View Full Version : 6 year old gangsta

Tell it like it is
01-10-2023, 09:22 AM
I am sure you have all heard about the six year old who shot the White teacher. Was this little bastard a nigger?
Of course they hide the identity to protect the little piece of shit, but all the interviews look like the town is chimped out. Why is a human wasting her time teaching in a place like that????
Of course, we immediately hear about "mental illness".
Fuck mental illness.There are plenty of just plain mean, evil children of Satan in this world, (of whom niggers are the majority) that have nothing to do with mental illness.
I don't give a flying shit if you have mental illness, are on drugs, a savage nigger, or just plain evil......
If you pose a threat to other decent people, your fucked up ass needs to be put somewhere away from society.
And when all the media circus does down, I hope they get a fucking booster seat for the electric chair and had out 20,000 volts of justice to this little heathen, whatever color it may be.
And if mommy and daddy ( if they know who the daddy is) have a problem with that, they can both hold juniors hand when they throw the switch.Serves them right for bringing this kind of evil into the world.
We got two choices people....
Either we deal with this shit, or we learn to deal with it.

01-10-2023, 01:06 PM
I don't know how reliable this site is but according to them, it was a nigger.


Reliable or not, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't a nigger. Newport News (WTF?) is 41% fuxated, that is so high it could be might as well 100%. I hope the teacher learned her lesson and will move away from there. An attractive blonde woman in such shithole is already on overtime.

Bull Whip
01-10-2023, 02:27 PM
The first thing I thought was; is this a nigger, although it seems like most of the school shootings "reported " are by white/Hispanic, doesn't mean it wasn't a nigger. I've heard nigger activists throw out" look at all the school shooters, they be white" well it may happen to be most are white and I think most of those are mentally defective, but it's No comparison to the number of niggers that murder rape and rob everyday!!!! It happens to be that niggers murder and victimize Other niggers More than anyone else; which is a Very Good thing......

The numbers DON'T lie....although niggers are 13.6% according to the US Census, of the total population they're responsible for an Overwhelming portion of the major violent crime on a Daily basis....