View Full Version : A Nigger's New Year's Eve in Germany....

01-03-2023, 08:14 AM
The shit-beasts tear apart Berlin and many other cities on New Year's Eve... Targets: Anything remotely Government related, especially police cars and Amb-lance.... Millions in damages. And the People of the Blitzkrieg sit back and do nothing.... The world has truly gone insane.


01-03-2023, 08:59 AM
The shit-beasts tear apart Berlin and many other cities on New Year's Eve... Targets: Anything remotely Government related, especially police cars and Amb-lance.... Millions in damages. And the People of the Blitzkrieg sit back and do nothing.... The world has truly gone insane.


And they import more of these shit beasts and @$$lifter$!! I remember 7 years ago when @$$lifter$ raped German women in the streets and when their brothers, fathers, boy friends and husbands fought against the @$$lifter$ da' poleez arrested the German Citizens!! That was when that CUNT angela Merkel was in office!! The world is FUCKED!!

01-03-2023, 11:20 AM
And they import more of these shit beasts and @$$lifter$!! I remember 7 years ago when @$$lifter$ raped German women in the streets and when their brothers, fathers, boy friends and husbands fought against the @$$lifter$ da' poleez arrested the German Citizens!! That was when that CUNT angela Merkel was in office!! The world is FUCKED!!

The courts are worse... They often give out suspended sentences to these rapist POS claiming 'cultural misunderstandings'..... In Europe, as in the US, there is a rapidly developing two-tier justice system.... Niggers and asslifters get all the breaks

01-03-2023, 12:35 PM
The courts are worse... They often give out suspended sentences to these rapist POS claiming 'cultural misunderstandings'..... In Europe, as in the US, there is a rapidly developing two-tier justice system.... Niggers and asslifters get all the breaks

Yes, true but they did finally nab that dangerous, evil 97-year-old "Nazi" secretary, so kudos for that. A hundred thousand savage niggers and muzzies tearing down cities, attacking firefighters and ambulance drivers? Please be tolerant about it. It's their heritage - their culture! Don't be rayciss!

And they still call them "migrants". What's the deal? Are the Germans still feeling genetic guilt over WWII, that they will lie down and allow their country to be destroyed, raped, and eradicated out of existence? Other countries, like Russia and Japan, don't seem to feel that guilt.

And the People of the Blitzkrieg sit back and do nothing...

Not only that. If you can find it, watch a series called "Secret Nazi Bases" and be dumbfounded as was I at what they accomplished in a just a few short years - feats of planning, building, weaponry, efficiency, and technology that would be a chore to replicate even today with our modern equipment, and did it all right under the noses of the allies after being thumped and disarmed following WWI.

How did they go from that to this in just a couple of generations?

Whitey Ford
01-03-2023, 03:40 PM
A Nigger's New Year's Eve in Germany....

I see what you did there. :lol


01-03-2023, 04:00 PM
Yes, true but they did finally nab that dangerous, evil 97-year-old "Nazi" secretary, so kudos for that. A hundred thousand savage niggers and muzzies tearing down cities, attacking firefighters and ambulance drivers? Please be tolerant about it. It's their heritage - their culture! Don't be rayciss!

And they still call them "migrants". What's the deal? Are the Germans still feeling genetic guilt over WWII, that they will lie down and allow their country to be destroyed, raped, and eradicated out of existence? Other countries, like Russia and Japan, don't seem to feel that guilt.

Not only that. If you can find it, watch a series called "Secret Nazi Bases" and be dumbfounded as was I at what they accomplished in a just a few short years - feats of planning, building, weaponry, efficiency, and technology that would be a chore to replicate even today with our modern equipment, and did it all right under the noses of the allies after being thumped and disarmed following WWI.

How did they go from that to this in just a couple of generations?

If you ever watched "Ancient Aliens", it's been postulated that the Germans had secret alien technology that allowed them to design great weapons, structures, communications, etc. To this day, I am amazed they had fuel injection jets in WW2 (Me 262). Assault rifles as we know today started with a late war rifle, the StuG. (abbreviated because those German words are a mile long). They were experimenting on time travel, occult research, and many weird stuff.

Personally, I don't believe the ancient aliens theory. They just had a lot of will and intelligence to build what they envisioned. Even after WW2, like Japan, they have come back as an economic superpower.

While scientific and engineering excellence is great in times of peace, it will not win wars. Logistics wins wars. They had limited supplies of personnel, arms, vehicles, food, fuel, etc. They had a two front war. It was just a matter of time and they would lose.

Their views on race was too extreme, and yet, self-defeating. They studied Asians, Indians, and Mongolians as the early Aryans, yet, they could not produce a direct link how they became Aryan.

They do have some guilt but letting niggers and sandniggers in is not a solution. What about us here in North America, we don't owe anyone anything, and yet we coddle niggers and border niggers? Reasonable people are tired of high costs + illegals. Our governments need to stop the parasites that don't give anything back in return.

01-03-2023, 06:49 PM
If you ever watched "Ancient Aliens", it's been postulated that the Germans had secret alien technology that allowed them to design great weapons, structures, communications, etc. To this day, I am amazed they had fuel injection jets in WW2 (Me 262). Assault rifles as we know today started with a late war rifle, the StuG. (abbreviated because those German words are a mile long). They were experimenting on time travel, occult research, and many weird stuff.

