View Full Version : Alabama niggers shooting each other so much local hospitals need military surgeons to assist

Whitey Ford
01-25-2023, 01:21 PM
‘We’re seeing this every day’: UAB adds surgeons to handle surge of gunshot wounds


Dr. Jeffrey Kerby, director of the division of trauma and acute care surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said the number of gunshot victims has increased from about 600 to 1,200 a year since 2013. In the last three years, the number of overall trauma cases increased by 40 percent.

More niggers, more problems.

Some weekends, the staff handles as many as 10 to 15 gun violence victims a night – the equivalent of a mass casualty event from shootings across the city and state.

Ban 'rap concerts' in the city and I bet that that number would go down.

Birmingham has struggled with rising rates of gun violence in the last several years, mirroring trends from across the country. Kerby said trauma surgeons nationwide have struggled to handle and understand rising levels of violence.

Dr. Daniel Cox, the medical director for trauma, said UAB works closely with surgeons in the military. UAB Hospital hosts the Air Force Special Operations Surgical Team when they are not deployed to combat zones. Military surgeons develop many advances in trauma care in the battlefield that can then help civilians.

Niggers have turned our cities into combat zones and battlefields.

Although UAB trauma surgeons are good at repairing gunshot wounds, they are powerless to prevent them. But UAB is trying to implement a program that could help some victims of gun violence.

They're not "powerless." Just deport all the niggers back to apefrica, and our cities will go back to being peaceful.


Ray Cizzums
01-25-2023, 05:17 PM
My neighbor upstate, where there are no niggers for 25 miles in any direction, said he took his kid to a new doctor,
(one that took his insurance) and there was a question on the patient info form "Are there any guns in your home".
He left it blank, and the office bitch said he should answer it. So he wrote "None of your business". She starts giving
him more lip, and he says get the doctor out here right now. Doesn't let the doctor open his mouth, says "Everyone
I know in this town has guns. You got a problem with everyone" ? Doctor backed way down, and put his office bitch
on a short leash after that.