View Full Version : Maurqice Rashon axe-a-dentally bust a cap into a she boon in heat while she 'twerked' on him

Whitey Ford
12-26-2022, 08:31 PM
Just another great day in the nigger neighborhood. A low IQ bozo coon with a ridiculous niggername discharges a firearm into a boon in estrus while she performed the traditional nigger mating dance with her ass on his muh dik.
Florida Teen Wearing ‘Glock’ Sweatshirt Accidentally Shot Woman ‘Twerking’ on Him at House Party: Police


An 18-year-old man in Florida was arrested this week for accidentally shooting an 18-year-old woman in the back while she was “twerking” on him at a house party last month, authorities say. Maurqice Rashon Thomas was taken into custody on Tuesday and charged with one count each of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, improper use of a firearm, tampering with a misdemeanor proceeding, and culpable negligence inflicting harm, records reviewed show.

Upon arriving at the scene, first responders located the female victim suffering from a gunshot wound to her back. She was transported to Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne for treatment. Multiple witnesses allegedly identified the shooter as Thomas.

According to eyewitness accounts, the victim had been making physical contact by “Twerking” on Thomas, dancing with her rear facing his front. During this contact, a handgun allegedly possessed by Thomas discharged, resulting in “one round entering the back of the victim and exiting through the front of her body.”

A juvenile female witness on the scene told officers that Thomas had been pointing a firearm in the victim’s direction when the weapon suddenly fired, indicating that she did not believe the shooting was intentional.


Investigators obtained cell phone footage from the party which allegedly showed adults and minors dancing inside the home and drinking alcohol. Prior to the shooting, a juvenile male can allegedly be seen “holding a firearm in a reckless manner” while in the presence of a 4-year-old child. The video also showed Thomas, who was wearing a black sweatshirt with a white “Glock” logo on the front.


I aint bin dun did dat!
12-26-2022, 08:47 PM
Look at that diversity. Black skin, black hair and black, soulless eyes just beaming with intelligence. Niggers wave their paw guns around like nerf guns. Niggers should npt be allowed to own firearms. It’s like giving a 5 year old the keys to your car. Although, I doubt this one was owned legally anyways.

12-26-2022, 10:20 PM
Ah yes another mindless (attempted) coonslaughter. He was trying to muh dikk the hapless boon when he monkey fingered his trigger instead.

Calls to mind that incident when a sowboon riding in the car, was playing with a hard piece like it was a toy , and then casually let one off into the head of the buck beside her.
Most of us probably have seen the vdo of that one.

Stupid niggers , careless sowboons in heat, and a hot lead pump, usually a recipe for disaster, or rather a happy ending courtesy of the bat fairy !!

Hey where you fum agin? UHHHHHHHHH LOL

https://www.yenisafak.com/en/video-gallery/news/footage-containing-graphic-content-shows-woman-shooting-man-in-the-head-2180363#:~:text=Footage%20containing%20graphic%20c ontent%20shows%20woman%20shooting%20man,the%20man% 20next%20to%20her%20in%20the%20head.

12-28-2022, 09:18 AM
Soooo much TNB! This is what they are when left to their own devices.

12-28-2022, 12:20 PM
Soooo much TNB! This is what they are when left to their own devices.

No kidding!

nvestigators obtained cell phone footage from the party which allegedly showed adults and minors dancing inside the home and drinking alcohol. Prior to the shooting, a juvenile male can allegedly be seen “holding a firearm in a reckless manner” while in the presence of a 4-year-old child. The video also showed Thomas, who was wearing a black sweatshirt with a white “Glock” logo on the front.

So even if niggers misbehavin' are on a video, it's still "alleged"?

The rest of it - the drinking, the gun-waving, the little niglet present, the twerking, "Maurqice"? We certainly don't need photos to know this is all pure TNB.

Every time I see an article that starts with "a Florida man" I'm pretty sure TNB will be included.

Ray Cizzums
12-28-2022, 02:01 PM
That silly nigger is sporting a hurra doo known as the "Court Jester".
How does a grown male congoloid have time to play with it's hair that much ?
I kept my GI crew cut going for 10 years after I got out of the Army.
Ten seconds to wash it, ten more to dry it - off to work I go....

