View Full Version : Damn Niggers in Australia

01-02-2023, 05:45 PM
I'm in Sydney, Australia.

They've imported a bunch of Niggers from Africa on Refugee visa's in the early 2000's.

Now these Niggers had kids, and they are causing terror everywhere they go:



What is it with Niggers and Crime?

It's like it's in their blood from birth!


Tar Remover
01-02-2023, 11:21 PM
It isn't LIKE, it IS. Niggers have always been prone to chimpouts, it's in their DNA. This is why we hate niggers and WHY Chimpout exists.

Bull Whip
01-03-2023, 08:19 AM
I used to wonder, way back in the day, " are niggers elsewhere in the World like the niggers are here in the US? "....of course I got the answer years ago; they are!!!!

I never wanted to jump to conclusions or follow the crowd regarding niggers, I wasn't raised that way, BUT from personal first hand experience with niggers from elementary school age to the present, it really IS True; niggers ARE Monolithic, no questions about it!!!! ..Look around The World, everywhere niggers are, the crime rate Is proportionate to the number of niggers. The more niggers; the more crime, and I'm referring to major violent crime (murder,rape, robbery).

01-03-2023, 09:36 AM
I remember going to Auz in 2000. Was there a good few months. Never saw a coon that wasn't an Abbo. Had a blast.

01-03-2023, 09:50 PM
I remember going to Auz in 2000. Was there a good few months. Never saw a coon that wasn't an Abbo. Had a blast.

That was the good old days.

There are African Refugees here now.

One is even a member of the famous Australian kids show (Sesame Street equivalent) called The Wiggles, started in 1994 and was all-white until this year:


01-03-2023, 11:18 PM
So nigs aren’t rare in Australia now? I’m disappointed.
I don’t mind Abos, they’re just as unintelligent as nigs but peaceful and polite in contrast.

01-22-2023, 05:02 AM
No all niggers and coons are evil committing hate crimes rapeing people on the streets and poluting all the states and territories of Australia and promoting black lives matter and spreading diseases filthy fucking demons they need remove them from the country as soon as possible before the world is run by NIGGERS,COONS and fucking towel head sand NIGGERS!!!