View Full Version : Thousands of Hayshees told to piss off at border

12-28-2022, 12:31 PM
As the sun fell on a makeshift tent city in Mexico less than a mile from the Rio Grande on Tuesday, hundreds of migrants gathered to share the news they had been dreading: Their wait to cross the nearby border into the United States had just grown longer, indefinitely longer.


Roodline Pierre, 28, among a large number of Haitians gathered around their phones, shook his head as he described how he had escaped a long list of hardships in Haiti with his wife and 14-month-old daughter. “We can’t go back,” Pierre said. “We left everything behind to be here.”

Roodline goes on:
If U.S. authorities worried about people bringing COVID-19 to the United States, he said, why would they not test each person individually and allow those free of infection to apply for asylum?

Why not? Governments have nothing better on which to spend taxpayers' money and their own time than testing and approving thousands of filthy, feral Hayshee niggers, right?


I aint bin dun did dat!
12-28-2022, 01:39 PM
Poor niggers. I thought they would be just fine after slaughtering all the whites on Haiti. Why is it such a shithole now? Oh, that’s right, because it’s nothing but low IQ dirty niggers living there.

12-28-2022, 02:02 PM
Poor niggers. I thought they would be just fine after slaughtering all the whites on Haiti. Why is it such a shithole now? Oh, that’s right, because it’s nothing but low IQ dirty niggers living there.

EXACTLY!! They've been running the shit hole for over 200 years and they can't make anything work!! The Dominicoon Republic, on the SAME island is run by 11% of the population which are White people of Spanish descent and they are on the verge of turning the D.R. into a First World Country. Of course there are NIGGERISH sections in the D.R. so it pays to be knowledgeable of those areas and AVOID them!!

12-28-2022, 05:25 PM
ALL border niggers deserve to freeze to death. They abuse our just system; our society and culture; our ways of life by their mere presence. Anywhere, I hear loud staccato conversations of border niggers. That's already an affront to me. In the USA, English is our language, so never ending bullshit talk by Messicans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans ALL offend me. It doesn't stop. They're here illegally and you'd think they'd be respectful by at least learning and speaking English. If not, then speak in hushed tones. The whole goddamn place doesn't need to hear their filthy language. But who am I kidding: they are here because they DISRESPECT us, our laws, our space by stealing across uninvited. Once a thief, always a thief. It's more than disrespect. It's arrogant invasion. I don't care if all of them freeze and starve.

In SoCal, it's normal to hear many other languages. I hear Chinese, Korean, whatever else, periodically. I don't get mad, first, it's not constant, second, it happens not too often. Border niggers speak, fucking goddamn filthy language. Think about someone barging into your living room, sitting down, then chattering like a raccoon.

I don't mean to be too harsh on raccoons. They pull their own weight to live; border niggers keep asking for language services, pregnancy care, housing. Even their descendants, "born" here, are fucking thieves, because they have no right to be here.

I think I was glad a few days just indoors during Christmas. But the hate is back today. I don't want to keep stressing myself, but the illegal aliens are everywhere.

Those who prefer and do speak border nigger talk loudly in public, I will consider a border nigger. And I don't wish them well.

12-28-2022, 06:35 PM
ALL border niggers deserve to freeze to death. They abuse our just system; our society and culture; our ways of life by their mere presence. Anywhere, I hear loud staccato conversations of border niggers. That's already an affront to me. In the USA, English is our language, so never ending bullshit talk by Messicans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans ALL offend me. It doesn't stop. They're here illegally and you'd think they'd be respectful by at least learning and speaking English. If not, then speak in hushed tones. The whole goddamn place doesn't need to hear their filthy language. But who am I kidding: they are here because they DISRESPECT us, our laws, our space by stealing across uninvited. Once a thief, always a thief. It's more than disrespect. It's arrogant invasion. I don't care if all of them freeze and starve.

In SoCal, it's normal to hear many other languages. I hear Chinese, Korean, whatever else, periodically. I don't get mad, first, it's not constant, second, it happens not too often. Border niggers speak, fucking goddamn filthy language. Think about someone barging into your living room, sitting down, then chattering like a raccoon.

I don't mean to be too harsh on raccoons. They pull their own weight to live; border niggers keep asking for language services, pregnancy care, housing. Even their descendants, "born" here, are fucking thieves, because they have no right to be here.

I think I was glad a few days just indoors during Christmas. But the hate is back today. I don't want to keep stressing myself, but the illegal aliens are everywhere.

Those who prefer and do speak border nigger talk loudly in public, I will consider a border nigger. And I don't wish them well.

