View Full Version : Filthy buttcraik sow MUH DIKKs the produce at Walfart...

01-17-2023, 02:15 PM
When you think you've seen it all, niggers come up with something new and more disgusting

I may never eat another avocado after seeing this...


Tar Remover
01-19-2023, 07:45 PM
What a disgusting, black pig...... Why doesn't someone come up and punch the shit out of it?

Ray Cizzums
01-21-2023, 03:37 PM
So help me jeebus, and baby jeebus - if I was a witness to this, I'd line up, take a running start,
and hang my size 14 boot in that fat pig's ass so hard, her weave would hit the ceiling. Then I'd
do a river dance, whistle a toodely-do, and be on my way. I am not kidding....

01-22-2023, 01:39 AM
What a disgusting, black pig...... Why doesn't someone come up and punch the shit out of it?

So help me jeebus, and baby jeebus - if I was a witness to this, I'd line up, take a running start,
and hang my size 14 boot in that fat pig's ass so hard, her weave would hit the ceiling. Then I'd
do a river dance, whistle a toodely-do, and be on my way. I am not kidding....

Law enforcement there might be liable to arrest whoever "attacks" the nigger, and then the mayor would issue profuse apologies.

Dear God, why did I click on that video. Once that niggeress showed its hiney, I couldn't close the tab fast enough.

01-22-2023, 02:13 AM
Dear God, why did I click on that video. Once that niggeress showed its hiney, I couldn't close the tab fast enough.


niggers will keep going lower and lower until their "antics" really will be unwatchable by humans

01-22-2023, 07:39 AM
So help me jeebus, and baby jeebus - if I was a witness to this, I'd line up, take a running start,
and hang my size 14 boot in that fat pig's ass so hard, her weave would hit the ceiling. Then I'd
do a river dance, whistle a toodely-do, and be on my way. I am not kidding....

Ol' Doc Cizzums sounds like he has the cure for this one!

Ray Cizzums
01-22-2023, 01:26 PM
Ol' Doc Cizzums sounds like he has the cure for this one!

That I do, Moe_Gibbs. And I have a track record of similar action. My friends witnessed a fight I was in, back in the '80s,
that I finished off with the Clockwork Orange version of Singin' in the Rain, which cemented my reputation as a dancing fool. :)


Ray Cizzums
01-22-2023, 01:49 PM
Law enforcement there might be liable to arrest whoever "attacks" the nigger, and then the mayor would issue profuse apologies.

My friend growing up, always came up with slapstick comedy gold, where I'd get cracked in the head, go flying on my ass,
or get lit on fire. But we grew up watching the Three Stooges, so instead of hard feelings, we'd bide our time, and return
the favor. It was all about getting the peanut gallery to howl, consequences be damned. If "viral video" existed, we would
have been even worse. So believe me, if I saw this she-ape, my foot would be flying up that ass, and I would own it, for all
the world to see. Would I tell the judge to GFYM ? No, I'd just take my lumps, with no apologies. But I'd give any reporter an
N-bomb laced tirade, and let the chimps fall where they may....

Tar Remover
01-25-2023, 06:09 AM
That I do, Moe_Gibbs. And I have a track record of similar action. My friends witnessed a fight I was in, back in the '80s,
that I finished off with the Clockwork Orange version of Singin' in the Rain, which cemented my reputation as a dancing fool. :)


Hey Ray, do you remember that video of some naked, homeless nutjob POS that tried to squat and shit on the sidewalk in SanFagcrisco? And that dude walked up and knocked him the fuck out? I have been trying to find that vid again.....