View Full Version : Nigger documentary

01-26-2023, 10:22 PM
This is a video about niggers in Baltimore. It has got everything, ventilated teenapers, "he be a good boy," niglets caught in the crossfire, wailing mammys, even a poetry reading sheboon. I know we joke about it, but there was a buck that had a rapsheet that was literally 92 pages long and still on the street, and another that was caught on police camera with pounds of weed, and prosecutors ended up dropping the charges. Turns out rapsheet buck eventually ended up in prison for a shooting caught on a jail telephone, lol, although that appeared to happen in the county, not the city.

01-27-2023, 12:09 AM
Yes, worth checking out. However it is somewhat depressing that this country and its major cities are nigger petting themselves down the toilet.

92x losers just get released to do their dirty work again and again.

Oh well, try to have a few laughs while the ship is sinking.

01-27-2023, 12:10 PM
This is a video about niggers in Baltimore. It has got everything, ventilated teenapers, "he be a good boy," niglets caught in the crossfire, wailing mammys, even a poetry reading sheboon. I know we joke about it, but there was a buck that had a rapsheet that was literally 92 pages long and still on the street, and another that was caught on police camera with pounds of weed, and prosecutors ended up dropping the charges. Turns out rapsheet buck eventually ended up in prison for a shooting caught on a jail telephone, lol, although that appeared to happen in the county, not the city.

Ba'Mo", one of the most FUXATED cities on the East Coast!! I don't know which city is WORSE, Ba'Mo', philthadelphia, coonden, washingcoon d.c., apelanta, philthadelphia or wilmingcoon, De., but I do know that the afforementioned nigger $hi+h0le$ are run by DHIMMIRATS!!

01-27-2023, 01:41 PM
Niggers ruin everyplace they take over.

01-27-2023, 02:06 PM
Niggers ruin everyplace they take over.

get ready to see more of it !!!

Ray Cizzums
01-27-2023, 03:19 PM
If we ever come to our senses, and start shipping our 40 million malcontent niggers back to Africa,
Baltimore is the ultimate port for loading them on deep draft garbage scows . Start with the
million stank blackaroons who live there, and you'll see the area spring back to life immediately.
Then have interstate monkey handlers go to work, catching boons, then bringing them in by truck,
and rail. Watch the whole country experience a renaissance, and euphoria unseen in modern times.

01-27-2023, 03:42 PM
If we ever come to our senses, and start shipping our 40 million malcontent niggers back to Africa,
Baltimore is the ultimate port for loading them on deep draft garbage scows . Start with the
million stank blackaroons who live there, and you'll see the area spring back to life immediately.
Then have interstate monkey handlers go to work, catching boons, then bringing them in by truck,
and rail. Watch the whole country experience a renaissance, and euphoria unseen in modern times.

They've had over 100 years to prove themselves worthy of the space they occupy, all they have done is prove they are a waste of said space.
Even workin' for massa for a while, they are light years better off than they would be in Apefrica. American niggers would even F that continent up worse than it already is !

I'd be one "euphoric white debbil " if your plan could only happen !!

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-27-2023, 05:41 PM
Ba'Mo", one of the most FUXATED cities on the East Coast!! I don't know which city is WORSE, Ba'Mo', philthadelphia, coonden, washingcoon d.c., apelanta, philthadelphia or wilmingcoon, De., but I do know that the afforementioned nigger $hi+h0le$ are run by DHIMMIRATS!!
It must be Philly man because you mentioned it twice :lol

Whitey Ford
01-27-2023, 06:46 PM

01-27-2023, 10:12 PM
It must be Philly man because you mentioned it twice :lol

Tru Dat!! Da' shitty of brotherly SHOVE!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-27-2023, 11:27 PM
Tru Dat!! Da' shitty of brotherly SHOVE!!
Sheeeeit :lol

02-05-2023, 06:06 PM
If we ever come to our senses, and start shipping our 40 million malcontent niggers back to Africa,
Baltimore is the ultimate port for loading them on deep draft garbage scows . Start with the
million stank blackaroons who live there, and you'll see the area spring back to life immediately.
Then have interstate monkey handlers go to work, catching boons, then bringing them in by truck,
and rail. Watch the whole country experience a renaissance, and euphoria unseen in modern times.

You're right. The Port of Baltimore has one berth for those massive Neopanamax container ships, and is constructing a second one. Imagine how many niggers you could fit on one of those ships (safely sealed in the containers of course).