View Full Version : The Infestation of niggers in TV commercials

Bull Whip
01-06-2023, 08:03 PM
I know ...I know...this has been a disgusting problem for some time but very recently it Really increased, you can't help but notice it. It seems now that at least 8 or 9 out of 10 ads are niggerfied, and the Godless liberals behind it have launched a new ploy, they've placed the nigger in the opening segment of the ad, so you see the nigger first. It used to be the nigger was in the background or appeared in the middle or end, also a lot more buck niggers with white women.

Its Planned Indoctrination.

Side Note:

I've tried to Register, keep getting a "invalid email" message, unable to contact Mods...and so it goes..

01-06-2023, 10:59 PM
And the niggers are always well-adjusted, well-dressed, well-spoken, reasonable, helpful, and caring, guiding stupid, submissive nu-males and dumb female YTs. This fantasy is what is being fed to a whole generation who believes all this utter nonsense. You will never ever see snake-headed, knuckle-dragging, saggy pants pavement apes on TV. Never.

Defund Welfare
01-07-2023, 03:59 AM
You can thank big tech for the infestation of niggers on almost all advertising.
Almost all the major websites (fecesbook, poogle, etc.) force users to have “diversity” for good advertising; The whole thing has gone way too far in the last few years.

Here are two screenshots I saved a couple years back of this bullshit on fecesbook.

It’s a middle finger to smaller businesses. You’re screwed, and don’t expect any tech support.
Larger businesses can afford to have 50% niggers as “Head Bee Guy” while everyone else does all the work but a smaller one can’t afford to have niggers stealing all their assets and getting no work done.
It’s worse with ad space. You can go to poogle and type in generic things like “insurance” or “mechanics” and who floods the first page with all the sponsored ad space? All the same nigger loving chains.

The only part of this that’s funny is when these businesses make bad decisions that affects them financially you can laugh when all the niggers get laid off and start ookin and eekin “das rayciss I gotta feed ma 9 keeids, their 9 daddies be in jail!” Like you saw with Netflix.

I really hope awareness of this spreads in the coming years, this abuse of big tech to monopolize the free market will guarantee we become a third world country by the end of the century.

Tar Remover
01-07-2023, 04:45 AM
I want to make a commercial about how stupid niggers are. It will be completely niggerfied.

Bull Whip
01-07-2023, 02:37 PM
And the niggers are always well-adjusted, well-dressed, well-spoken, reasonable, helpful, and caring, guiding stupid, submissive nu-males and dumb female YTs. This fantasy is what is being fed to a whole generation who believes all this utter nonsense. You will never ever see snake-headed, knuckle-dragging, saggy pants pavement apes on TV. Never.

Forgot to mention that; virtually ALL the niggers in commercials are "set-up and placed". The situations and products they're selling are for the Most part goods and services that niggers Never buy or use. It's All About the Indoctrination of the new woke society.

It's a Total MYTH. What would be great are commercials outlining the true factual view And cost of niggers, the massive entitlements, the cost of crime(both in $$$'s and the human loss in Major crimes and violence directed towards humans) the overwhelming prison nigger population.

The hard push now with the "woke" bowel movement is to minimize the laws and policies because as they are and have been it hits the niggers much harder; NOT because they're racist, it's because the violent nigger animal Can't function in a civilized society. They are Not Like Us.!!US.!!!

Keep Britain White
01-08-2023, 03:42 PM
Same here in Britain. When I checked the other day, almost every advert was either nigger buck with white girl, or some tranny-looking "thing".
I actually saw one advert with all white people. VERY rare! Wish I'd noted down the company name.

Mind you, in general I press the mute button and look away while commercials are on. Have done for years.

01-08-2023, 06:46 PM
And the niggers are always well-adjusted, well-dressed, well-spoken, reasonable, helpful, and caring, guiding stupid, submissive nu-males and dumb female YTs. This fantasy is what is being fed to a whole generation who believes all this utter nonsense. You will never ever see snake-headed, knuckle-dragging, saggy pants pavement apes on TV. Never.

Tru Dat!!

01-09-2023, 09:39 AM
Don't forget niggers invented TV. John Logie Baird was a Scotsman of African decent who copied the rotating mechanical disc already perfected for centuries by advanced African tribes. These niggers simply carried the TV around with them. Humans are so far behind the times.


01-12-2023, 07:17 AM
You can thank big tech for the infestation of niggers on almost all advertising.
Almost all the major websites (fecesbook, poogle, etc.) force users to have “diversity” for good advertising; The whole thing has gone way too far in the last few years.

Here are two screenshots I saved a couple years back of this bullshit on fecesbook.

It’s a middle finger to smaller businesses. You’re screwed, and don’t expect any tech support.
Larger businesses can afford to have 50% niggers as “Head Bee Guy” while everyone else does all the work but a smaller one can’t afford to have niggers stealing all their assets and getting no work done.
It’s worse with ad space. You can go to poogle and type in generic things like “insurance” or “mechanics” and who floods the first page with all the sponsored ad space? All the same nigger loving chains.

