View Full Version : 83 year old Home Depot worker murdered by a nigger shoplifting

12-05-2022, 11:00 PM
An 83 year old Home Depot worker was pushed to the ground by a nigger thieving pressure washers. The poor gent has just died from the injuries sustained a few weeks ago. The nigger is still on the loose and the coon-hunt is on. The old man clearly had morals to protect that he couldn't let slide. If it was me, I'd have just let the nigger leave. There's no way I would protect a corporation as most of them are nigger loving entities anyway.

Even so, this fine American citizen should never have been struck by this nigger. All niggers need to rounded up and sent to Wakanda immediately. They'd be much better off.


Gary Rasor is seen on surveillance footage stepping up to confront a man wheeling three Ryobi pressure cookers out of the Hillsborough store Oct. 18 — only to be shoved to the ground by the crook who then casually strolls away.

Jim Crow
12-06-2022, 07:15 AM
An 83 year old Home Depot worker was pushed to the ground by a nigger thieving pressure washers. The poor gent has just died from the injuries sustained a few weeks ago. The nigger is still on the loose and the coon-hunt is on. The old man clearly had morals to protect that he couldn't let slide. If it was me, I'd have just let the nigger leave. There's no way I would protect a corporation as most of them are nigger loving entities anyway.

Even so, this fine American citizen should never have been struck by this nigger. All niggers need to rounded up and sent to Wakanda immediately. They'd be much better off.


I agree with you! although I would never work for Home Cheapo, I would’ve totally ignored the thievin Nager and let it take whatever it wanted.Nigger loving HD deserves to be robbed by their nigger pets!

12-06-2022, 09:41 AM
Filed under: "Never do bidness with a nigger."

12-06-2022, 12:10 PM
footage stepping up to confront a man wheeling three Ryobi pressure cookers

Three things:
1 - It's "pressure WASHERS", you idiots! Did a nigger write this article?

2 - The fact that the nigger felt perfectly within its rights to openly steal these large items shows just what the libtards have wrought - a world in which a primitive sub-simian criminal species is untouchable and above the law.

3 - Yeah, hunt for the nigger. It might be charged with involuntary manslaughter and I would wager there will be zero NU time.

If a YT thief had knocked down a po' ol' nigga, working so hard at his age after overcoming a lifetime of discriminashuns and raycisms, the YT would be on the "Most Wanted" list. NIgger Crump would be right on the case and the incident would be broadcast around the world, with newscasters and stories reflecting shock and horror at the evilness of YT. Mass chimpouts would erupt with many clown shoes stolen in smash and grabs, etc, etc.

Who cares about some old white guy? After all, Orca Winfrey did say that "all old white men should die".

12-06-2022, 12:51 PM
An 83 year old Home Depot worker was pushed to the ground by a nigger thieving pressure washers. The poor gent has just died from the injuries sustained a few weeks ago. The nigger is still on the loose and the coon-hunt is on. The old man clearly had morals to protect that he couldn't let slide. If it was me, I'd have just let the nigger leave. There's no way I would protect a corporation as most of them are nigger loving entities anyway.

When many people reach a certain age, they become myopic to the changes around them. They either cannot see or refuse to believe that the world has become so foreign and hostile to their own good morals and common sense. They never fully realize just how much the tides have changed over their lifetimes. This is not a character flaw but actually a positive trait as it shows some people refuse to give up believing in the good in people and it shows their faith in humanity or even misplaced hope for niggers. I note that lack of foresight is NOT a sign of poor character. It is a learned skill just like any other and some people simply lack in certain skills.

I'll admit that I have been a jaded old man since the my grammar school days. I assume the worst in people and especially niggers until proven otherwise. I don't think that's a character flaw on my part either. It's just a more heightened sense of self preservation and true realization of the state of the world.

12-06-2022, 01:48 PM
I assume the worst in people and especially niggers until proven otherwise.

All niggers should be classified as guilty until proven guilty !!

12-08-2022, 01:59 PM
An 83 year old Home Depot worker was pushed to the ground by a nigger thieving pressure washers. The poor gent has just died from the injuries sustained a few weeks ago.

You just know some coon coddling judge is going to let that walking pile of sh*t WALK FREE sooner than later !!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-24-2022, 04:39 AM
When many people reach a certain age, they become myopic to the changes around them. They either cannot see or refuse to believe that the world has become so foreign and hostile to their own good morals and common sense. They never fully realize just how much the tides have changed over their lifetimes. This is not a character flaw but actually a positive trait as it shows some people refuse to give up believing in the good in people and it shows their faith in humanity or even misplaced hope for niggers. I note that lack of foresight is NOT a sign of poor character. It is a learned skill just like any other and some people simply lack in certain skills.

I'll admit that I have been a jaded old man since the my grammar school days. I assume the worst in people and especially niggers until proven otherwise. I don't think that's a character flaw on my part either. It's just a more heightened sense of self preservation and true realization of the state of the world.

It's certainly no character flaw. I'm with you. I assume the worst in people as well until they prove otherwise. I'll even go so far as to say that I DISLIKE most EVERYBODY until I get to know them. Very rarely have I become instant friends with someone I've just met. That being said, I learned at a very young age NEVER trust niggers and I certainly never liked them.