Personally, I don't believe the ancient aliens theory. They just had a lot of will and intelligence to build what they envisioned. Even after WW2, like Japan, they have come back as an economic superpower.

While scientific and engineering excellence is great in times of peace, it will not win wars. Logistics wins wars. They had limited supplies of personnel, arms, vehicles, food, fuel, etc. They had a two front war. It was just a matter of time and they would lose.

Their views on race was too extreme, and yet, self-defeating. They studied Asians, Indians, and Mongolians as the early Aryans, yet, they could not produce a direct link how they became Aryan.

They do have some guilt but letting niggers and sandniggers in is not a solution. What about us here in North America, we don't owe anyone anything, and yet we coddle niggers and border niggers? Reasonable people are tired of high costs + illegals. Our governments need to stop the parasites that don't give anything back in return.

Yeah, I don't ascribe to supernatural or alien stuff. I just watched what they built starting in 1936, the scale and ingenuity of which are truly mind-boggling. To this day the quality of "Made in Germany" items is unquestionable.

They had limited supplies of personnel, arms, vehicles, food, fuel, etc. They had a two front war. It was just a matter of time and they would lose.

As with so many others who fail for the same reason, overconfidence in invading Russia, and believing he was invincible was Hitler's main downfall. You have to wonder - or at least, I have - how different the world might look today had he not made that fatal mistake. The insane persecution of the Jews also took massive amounts of money and manpower.

Many millions of non-combatants died, and all for nothing. Look at the country today. But it's not just Germany. What about Sweden, France, Italy, etc - they have no reason to feel any guilt, yet they allow hundreds and thousands of destructive invaders to enter their countries. But I can't blame them either. Even countries like Spain, trying hard to keep the parasites out can't really fight the avalanche sweeping their country. As far as I know, only Hungary has a leader desperately trying to keep the flood of niggers and muzzies out and I don't think they can hold out much longer. It's like swarms of locusts and there's no way to stem the tide.

And to think - and it's JMHO - all this catastrophe started with the harmless little 'Political correctness' movement. I knew that would harm civilization, but never dreamed to what extent.

01-03-2023, 08:02 PM
I see what you did there. :lol


Hoping you have a copy of that for your family... Love old traditional books like that

01-04-2023, 12:05 PM
If you ever watched "Ancient Aliens", it's been postulated that the Germans had secret alien technology that allowed them to design great weapons, structures, communications, etc. To this day, I am amazed they had fuel injection jets in WW2 (Me 262). Assault rifles as we know today started with a late war rifle, the StuG. (abbreviated because those German words are a mile long). They were experimenting on time travel, occult research, and many weird stuff.

Personally, I don't believe the ancient aliens theory. They just had a lot of will and intelligence to build what they envisioned. Even after WW2, like Japan, they have come back as an economic superpower.

While scientific and engineering excellence is great in times of peace, it will not win wars. Logistics wins wars. They had limited supplies of personnel, arms, vehicles, food, fuel, etc. They had a two front war. It was just a matter of time and they would lose.

Their views on race was too extreme, and yet, self-defeating. They studied Asians, Indians, and Mongolians as the early Aryans, yet, they could not produce a direct link how they became Aryan.

They do have some guilt but letting niggers and sandniggers in is not a solution. What about us here in North America, we don't owe anyone anything, and yet we coddle niggers and border niggers? Reasonable people are tired of high costs + illegals. Our governments need to stop the parasites that don't give anything back in return.

Here's one for you........ Could be Nig York as well.


Tar Remover
01-05-2023, 12:59 PM
Maybe I can help here- I am a Rammstein fan and their song Deustchland and it's symbolism can explain a lot. There is also a German in the comment section that explained it to a T.
Please forgive the length of the explaination!

Here's the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQM1c-XCDc It covers several centuries of Germanic history