12-28-2022, 03:39 PM
That silly nigger is sporting a hurra doo known as the "Court Jester".
How does a grown male congoloid have time to play with it's hair that much ?
I kept my GI crew cut going for 10 years after I got out of the Army.
Ten seconds to wash it, ten more to dry it - off to work I go....

What else do niggers have to do. It's not as though they get up and out and off to work. Plenty of time for elaborate hairdids and the Court Jester is a popular one.


12-28-2022, 08:51 PM
What else do niggers have to do. It's not as though they get up and out and off to work. Plenty of time for elaborate hairdids and the Court Jester is a popular one.

21566That fugly and retarded nigger hurr doo should be named the "court jester" doo.

12-28-2022, 08:53 PM
Filed under the "only a fucking nigger" section.
"Maurqice"? So his stupid mammy stuck an extra 'q' in his name and no one caught the mistake. Typical dumbazz bog.

12-28-2022, 09:14 PM
The least the pathetic teenaper could have done was to take out the sow permanently .... We're now feeding this one on tax dollars and the winged sow gets to crap out who knows how many dozens of shitlets....

It's a loser all around

12-28-2022, 09:21 PM
What else do niggers have to do. It's not as though they get up and out and off to work. Plenty of time for elaborate hairdids and the Court Jester is a popular one.


Fucking thing looks like something I'd have my Biology students look at under a microscope... A Hydra....Not surprisingly found in large numbers in sewage polluted water


This beast is of higher intelegence than the shitstain pictured above, however

12-28-2022, 10:55 PM
Fucking thing looks like something I'd have my Biology students look at under a microscope... A Hydra....Not surprisingly found in large numbers in sewage polluted water


This beast is of higher intelegence than the shitstain pictured above, however

I always think of the monster in the movie, "Jack the Giant Killer".


Tar Remover
01-04-2023, 03:58 AM
Niggers are an ape that was born to be under the whip.

01-06-2023, 10:47 AM
Ah yes another mindless (attempted) coonslaughter. He was trying to muh dikk the hapless boon when he monkey fingered his trigger instead.

Calls to mind that incident when a sowboon riding in the car, was playing with a hard piece like it was a toy , and then casually let one off into the head of the buck beside her.
Most of us probably have seen the vdo of that one.

Stupid niggers , careless sowboons in heat, and a hot lead pump, usually a recipe for disaster, or rather a happy ending courtesy of the bat fairy !!

Hey where you fum agin? UHHHHHHHHH LOL

https://www.yenisafak.com/en/video-gallery/news/footage-containing-graphic-content-shows-woman-shooting-man-in-the-head-2180363#:~:text=Footage%20containing%20graphic%20c ontent%20shows%20woman%20shooting%20man,the%20man% 20next%20to%20her%20in%20the%20head.

I remember that video!!

01-06-2023, 12:10 PM
Ah yes another mindless (attempted) coonslaughter. He was trying to muh dikk the hapless boon when he monkey fingered his trigger instead.

Calls to mind that incident when a sowboon riding in the car, was playing with a hard piece like it was a toy , and then casually let one off into the head of the buck beside her.
Most of us probably have seen the vdo of that one.

Stupid niggers , careless sowboons in heat, and a hot lead pump, usually a recipe for disaster, or rather a happy ending courtesy of the bat fairy !!

Hey where you fum agin? UHHHHHHHHH LOL

https://www.yenisafak.com/en/video-gallery/news/footage-containing-graphic-content-shows-woman-shooting-man-in-the-head-2180363#:~:text=Footage%20containing%20graphic%20c ontent%20shows%20woman%20shooting%20man,the%20man% 20next%20to%20her%20in%20the%20head.

I don't remember that one. Finally, a nigger does something right.

Terrifying Facebook live footage shows three irresponsible people playing with a loaded hand gun in a car at a petrol station in Houston, Texas.

"irresponsible PEOPLE"? Stop with the dumb propaganda. We clearly see see three sub-simian, bix-nooding, 60IQ groids, doing what comes naturally.

And "terrifying"? I found it highly amusing. Too bad the whore didn't get the buck in the back and then blow out its own peanut-sized brain too.