The only part of this that’s funny is when these businesses make bad decisions that affects them financially you can laugh when all the niggers get laid off and start ookin and eekin “das rayciss I gotta feed ma 9 keeids, their 9 daddies be in jail!” Like you saw with Netflix.

I really hope awareness of this spreads in the coming years, this abuse of big tech to monopolize the free market will guarantee we become a third world country by the end of the century.

Markets haven't been "free" for decades. Not only do those tech mega-corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. swallow up smaller companies and crush competition and consumer choice, they don't even compete with each other. They're all working together for their globalist masters and against the common man and woman in a blatantly illegal cartel that will never be prosecuted because the globalist government is working with them too.

WOKENESS is the poison that drives this evil machine. This is a giant scam that government and mega-corporations are working together. Essentially, a giant corporation can do whatever it wants - steal, cheat, pollute, etc. - as long as it pumps out enough WOKENESS to satisfy the government and get the regulators to look the other way. Company pumped toxic waste into the drinking water? Oh, it's okay, they paid "carbon credits" to some billionaire scammer, and they have a token nigger as their "Direction of Environmental Protection," so they get an A+ environment score! Isn't wokeness great!

Remember the Microsoft anti-trust trial back around 2000? They lost, and a federal judge actually ordered Microsoft to break up into two companies - but it never happened. Why not? Because Microsoft cut a deal with the corrupt Clinton administration. Basically, they agreed to go FULL WOKETURD and in exchange the government backed off.

Don't even get me started on the "carbon credits" scam, which is nothing more than a giant wealth transfer from the middle class to the super-rich. Middle-class humans are forced to pay "carbon taxes" whenever we do something normal like drive a car or ride a plane. And where does the money go? Into the pockets of a few super-rich, super-privileged, super extreme left-wing WOKETURDS who run these carbon scams. Woke "environmentalism" is a complete fucking joke. It's nothing more than giving even more money to the super-rich, promoting woketurd causes like nigger worship, feminism, and gay worship that have nothing to do with the environment, blaming middle class humans for living normal lives and supposedly causing "climate change" (which is actually caused by nature), and promoting brain-dead puppets like Greta Thunberg as "saviors of the earth." Meanwhile, actual environmentalists like John Muir have been canceled by cancel culture because he didn't love niggers enough or something.

01-12-2023, 08:54 AM
markets haven't been "free" for decades. Not only do those tech mega-corporations like google, amazon, microsoft, facebook, etc. Swallow up smaller companies and crush competition and consumer choice, they don't even compete with each other. They're all working together for their globalist masters and against the common man and woman in a blatantly illegal cartel that will never be prosecuted because the globalist government is working with them too.

Wokeness is the poison that drives this evil machine. This is a giant scam that government and mega-corporations are working together. Essentially, a giant corporation can do whatever it wants - steal, cheat, pollute, etc. - as long as it pumps out enough wokeness to satisfy the government and get the regulators to look the other way. Company pumped toxic waste into the drinking water? Oh, it's okay, they paid "carbon credits" to some billionaire scammer, and they have a token nigger as their "direction of environmental protection," so they get an a+ environment score! Isn't wokeness great!

Remember the microsoft anti-trust trial back around 2000? They lost, and a federal judge actually ordered microsoft to break up into two companies - but it never happened. Why not? Because microsoft cut a deal with the corrupt clinton administration. Basically, they agreed to go full woketurd and in exchange the government backed off.

Don't even get me started on the "carbon credits" scam, which is nothing more than a giant wealth transfer from the middle class to the super-rich. Middle-class humans are forced to pay "carbon taxes" whenever we do something normal like drive a car or ride a plane. And where does the money go? Into the pockets of a few super-rich, super-privileged, super extreme left-wing woketurds who run these carbon scams. Woke "environmentalism" is a complete fucking joke. It's nothing more than giving even more money to the super-rich, promoting woketurd causes like nigger worship, feminism, and gay worship that have nothing to do with the environment, blaming middle class humans for living normal lives and supposedly causing "climate change" (which is actually caused by nature), and promoting brain-dead puppets like greta thunberg as "saviors of the earth." meanwhile, actual environmentalists like john muir have been canceled by cancel culture because he didn't love niggers enough or something.

100% true!!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-12-2023, 02:48 PM
And the niggers are always well-adjusted, well-dressed, well-spoken, reasonable, helpful, and caring, guiding stupid, submissive nu-males and dumb female YTs. This fantasy is what is being fed to a whole generation who believes all this utter nonsense. You will never ever see snake-headed, knuckle-dragging, saggy pants pavement apes on TV. Never.

Exactly! And these fuckin simple minded liberal douchebags believe it! They're too fuckin dumb to figure out the reason they don't ever see those fictional Niggers in real life is because they don't exist for the most part. They see the same stupid ass Niggers we all see but will choose to believe that those "well adjusted".spooks they see on television actually exist in great numbers. They must live in some Wakanda-type neighborhoods that are hidden somewhere within America that they just never see.