View Full Version : Teacher Shot

Keep Britain White
01-23-2023, 08:03 AM
Well well, what a surprise! The little bastard who did this is black!


When is the white race going to wake up to the threat in our midst? As if the lessons from the U.S. aren't clear enough, here in Britain we're heading full speed down the same road.
Personally, I'd have the little piece of shit put down, like the wild animal it clearly is.

Thank goodness the teacher is recovering; perhaps she'll reconsider her view of these dangerous creatures among us, and back the campaign:

01-23-2023, 09:34 AM
This outrage is not new to the pages here.... I could not agree with you more... The rabid little shit-stain needs to be put down like the filthy little animal it is. Australia had it right when they put a price on the heads of dingos in cattle and sheep country. 5 dollars per pair of ears.

The reality is that the niglet will get off scot free... Mammy may face charges for improperly storing and not locking it's gat. But liberals expect niggers to have guns at this point so any action against the sow ... Dat bez RayCISSSS!!! And, anyway, the educated contributor to society who was shot is White.... No loss there, right, liberal vermin??? Who is the real enemy here? The nigger we know or the cuck, POS liberals who enable them.

01-23-2023, 02:04 PM
anyway, the educated contributor to society who was shot is White.... No loss there, right, liberal vermin??? Who is the real enemy here? The nigger we know or the cuck, POS liberals who enable them.

MSM have done just about everything in their power to make sure their pet nigs aren't exposed yet again for the beasts they are...
Took what 3 weeks? for some outlet to finally confirm what everyone with half a brain already knew, they think we're a bunch of sleeping sheep, or they act as though that's the case


the little shitbeast will get counseling , vidya games, and outings to Chuck E Cheese, instead of being locked up with other animals
just like 20 years ago when a raging 6 y.o. shitlet shot and killed a little YT girl classmate he wanted to MUH DIKK, almost forgotten now, if anyone ever even knew it,
thanks again to libtard media

and oh yeah , the narrative is already that "mammy" dindu nuffin too, that gun was adequately secured,
uh huh, and your tar turd has no agency for what it did, even tho it knows how to crack a gun safe !

01-23-2023, 03:53 PM
Emmett Till 2023 for the useless bastard.