View Full Version : Businesses in Port Richmond, Staten Is., NYC are afraid of students

01-07-2023, 09:05 AM
Businesses in Port Richmond, Staten Island, NYC are afraid of students.

These kids are unruly and dangerous. Kids these days.


I don't remember rioting when I was a boy. I didn't destroy businesses and screaming. Did you act like wild baboons going after a lone banana when you were young?

01-07-2023, 09:47 AM
Businesses in Port Richmond, Staten Island, NYC are afraid of students.

These kids are unruly and dangerous. Kids these days.


I don't remember rioting when I was a boy. I didn't destroy businesses and screaming. Did you act like wild baboons going after a lone banana when you were young?

Nope!! Because I'm human!!

01-07-2023, 10:37 AM
Staten Island was always considered the safest and most sane of the five boroughs of Nig York City. Why?? Because it's the borough with the fewest niggers. Apparently, no longer. In true woke form, the alleged 'journalist' forgot to post pics or even mention a name. Just one 'Queenisha' would have sealed the deal as this being a chimp out. I'm looking for pics from other sources

animal mother
01-07-2023, 11:28 AM
Staten Island was always considered the safest and most sane of the five boroughs of Nig York City. Why?? Because it's the borough with the fewest niggers. Apparently, no longer. In true woke form, the alleged 'journalist' forgot to post pics or even mention a name. Just one 'Queenisha' would have sealed the deal as this being a chimp out. I'm looking for pics from other sources

My Grandparents lived a few blocks from that location and I spent a lot of time there back in the 1950's and 60's. That area back then was a vibrant shopping area (pre Mall days) with many clothing, appliance stores, movie theater (The Ritz) and other stores and people from all over SI shopped there. BUT, there were ALWAYS niggers in that neighborhood. My Grandparents block was at least 50% nigger and was right across the street for a nigger church. I remember enjoying the show on Sunday when the sows showed up for services in their hats and dresses in every color of the rainbow. However, in those days niggers still knew their place and there was very seldom any trouble and chimpout's were yet unheard of. I even played ball with these coons back then and we all got along pretty well. Then along came Martin Looter Kang and fucked everything up!!!

01-07-2023, 11:56 AM
My Grandparents lived a few blocks from that location and I spent a lot of time there back in the 1950's and 60's. That area back then was a vibrant shopping area (pre Mall days) with many clothing, appliance stores, movie theater (The Ritz) and other stores and people from all over SI shopped there. BUT, there were ALWAYS niggers in that neighborhood. My Grandparents block was at least 50% nigger and was right across the street for a nigger church. I remember enjoying the show on Sunday when the sows showed up for services in their hats and dresses in every color of the rainbow. However, in those days niggers still knew their place and there was very seldom any trouble and chimpout's were yet unheard of. I even played ball with these coons back then and we all got along pretty well. Then along came Martin Looter Kang and fucked everything up!!!

Great story. We grew up close to one another. Just head over the bridge, east on the Belt Parkway towards Long Island and on to the Cross Island - Bellerose Village... What? 10 miles maybe? That's interesting that there was a sizeable population of monkeys on Staten... I never knew that, even tho I worked in the city for more than a few years. I came of age in the mid-70's and was a young adult during the Crack Wars of Jamaica/Queens. That was my first real lesson in niggerdom. I'd transfer trains at Jamaica Station, sometimes arriving there quite late. On more than one occasion I heard gun fire very near by. Half of Long Island stopped and transferred at Jamaica... No one in their right mind would ever go down those stairs and into that nigger-fuxxed neighborhood. An old friend of mine worked at the Admin offices of the Long Island Railroad and, for a period, they hired a guard for the employees to walk just two blocks from the station to the offices. She's since retired, forced out I believe, as Executive VP...30 or so years working there. Some shit about she neglected the Ronkonkoma line/spur .... No one works in Ronkonkoma anyway- the town is a shit hole. Nice to know there's a neighbor, of sorts, here on Chimpout... Hope your travels have taken you away from that nigger-fuxxed church...

animal mother
01-07-2023, 02:51 PM
Hope your travels have taken you away from that nigger-fuxxed church...

I GTFO of NYC when I was 19 and went into the military. When I got out in 1971 I returned long enough to finish my engineering degree in Manhattan. The ‘70’s were a fun time in NYC, the crime statistics were almost as bad as today. I had my share of close encounters of the nigger kind back then. My old neighborhood was completely fuxated by then and wanted my dad to get out, but he said “fuck these niggers, I was here first” and stayed until he passed in 1987.

Defund Welfare
01-08-2023, 03:48 PM
The top predictor of crime is niggers and not poverty. Any good cop will admit it behind closed doors.

Ray Cizzums
01-08-2023, 06:58 PM
Staten Island was always considered the safest and most sane of the five boroughs of Nig York City. Why?? Because it's the borough with the fewest niggers. Apparently, no longer. In true woke form, the alleged 'journalist' forgot to post pics or even mention a name. Just one 'Queenisha' would have sealed the deal as this being a chimp out. I'm looking for pics from other sources

Here's your monkey - 14 year old "Kyonna Robinson". It was attacking the officer, who was arresting it's piece of chimpanzee shit sister.
The officer got some good shots in, and everybody is breaking his balls.

01-08-2023, 09:21 PM
The top predictor of crime is niggers and not poverty. Any good cop will admit it behind closed doors.

There's nothing a liberal POS hates more than Appalachia. Poverty more grinding than any inner city, nigger fuxxed cesspool but with 1/3rd the crime and schools that do OK... It throws the entire 'poverty drives crime' trope right out the window

You are absolutely correct! We don't have a gun problem, we have A NIGGER PROBLEM

01-08-2023, 11:47 PM
Here's your monkey - 14 year old "Kyonna Robinson". It was attacking the officer, who was arresting it's piece of chimpanzee shit sister.
The officer got some good shots in, and everybody is breaking his balls.

Niggers need additional negative reinforcement due to a smaller brain case, fewer neural folds and a greatly reduced prefrontal cortex. Our forebears instinctively knew this in the 1800's, hence the two tier justice system.... The cop was simply doing what is necessary for this beast to learn. Bravo is what I say!

01-08-2023, 11:51 PM
I GTFO of NYC when I was 19 and went into the military. When I got out in 1971 I returned long enough to finish my engineering degree in Manhattan. The ‘70’s were a fun time in NYC, the crime statistics were almost as bad as today. I had my share of close encounters of the nigger kind back then. My old neighborhood was completely fuxated by then and wanted my dad to get out, but he said “fuck these niggers, I was here first” and stayed until he passed in 1987.

Thanks for your service, bro... Interesting times to be in a uniform...You go over to 'Nam?

animal mother
01-09-2023, 11:55 AM
Thanks for your service, bro... Interesting times to be in a uniform...You go over to 'Nam?

In 1969? Where else?

01-09-2023, 01:19 PM
In 1969? Where else?

You have my respect....

Ray Cizzums
01-09-2023, 01:30 PM
In 1969? Where else?
Is there anybody worth shooting where you live now, Animal Mother ?

Chimp Detester
01-09-2023, 02:44 PM
Thanks for your service, Animal Mother. My work took me to Cambodia a few years ago. Saw zero niggers there.

Tar Remover
01-14-2023, 05:58 PM
YES! That's right! It's KIDS doing this! Not wild, feral NIGGERS, of course.....

Tar Remover
01-14-2023, 06:02 PM
Never. I'm not a nigger.

Tar Remover
01-14-2023, 06:02 PM
In 1969? Where else?

Welcome home, brother!