View Full Version : Columbia Uni study says if you fix up Filthadelphia nigger neighborhoods, they'll stop shooting each other

Whitey Ford
01-16-2023, 02:08 PM
Fighting blight by fixing up homes could bring down Philly gun violence, new study shows


Replacing broken windows, picking up garbage, and pulling weeds around abandoned houses in Philadelphia could lead to a drop in gun crime in those areas, according to a new study from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University.

Researchers placed 258 abandoned Philadelphia houses into three study groups. One third of the houses received the full intervention — fixing broken windows, picking up trash, and weeding — while a third received trash pickup and weeding only and a third received no maintenance.

After three years of study, researchers found that blocks around the homes that got the full intervention saw a 13% drop in gun assaults compared to nearby blocks. The blocks around homes that only received trash cleanup and weeding showed no drop in gun violence.


Ray Cizzums
01-16-2023, 02:40 PM
Try a Niggers-sent-back-to-Africa study. There would be a 100% decrease in all crimes, everywhere.
Lets get 'er done !


01-20-2023, 01:09 AM
Try a Niggers-sent-back-to-Africa study. There would be a 100% decrease in all crimes, everywhere.
Lets get 'er done !

21741Castration would help too.

01-20-2023, 01:18 AM
"Broken windows" policing be racist though!

01-20-2023, 01:54 AM
Fighting blight by fixing up homes could bring down Philly gun violence, new study shows



BULLSHIT!! I worked for the philthadelphia housing authority for 13 munfs and MANAGED to stay ALIVE!! It's a PIPE dream!!

Defund Welfare
01-20-2023, 06:16 AM
More tired excuses to get the niggers more handouts. Literally everything legal has been tried to make niggers behave and it has all failed.
Even if you did clean up the Philly hoods, they’d just look like Liberia again within a year.
It’s all genetic and very little environmental, anything environmental is a result of their own genetics. You know what would work however? Load up every garbage scow you can find with the niggers and send them back to Africa.