View Full Version : Sicko coal black nigger 'sextortionist' causes teen to suicide

Whitey Ford
12-20-2022, 04:13 PM
Creep Arrested in ‘Sextortion’ Scam That Led to Teen’s Suicide, Police Say


A 25-year-old involved in a West African “financial sextortion” scheme was arrested last week in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, according to local authorities.

Jonathan Kassi allegedly used online monikers, including “emillysmith” and “kassijonathan,” across a number of platforms to extort money out of children after convincing them to share sensitive and revealing photographs of themselves.

He is charged with extortion and attempted disorderly conduct for “posting of a photograph or recording without consent,” according to San Jose police.

Kassi is believed to be the individual behind the suicide death of 17-year-old Ryan Last earlier this year.

“Somebody reached out to him pretending to be a girl, and they started a conversation,” said Pauline Stuart, Last’s mother, in an interview with CNN in May.

While posing as a girl, Kassi allegedly shared nude photos, encouraging Last to send back racy photos of his own. When the minor complied, Kassi asked for $5,000, threatening to share the nude picture with Last’s friends and family if he didn’t fork over the cash, according to the report.


12-23-2022, 09:10 AM
This was a leading headline on CNN and the rest of the Lame Stream Media, right? It would have if this had been a white man (not to say that wouldn't have been heinous too).

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-24-2022, 04:10 AM
This was a leading headline on CNN and the rest of the Lame Stream Media, right? It would have if this had been a white man (not to say that wouldn't have been heinous too).

If it was a white man and the suicide victim had been a nigger youf you can bet your ass it would've been the top story across ALL of MSM in country. I'm surprised it was covered by CNN at all being the nigger loving network that they are.

Jim Crow
12-24-2022, 09:05 AM
So ,a nigger from West Africa was posing as a woman online. meaning, it must’ve posted pictures of a woman. I’m assuming a sow. so this stupid naïve kid fell into the trap. Couldn’t of been true bright and more than likely wanting to drill oil. If I’m right, which I probably am. I’m gonna have to be my usual heartless self and say “good riddance”.
I had a young helper on the job.He started sending his money to Guana because he was in love with a sow he met online. The kid was stupid and naïve. I tried to give him a little advice. But in the end, I fired his stupid pathetic ass!

Whitey Ford
12-26-2022, 02:53 PM
This was a leading headline on CNN and the rest of the Lame Stream Media, right? It would have if this had been a white man (not to say that wouldn't have been heinous too).

Just like this morning when all those nigger looters are turning Buffalo upside down, I had to read about it on Zero Hedge because all the 'mainstream media' sources are ignoring it.