View Full Version : Crazy nignog baked to death in Alabama prison

12-14-2022, 09:20 PM
Easy fix to this, just eliminate climate control for prison niggers.

12-15-2022, 02:16 AM
My heart weeps for this gud boi, having been in prison half of it's useless existence. I feel sorry it was roasted alive. He didn't mean to hurt no one, he's just mentally ill. He could've been the next Jonas Salk.

Go to your ancestors, nigger, where you'll be free from raycissms. And never come back.

12-15-2022, 10:13 AM
My heart weeps for this gud boi, having been in prison half of it's useless existence. I feel sorry it was roasted alive. He didn't mean to hurt no one, he's just mentally ill. He could've been the next Jonas Salk.

Go to your ancestors, nigger, where you'll be free from raycissms. And never come back.


I aint bin dun did dat!
12-15-2022, 10:26 AM
This nigger killed 2 people at age 17 and they were ready to release it back out into society in 2024. Amazing world we live in. Of course some scumbag attorney will get the fambly of the murderous, vile ape some gibs because its worthless life was ended too soon! Any attorney willing to defend murderous shit apes should take their place in the easy bake prison cell.

12-15-2022, 10:59 AM
mmmmoooohuuuuhhhuuu haahahahaha! pppfff haha harhar!
hhhh hahaha huhuh.

12-15-2022, 06:17 PM
My heart weeps for this gud boi, having been in prison half of it's useless existence. I feel sorry it was roasted alive. He didn't mean to hurt no one, he's just mentally ill. He could've been the next Jonas Salk.

Go to your ancestors, nigger, where you'll be free from raycissms. And never come back.

I too started weeping when I read this and even found some sad violin music to go with it.

Thomas Lee Rutledge, 44, died alone in an Alabama prison cell (https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2020/12/man-serving-life-for-1993-jefferson-county-double-murder-dies-in-prison.html) two years ago, sitting with his face pressed to his window, trying to breathe in cold air, as the heat piped into the mental health unit rose to an extreme level, and according to a federal lawsuit, “he was literally baked to death in his cell.”


He was BAKED to def!!! Crispy? :lol oh, I mean :(

Too bad for Thomas that he never thought to press his over-inflated triple-sized boot lips against the cold window. That would have cooled his whole worthless carcass, you know - the way putting your feet in a very cold stream cools you on a hot day.

Well, bye Thomas. I guess the world will never know your potential and the heights you may have reached if not for mean, cruel YT KFC-ing you.

12-15-2022, 07:28 PM
I too started weeping when I read this and even found some sad violin music to go with it.


He was BAKED to def!!! Crispy? :lol oh, I mean :(

Too bad for Thomas that he never thought to press his over-inflated triple-sized boot lips against the cold window. That would have cooled his whole worthless carcass, you know - the way putting your feet in a very cold stream cools you on a hot day.

Well, bye Thomas. I guess the world will never know your potential and the heights you may have reached if not for mean, cruel YT KFC-ing you.

I am glad that I am not alone in celebrating this nigger's life, that we knew how this ape was a good ape in it's simian heart of hearts. Such a loss for monkeydom.
If only all niggers can be baked out of existence, I'm all for it.

Defund Welfare
12-15-2022, 08:00 PM
Would you look at that filthy evolutionary reject! Nose like a B-52 intake, cranium like a deflated balloon, and lips that make you question how niggers sink like a rock in the water.

Those esurient lawyers really love their niggers to care so much about that coon, criminals have way more rights than their victims do now. Hey niggers, want to not get ghetto lobstered in prison? Here’s a thought, stop committing crimes!

Edit: near the bottom of the article they listed what this nigger did. He’s spent more than half of his life behind bars for killing two other niggers at 17. Now I don’t consider niggers killing each other a crime but just littering, but those lawyers sure care about that poor niggers rights for their career! I say good riddance to the crispy coon!

12-15-2022, 11:39 PM
Would you look at that filthy evolutionary reject! Nose like a B-52 intake, cranium like a deflated balloon, and lips that make you question how niggers sink like a rock in the water.

Those esurient lawyers really love their niggers to care so much about that coon, criminals have way more rights than their victims do now. Hey niggers, want to not get ghetto lobstered in prison? Here’s a thought, stop committing crimes!

Edit: near the bottom of the article they listed what this nigger did. He’s spent more than half of his life behind bars for killing two other niggers at 17. Now I don’t consider niggers killing each other a crime but just littering, but those lawyers sure care about that poor niggers rights for their career! I say good riddance to the crispy coon!

Every libtard's heart bleeds for violent criminiggers. I never see this kind of sob story for an innocent human victim, like the woman the other day who was stabbed to death in her own garage by a "young" nigger who wanted to steal her car. What about her? She suffered teror and agony and died all alone on the floor of a garage and she never committed any crimes. Where's the weeping for HER?

Tar Remover
12-17-2022, 05:53 PM
Send the carcass to Haiti. THEY'LL eat it......

12-17-2022, 06:30 PM
Send the carcass to Haiti. THEY'LL eat it......

"Long pork! It's what's for dinner!"

long pork: Reportedly coined because cannibals attest that human meat tastes like pork.

12-18-2022, 01:12 PM
The fact that this spade was going to be released back into society in a couple of years makes its deff by extra crispy extra delicious. If it hadn't been baked to goodness, it would have gotten out and the statistical odds say it would have raped and killed White people. Human lives were saved because this worthless nigger got turned into an extra crispy version of NFC (Nigger Fried Chicken).

12-19-2022, 08:54 PM