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12-29-2022, 12:02 PM

Apparently it don't work properly on "people" with darker skin and niggers are of course demanding gibsmuhdats. I wonder why do they even use such inferior YT juju because surely they could import much more advanced watches straight from Wakanda.

Oh, but ultra-libtard woke companies like Apple being sued by their pets make me always chuckle.

Defund Welfare
12-30-2022, 01:22 PM
I always love these stories of AI and Tech not liking niggers; Even the brightest and most progressive minds haven’t been able to create an artificial nigger lover! Love watching these companies get sued by the niggers they endlessly try to appease :lol

12-31-2022, 09:41 AM
facial recognition is racist too, because every nigger's nasty, oily face is like a big stinking electronic finger print. There is no escaping from FR and the coons know it. The days of 'they all look the same' are over for niggers now. The technology is almost impossible to trick.

Ray Cizzums
12-31-2022, 09:51 AM
facial recognition is racist too, because every nigger's nasty, oily face is like a big stinking electronic finger print. There is no escaping from FR and the coons know it. The days of 'they all look the same' are over for niggers now. The technology is almost impossible to trick.
Google's AI couldn't differentiate between niggers and gorillas, so they just eliminated gorillas from the search.
I'm not making that up. :)

12-31-2022, 11:29 AM
Google's AI couldn't differentiate between niggers and gorillas, so they just eliminated gorillas from the search.
I'm not making that up. :)

That was the reference I was making Ray. In this neo-electronic world, there is no escaping from the watchers. Wherever you go, you'll ' ping ' the system some way. All you can do is to minimize your exposure, but the world has shrunk so much now, hiding away from the microchips is near-on impossible ! I suggest we just lock up all the niggers or send them to some kind of African penal colony. We know they are about to commit a crime if they're not committing one or more already. I suggest Wakanda. It's beautiful there I hear !

01-12-2023, 06:52 AM
Same old story. Smart white people invent something, generously share it with the world, ungrateful niggers whine and chimp out because biological differences between humans and apes create an issue.

Niggers shouldn't have to be oppressed by raciss whyte man technology. Niggers should all go back to Wakanda, where they can live with "technology" by niggers for niggers (sticks and mud huts). Problem solved.

Tar Remover
01-12-2023, 12:45 PM
Google's AI couldn't differentiate between niggers and gorillas, so they just eliminated gorillas from the search.
I'm not making that up. :)

Ya know, I have that SAME problem. Go figger...... :lol

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-12-2023, 02:29 PM
Ya know, I have that SAME problem. Go figger...... :lol

The Gorillas are the ones who behave peacefully and with intelligence. The Niggers are the ones killing the Gorillas for bushmeat. About the only way to make a distinction I figure.

Ray Cizzums
01-12-2023, 03:28 PM
The Gorillas are the ones who behave peacefully and with intelligence. The Niggers are the ones killing the Gorillas for bushmeat. About the only way to make a distinction I figure.
There's a show, To Catch A Smuggler I think it was - where they open up a box from Africa, and pull out a big hairy gorilla's arm. The agents weren't the least bit surprised. They explained it was "Bushmeat" probably for a wedding. "It's considered a delicacy" he says. An ape's arm, crudely hacked off at the shoulder. You would have to have a bone through both nostrils, to even stay in the same room with that thing. The rest of the items were equally disgusting, and I didn't see any cold paks in the box. Customs and Border Patrol should have done a controlled delivery, and rounded up every jungle bat at the ceremony, and then had the reception in Ghana.

01-12-2023, 06:20 PM
I don't think any AI could possibly identify this as belonging to the human race:


AI throws its hands up and protests, "It's not my fault! I can't identify Orcs!"