would get upset over something like that. I mean, it would be so hypocritical for a nigger to get mad about something that it most likely did at some point when it was younger.

Bull Whip
02-01-2023, 08:34 PM
Yeah...I'd like to see what did or didn't happen before said nigger was wrangled out of the car; as for the po-po, they have a tough job and I wouldn't want to do it, I don't hate'em but you gotta remember that in a traffic stop or really Any other encounter you have with'em; they Aren't your friend, they're treating it like an Investigation, asking leading or probing questions OR just trying to strike up a friendly conversation; But it's All About getting information from you. I've probably been stopped 2 or 3 times in my Life!!!...lol I'm always respectful and if I get a ticket, so be it....Always comply and NEVER argue with a cop...you'll never win; you take it up with the judge...

Defund Welfare
02-02-2023, 08:40 PM
I enjoy reading tweaks posts, they really get you thinking. It’s nice to know there are still some sheriffs who care about the constitution, but I just found this as another TNB chimpout. The only surprising part is how much media outrage this generated. Feels like it was a distraction from other issues, like I mentioned a few times this happened when the Pfizer gain of function BS came to light.

Nigs only band together in the short term to fight different colors(gang or skin) and after that immediately return to killing each other.

02-02-2023, 11:22 PM
Hey all I just wanted to share my first impressions of this situation and see if you concur. Why was it a nothingburger? So first of all nowadays it's been a whole decade of BLM. People who protested in 2013 now have jobs or burned out over saying deceased #42069's name. It seems basically that the Ben Crump agitprop machine has lost some steam since 2020 between nigger fatigue and pandemic fatigue. This was why certain media outlets kept hyping up how bad the beating was. National Guard in ATL? Well they kind of know people want an excuse to chimp out. But it's also media performance. Then we watch the supposedly appalling footage. The end result is 'no whitey to blame, nothing to gain'. It's very funny and the most damning thing about the situation that everyone involved was a nigger and the whole situation was niggers top to bottom. There will be more talks about mental health and coonmunity policing because we can't just admit that a gang of niggers with badges is a whole other level of bad compared to any other gang, and have no semblance to a civilized constabulary. To those who haven't seen, they do not act like sworn LEO but rather like a pack of baboons yelling like Samuel L Jackson, complete with slapstick shit like spraying themselves with their own mace and crying out awwww SHEEEIT and running out of breath from a 50 yard run.

In the end, the suspook refused to follow directions at a traffic stop and fled on foot. NYT says the officers gave '71 commands in 13 minutes' and that was too much to expect for any American citizen to follow I guess. That comes to one command per roughly one command every 5-6 seconds. Do you millenials remember 'bop it'? A toy that's like a big fidget spinner that gives commands (twist it! pull it!') at a faster and faster rate. It's just obvious that by defiance or niggerdom the nigger did not follow a single command, was a criminal, and was apprehended. Imagine having to beat someone to death just to make their arrest. It's not
police, it's the niggers.

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02-02-2023, 11:35 PM
Well, I came across a site where they are suggesting that Tire Necklace was muh dikking an officer's wife and this was pure retaliation.
Of course, the whole argument falls apart if they are saying Tire muh dikked a nigger cop's wife, because I can't imagine why a nigger would get upset over something like that. I mean, it would be so hypocritical for a nigger to get mad about something that it most likely did at some point when it was younger.

I had just heard something about that right before my last post and was researching it at the time. I still haven't found anything else more enlightening on the subject but I'm still looking for something concrete.

Niggers get upset over these things, hypocrisy be damned. In all fairness, it's not always just niggers.