Hi Elizabeth,
German is my first language – so as a native pls let me explain as concise as possible many of the hidden symbols and meanings in this great song: In advance – please apologize the mistakes that I have certainly made as English is not my first language :-)
Before I go through it just some general remarks: the black lady’s persona in the video is “Germania” and she represents Germany (the nation / the people) and in many scenes where she appears the colors black, red and gold (colors of the German flag) are dominant. The video as well as the lyrics are a critical review on Germany’s history.
Main scenes of the video: The first scene with the roman soldiers refers to the battle of Teutoburg forest, the first time the German tribes untied under Arminius against the Romans and ambushed them on their march back to their winter camp + completely annihilated several legions – the romans would never return and fortify at the Rhine – this could be seen as the birth of the German identity.
The red laser beams throughout the video I think are guiding thread (German expression “roter Faden”" translates to “red thread” and translates to guiding principle / guideline of a story)
When Germania (black lady) in golden armor (black red gold as main colors of the scene pushes the standard into the ground she raises all the dead medieval knights – a reference to the strength of the German people who recovered time after time throughout history from catastrophes (especially, but not only) in the middle ages (crusades, Hunnic invasion, plague, etc.) - the additional meaning i think is the fact that German people several times followed their countries call for War - even if they were already beaten up (e.g. after WWI going into WWII)
Next scene (fistfight) is from the roaring twenties, the period between the two world wars where upper class society was decadent on the backs of ordinary people + entertainment industry was born.
Next scene shows the Hindenburg disaster (famous German Airship which blew up in flames) during a time of growing industrialization 1930s.
Next Scene is from the communist elite in eastern Germany who was indulging in party and Champaign while ordinary people were poor and the main idea of communism should be equality of the people.
Then the scene in the middle ages – where the monks (representing the church) feast on Germania (the land) and suppress the common folk (underneath the table).
The scene in the prison again refers to the roaring twenties, as Germania is dressed in a Prussian uniform suppressing the German people. Additionally money is thrown away by everybody, a reference to the big inflation in Germany after WWI.
Then the rockets (Nazi German was working on the first warfare rockets called V1 and V2 (V standing for “Vergeltung” which translates to retaliation – fitting to the picture with the rockets, the lyrics are an alliteration on “über” a german pre-syllable/prefix meaning over. “Überheblich (overbearing / presumptuous), Überlegen (superior) Übernehmen (taking over), Übergeben (handing over), überraschen (surprise), Überfallen (ambush), „Deutschland, Deutschland über allen“ (Germany, Germany above everyONE). The line „Deutschland, Deutschland über alleN“ (Germany above everyONE) is a reference to one of the verses of former national anthem of Germany which was in use from 1922 to 1945 and got excluded after WW2 for being too nationalistic. In this verse there was a line “Deutschland, Deutschland über alleS“ (a subtle difference to the line in Rammstein’s version translating to “Germany, Germany above everyTHING”). The actual verse with this line was already written in 1842, long before the formation of Germany as a Nation (which only happened in 1871) – therefore “Germany, Germany above everything” was relating to the importance of uniting the several German ministates, kingdoms and Duchies into one nation. After WWI this verse got taken into the national anthem of Germany as it spoke to the patriotism of the German people but later officially excluded fomr the anthem since it was deemed too nationalistic. Today this verse/line is generally frowned upon and would be associated with Neo-Nationalism. Using this line in the scene with the concentration camps including the subtle change from “Germany above everyTHING” (which has already the nationalistic connotation) to “Germany above everyONE” which carries an even more nationalistic / racist meaning is a very clever double-reference to the doctrine of racial supremacy in the Third Reich.
The Concentration camp prisoners have symbols sewn on their jackets for the groups the Nazis hunted and killed (yellow star for Jews, Pink triangle for Homosexuals, red symbol for political adversaries (communists). Germania is on the side of the Nazis and has an eyepatch (representing the blind eye that many Germans turned on the atrocities of the Nazi regime.

The Scene where Till is dressed as a woman refers to the left wing terrorist group called “Rote Armee Fraktion” – a terrorist association in the 1970s responsible for several political assassinations and murders as well as a famous kidnapping of German Diplomats in Stockholm.
Then there is the scene with the stake at which books are burned by the Nazis and people are burned by the church (inquisition). Later the monk (church) and the Nazi soldier hug (as the church did not go against the Nazis when they came to power and both organizations were responsible for a lot of intolerance and suffering in their times.
The scene where Germania is dressed in white with a Halo I think refers to the positive, the strength of the German people who recovered time after time from several catastrophic disasters in their history. Later she gives birth to puppies representing the German people. The puppies are from a rare breed of dogs (Leonbergers) who’s population got almost extinct in both world wars (symbolized with the dogs wearing gas masks) but recovered after the wars. In these scenes the band members wear space suits – in my view a reference to the (hopefully) better future of the German people.
In the very last scene of the outro you can once more see Germania with national colors (black, red gold) with black lipstick, red eyes and golden armor before a red/ black background holding an eagle, the heraldic symbol of Germany. Finally, please find below the lyrics of the song as the perfectly convey the message of the problematic relationship many Germans have to their homeland, wanting to be proud of it but not being able to due to it’s difficult history:
One further remark to one of the more important lines of the lyrics: The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) refers to the fact that the German people with their idenitify have been around for thousands of years, however the actual state of Germany as a nation was only founded very late (1871) thorough the unification of several mini states (Prussia, Hessia, Saxonia, Bavaria, etc.) Here now the lyrics (copied from the internet):
[Verse 1]
You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
United in heart (United, united, united, united)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)

Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath's cold
So young, and yet so old

[Verse 2]
I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
And want to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
Presumptuous, superior
Take over, hand over/puke
Surprise, invade
Germany, Germany above everything

Germany – my heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – your breath is cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and a blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you

All of you
You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary)
I (Übermenschen (translates to “superior humans” – a term the Nazis implicitly used for themselves as the calles other races “Untermenschen” – translating to “inferior humans”), weary)
We (The higher you climb, the further you fall)
You (Germany, Germany above everyone)

Germany – your heart in flames
Want to love and damn you
Germany – my breath's cold
So young, and yet so old
Germany – your love
Is a curse and blessing
Germany – my love
I can't give you