View Full Version : Beverly Hills Ghillie Suit nigger busted illegally squatting in garage of empty house for sale by police drone

Whitey Ford
01-24-2023, 03:28 AM
Man arrested in connection with series of trespassing incidents in Beverly Hills


Police arrested a man suspected in a string of recent trespassing incidents in a Beverly Hills neighborhood.

Christopher Turner, 35, was taken into custody Wednesday afternoon outside a home on Laurel Way, according to the Beverly Hills Police Department.

Turner was arrested as detectives were conducting a follow-up investigation, police say.

A woman, described as a companion, was also detained.

The arrest comes after multiple residents reported seeing the same trespassing suspect over the last few days.

Police say the man was apparently living in a vacant garage of a home up for sale. One witness told Eyewitness News the man had a mattress, a fridge and lanterns inside the garage.

In one trespassing incident, surveillance video showed the suspect hiding in the bushes of a home as a police cruiser passes by. The man was seen wearing a ghillie suit, a type of camouflage clothing, and blended in with the shrubbery.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-31-2023, 12:19 PM
Man arrested in connection with series of trespassing incidents in Beverly Hills



Damn! Beverly Hills is just becoming infested with Nigger crime nowadays. Pretty soon it'll just be another neighborhood that used to be really nice until Niggers got ahold of it. Fuckin Niggers ruin everything!

01-31-2023, 01:34 PM
Shouldn't the phony nigger-loving libtards invite this poor underprivileged person into their homes to increase the diversity in Beverly Hills?

This "man" is certainly just like us, so why not?


02-03-2023, 11:22 PM
Shouldn't the phony nigger-loving libtards invite this poor underprivileged person into their homes to increase the diversity in Beverly Hills?

This "man" is certainly just like us, so why not?


Didn't you hear all the Hollywood niggerlovers and niggers are trying to outdo each other in inviting niggers to stay at their houses as honored guests?

Well, that's just as real as Wakanda.