View Full Version : California to Pay reparations to niggers

Blue Gum
12-06-2022, 02:33 PM
So the nigger-loving democrapic governor is calling for legislation to appropriate $559,000,000,000, which happens to be almost twice the States annual budget. The plan is to give $325,000 to every nigger in the state to make up for the injustice
in niggers incarcerated, unable to buy a home, and having to live in poverty (because the stinking niggers dont want to work).Rhode Island just ratified $10m or $12m to handout to niggers in Providence, the goal and intention is to widen it out statewide.

I think the story said 15 or 20 other states Are moving in the same direction, it's Totally Insane. The stinking nigger animal HAS been given $$$'s over and over again, does it help? NOPE...same old violent stinking niggers.

Ray Cizzums
12-06-2022, 03:34 PM
It would make fiscal sense, if repatriation to the African continent were a requirement....


12-06-2022, 07:09 PM
It would make fiscal sense, if repatriation to the African continent were a requirement....

Yes !! Provide them all with a million Wakandan dolluz each and send them back to the magical utopian Wakanda ! There they can all live in magical majesty and never have to worry about being second class to the wicked white man ! What you waiting for niggers? Paradise awaits...

Jim Crow
12-06-2022, 08:01 PM
That won’t pass!

12-06-2022, 10:12 PM
There were no nigger slavery in California, ever. This proposal is probably just being done to appease nigger, but really, how can any nigger prove they're part slave an ancestry, when they don't even know their parents? It is impossible to implement, and impossible to force people to pitch in for this. How would it be fair for majority of us that have families that never owned slaves?

12-06-2022, 10:35 PM
It would make fiscal sense, if repatriation to the African continent were a requirement....



LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-18-2022, 07:35 PM
That won’t pass!

I sure the fuck hope not! But you never know in woke ass Commiefornia. Every stinking Nigger in America will be packing up to move there as well. And Gavin Nuisance and his fucked up Aunt Nancy Piglosi will be the first ones to move out you can bet. Them and everyone else who can afford to move. Considering Niggers don't work and therefore pay zero taxes how would the State sustain itself. Of course I suppose the Niggerloving Federal "Gubment" would step in and give them everything they need to survive until this country implodes from all the Nigger coddling. Niggers and the coddling of them will ultimately be what destroys this country and the world.

12-19-2022, 01:46 PM
You betcha it will pass and it's just another way for da gubmint to tax us and collect money. Niggers will squander it away and it will end back into Piglosi and Nuisance's pockets.
Even the nigger Maxine Waters knows this.
This country is rapidly turning into a giant craphole no different from any other banana republic.

12-19-2022, 02:34 PM
Niggers and the coddling of them will ultimately be what destroys this country and the world.

Every nigger holds a massive negative equity value. The existence of every nigger in a human society is a costly affair. Niggers are useless, hopeless and worthless. They have no value to the majority of humans. However, some humans make a huge income from the presence of niggers through enabling and profiteering. Niggers are good for business. Wish it was me !

Tar Remover
12-20-2022, 04:11 AM
Go ahead and wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. Good luck, niggers.

Nigger rufus
12-20-2022, 07:39 AM
I think it WILL pass, and not only that; I've seen a handful of nigger Congress monkeys that are really pushing hard, especially that , one of many, radical nigger from Michigan, akeem Jefferies, look that nigger up sometime, that POS is on the spearhead of everything to do that's Against the country, so this nigger is pushing for Everything the asshole in California wants and more, it wants reparations to be taken National.....

So.....what's the common thread? I don't mean niggers, although niggers Are a Losing proposition, the common thread IS they're All democraps....liberal fuking democraps, are Republicans perfect? HELL NO!!!!! Not by a long shot, BUT at least the Pubs are Starting off on the right foot, Pubs are for the Most part, Constitutionalists, democraps are the Opposite, they hate this country, just like the niggers do, I've seen maybe 3-4 democrap Congress libs talk halfway right, BUT here's the problem; and you can Widen this out to niggers and libs in general; they may talk the talk BUT at the end of the day? They All vote the Same way.....

A quick note.....regarding the southern border; what you see now IS by design, THIS IS the democraps plan, it's not a mistake, it's intentional......it's ALL about Buying votes.....(forgiving student debt, refusing to follow Federal immigration law, reparations,..etc)

I mentioned before, President Reagan along with senator Kennedy, the one that was responsible for the drowning death of Mary Jo Kapecknick(sp), gave amnesty to 3-4 million Illegal people, and it WAS stated that would not happen again, then the democrapic Traitor Jimmy Carter, announced it n national TV, that he wanted to "welcome" the poor people of Cuba in, so....what do you think happened? It was called the " Mariel boatlift", where 120,000 Cubans came to South Florida in 6 months, completely overwhelming the infrastructure system,...ie... hospitals, schools, housing...etc, and Now the democrapic asshole traitor in office IS Doing the same thing.

12-20-2022, 09:56 AM
However, some humans make a huge income from the presence of niggers through enabling and profiteering. Niggers are good for business. Wish it was me !

In the same way I wouldn't want to be an oil magnate, I would never want to deal in such DIRTY business!

12-25-2022, 10:11 AM
In the same way I wouldn't want to be an oil magnate, I would never want to deal in such DIRTY business!

Trouble is, oil is here to stay, just like niggers. I'd quite happily furnish my short life in comfort, if I could find a way to profiteer from either. Just wish I was smart enough.