Why are Hayshees and other niggers flocking to our countries? Are they refugees? No, they are not. They're not fleeing war and persecution. They're fleeing their own shitholes because all of them are too damn lazy to lift a paw to feed themselves or fix the destruction after an earthquake. They are the ONLY populations that cannot do so.

Other countries of humans rebuilt entire cities leveled by war and massive tsunamis, without sitting on their butts, holding out their hands and demanding, "Gibs muh dat!", but niggers can't pick up a brick unless it's to brain another nigger. Think about it: What other population on earth has historically been unable to feed itself and are nations of beggars depending on strangers for the food they shovel into their maws so they can keep rutting and breeding? And they feel fully entitled to GIBS: "We'ze bee hongry!" as though that's someone else's responsibility.

They are migrating ONLY to get free GIBS, which they know YT is too scared to deny, lest accusations of raycism emerge. They are NOT here for "a better life" but to live their disgusting lives exactly the way they do in Hayshee and Africa, the only difference being they are subsidized in their breeding, stealing, savagery, and violence by over-burdened citizens - like me and all of you - of the countries they infest like locusts.

They are dangerous parasites, sucking the blood from people who worked and paid taxes all their lives and are now struggling to keep their heads above water due to sky-high prices of housing, groceries, fuel, etc, only to be forced to give more and more to niggers.

I see outrage all around, and since our governments will not lift a finger to protect us from the onslaught of savage leeches, the day might come when people have had enough, raycism or not, and take matters into their own hands.

A poll should be taken and everyone who wants to let more "Oh, the poor niggers!" in should be forced to take them into their own homes and feed them, until the parasites inevitably kill their hosts.


12-28-2022, 10:15 PM
EXACTLY!! They've been running the shit hole for over 200 years and they can't make anything work!! The Dominicoon Republic, on the SAME island is run by 11% of the population which are White people of Spanish descent and they are on the verge of turning the D.R. into a First World Country. Of course there are NIGGERISH sections in the D.R. so it pays to be knowledgeable of those areas and AVOID them!!


Just look at the difference between a percentile nigger infestation of the Dominicoon Repubelick vs. a total rout out of 100% nigger dominion

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9200e0b3377491301248866836360c85?rik=quHjEKcqLB2 WcA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.returnofkings.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f01%2fhaiti-deforestation-nasa.jpg&ehk=orjEeHCTuVk7k87321rPnxdVlj0gwlzIpPMuwHkEeds%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1

12-29-2022, 11:26 AM

Just look at the difference between a percentile nigger infestation of the Dominicoon Repubelick vs. a total rout out of 100% nigger dominion

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9200e0b3377491301248866836360c85?rik=quHjEKcqLB2 WcA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.returnofkings.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f01%2fhaiti-deforestation-nasa.jpg&ehk=orjEeHCTuVk7k87321rPnxdVlj0gwlzIpPMuwHkEeds%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1


12-31-2022, 01:54 AM
ALL border niggers deserve to freeze to death. They abuse our just system; our society and culture; our ways of life by their mere presence. Anywhere, I hear loud staccato conversations of border niggers. That's already an affront to me. In the USA, English is our language, so never ending bullshit talk by Messicans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans ALL offend me. It doesn't stop. They're here illegally and you'd think they'd be respectful by at least learning and speaking English. If not, then speak in hushed tones. The whole goddamn place doesn't need to hear their filthy language. But who am I kidding: they are here because they DISRESPECT us, our laws, our space by stealing across uninvited. Once a thief, always a thief. It's more than disrespect. It's arrogant invasion. I don't care if all of them freeze and starve.

In SoCal, it's normal to hear many other languages. I hear Chinese, Korean, whatever else, periodically. I don't get mad, first, it's not constant, second, it happens not too often. Border niggers speak, fucking goddamn filthy language. Think about someone barging into your living room, sitting down, then chattering like a raccoon.

I don't mean to be too harsh on raccoons. They pull their own weight to live; border niggers keep asking for language services, pregnancy care, housing. Even their descendants, "born" here, are fucking thieves, because they have no right to be here.

I think I was glad a few days just indoors during Christmas. But the hate is back today. I don't want to keep stressing myself, but the illegal aliens are everywhere.

Those who prefer and do speak border nigger talk loudly in public, I will consider a border nigger. And I don't wish them well.

Is your message intended for border niggers (Latinos), niggers, or both?

Tar Remover
01-03-2023, 06:53 AM
Wasn't murdering all the Wypipo supposed to turn this festering nigger shit hole into Wakanda?