View Full Version : 2 Teenapers Murder a White Chick for $ in Buffalo Shit NY

12-18-2022, 01:44 AM
Two teen boys, ages 14 and 17, were arrested. Their names and profiles were not published due to their ages. Reports say robbery was the motive. Erie County District Attorney John Flynn said, “It was allegedly a marijuana sale gone bad.”

The victim was murdered in census tract 004200, which is 91% Black and 4% White. We’re counting this as a black-on-white killing [Two Buffalo teenagers charged with murder of 16-year-old girl, attempted robbery, by Adam Duke, Evan Anstey, Marlee Tuskes, wivb.com, August 21, 2022].https://vdare.com/articles/24-plus-black-on-white-homicides-including-priest-and-assistant-beaten-beyond-recognition-november-2022-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america
Emily Keiper

Two Buffalo teenagers charged with murder of 16-year-old girl, attempted robbery
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Two teenage boys, 14 and 17, have been charged in connection with a shooting death that occurred on Elmer Avenue just after midnight Friday morning, according to Buffalo Police.

During a conference held Monday afternoon, Erie County District Attorney John Flynn provided an update on this case.

“It was allegedly a marijuana sale gone bad,” Flynn said.

The teens, who were each accused of attempted robbery and second-degree murder, were arraigned on the charges over the weekend. Both were in custody, with the 17-year-old being offered no bail. But the younger teen has since been released after being held on $50,000 bail.

Prior to the 14-year-old’s release, Flynn, who also spoke on bail reform during the conference, was displeased at the fact that the younger teen had the opportunity to be released on bail. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia also spoke, calling for “sensible” changes to the lawhttps://www.wivb.com/news/crime/two-buffalo-teenagers-charged-with-murder-robbery/

12-18-2022, 02:45 AM
Two teen boys, ages 14 and 17, were arrested. Their names and profiles were not published due to their ages. Due to their ages my ass! I want these idiots info, all of it. And as always they never mention race whatsoever when it's a nigger on white crime, have the audacity to keep their info private like they deserve any privacy still and then proceed to say they want "sensible changes" to the law. If I wasn't mad before I sure am now. Though at least the older chimp is behind his cage like a good animal should with no bail but I hope it's in there until it croaks. The same should've been done with the smaller primate.

Ray Cizzums
12-18-2022, 11:02 AM
Thieving spooks always try the "Drug deal gone bad" and "He called me nigger" excuse.
Unfortunately, it usually works....

12-18-2022, 11:57 AM
Thieving spooks always try the "Drug deal gone bad" and "He called me nigger" excuse.
Unfortunately, it usually works....
The only excuse I'll buy is the classic "I'm a violent subhuman nigger :gorilla" one.

12-18-2022, 12:04 PM
Thieving spooks always try the "Drug deal gone bad" and "He called me nigger" excuse.
Unfortunately, it usually works....

Especially in "blue" cities!! Moreso if they have a soro's funded attorney!!

Whitey Ford
12-20-2022, 06:34 PM
Erie County District Attorney John Flynn said, “It was allegedly a marijuana sale gone bad.”

"A drug deal gone bad".......my ass.
Yeah right. I bet this 90lb sixteen year old girl pulled a Benelli M4 Combat shotgun outta her purse, pointed it at the niggers and said "Alright you motherfuckin' blue gummed jigaboos, put all your money and weed in this here sack or I'm going to blow your black nigger heads right off their stump necks!" And then the poor victim niggers were forced to open fire in obvious self defense and in extreme fear for their lives. Bull-fuckin-shit! :mad:

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-21-2022, 03:06 PM
"A drug deal gone bad".......my ass.
Yeah right. I bet this 90lb sixteen year old girl pulled a Benelli M4 Combat shotgun outta her purse, pointed it at the niggers and said "Alright you motherfuckin' blue gummed jigaboos, put all your money and weed in this here sack or I'm going to blow your black nigger heads right off their stump necks!" And then the poor victim niggers were forced to open fire in obvious self defense and in extreme fear for their lives. Bull-fuckin-shit! :mad:
Exactly. White girls parents should have been more diligent and advised her about scummy niggers and what will happen if you find yourself in a situation alone with them. If she was trying to buy pot, she could’ve gotten some better shit from the white kids guaranteed and there would be nobody dead.

Magic Nigger Rashad
12-21-2022, 06:18 PM
I agree, those privacy protections and other rights should be null in relation to crimes like capital murder.

Magic Nigger Rashad
12-21-2022, 06:21 PM
True, but almost all venues of entertainment elevate the status of the common groid. Even with decent parenting, there is no guarantee that she would stay away. Every media outlet is propagating dominate coon males and weak Whites.

12-23-2022, 09:08 AM
Thieving spooks always try the "Drug deal gone bad" and "He called me nigger" excuse.
Unfortunately, it usually works....

Whatever share of blame that girl deserves, the niggers should still be kept behind bars forever. Any excuse, anytime, to keep a nigger at NU.