View Full Version : 10 year old nigger batwings it’s mammy, charged with murder one.

animal mother
12-03-2022, 07:22 PM

Race not mentioned in the story, but :

A. It’s Milwaukee

B. Reeks of TNB.

Jim Crow
12-03-2022, 08:07 PM
It should’ve gone for the trifecta! Mom, sis and itself! Leave it to a nigger to leave a job 1/3 done.

12-04-2022, 09:40 AM
It should’ve gone for the trifecta! Mom, sis and itself! Leave it to a nigger to leave a job 1/3 done.

Niggers have the WORST work ethic!!

12-04-2022, 10:01 AM
Yes, it is a nigger famb'ly.

A 10 year old nigger is almost an adult. And in some even more primative tribes, 10 year olds are indeed adults.

12-05-2022, 04:35 AM
And dumb cucks still think Fox News is on "our side." Fox is just controlled opposition meant to sucker us into thinking we have a "voice" in the media. Fox is owned by the same people who own CNN, MSNBC, and all the other woke channels. It's all CONTROLLED, it's all FAKE NEWS.


12-05-2022, 08:17 PM
I'm shocked that a negro would commit such a ridiculously stupid crime.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-05-2022, 10:32 PM
And dumb cucks still think Fox News is on "our side." Fox is just controlled opposition meant to sucker us into thinking we have a "voice" in the media. Fox is owned by the same people who own CNN, MSNBC, and all the other woke channels. It's all CONTROLLED, it's all FAKE NEWS.

Agreed, I can’t watch any of it.

12-05-2022, 10:42 PM
Yes, it is a nigger famb'ly.

A 10 year old nigger is almost an adult. And in some even more primative tribes, 10 year olds are indeed adults.

A 10 ten year old virgin nigger is a very rare thing !

12-05-2022, 11:22 PM
Agreed, I can’t watch any of it.

Except Tucker Carlson, he knows the score.

12-06-2022, 12:25 AM
Except Tucker Carlson, he knows the score.

You can't "cuck" the Tuck!!

12-06-2022, 02:28 AM
And dumb cucks still think Fox News is on "our side." Fox is just controlled opposition meant to sucker us into thinking we have a "voice" in the media. Fox is owned by the same people who own CNN, MSNBC, and all the other woke channels. It's all CONTROLLED, it's all FAKE NEWS.


As bad as we all think and know the MSM is... Things have reached a level I never thought possible. The Taibbi/Twitter story which showed REPEATED FBI involvement in the cover up of the Hunter Biden lap top story is being ignored by the MSM.... That's right... The FBI covering up a BOMB SHELL story in late October regarding a presidential election is being ignored by the Main Stream Media...

The FBI involvement is an outrage and is clearly criminal... Worse, the VERMIN FILTH in the MSM are poo-pooing the story as 'nothing new' while these very same MSM 'reporters' attack one of their colleagues (Taibbi) who released the story.

We have witnessed nothing short of a seismic shift away from both decency and constitutionality DIRECTLY into third world despotism. This is an incredibly important development. Holy Shit, folks.. .We have truly turned a corner.

12-06-2022, 02:34 AM
You can't "cuck" the Tuck!!

Tucker is a bright light in one dank cesspool. Given recent developments, the man is a national treasure... I fear for the guy's safety

12-06-2022, 07:12 AM
Tucker is a bright light in one dank cesspool. Given recent developments, the man is a national treasure... I fear for the guy's safety

And Elon Musk's too!!

12-06-2022, 08:57 PM
Here's a video confirming that this was a niglet.

10 year old Noah shot and killed its mammy, Quiana Mann, because the sow refused to buy it an Oculus headset.

The next day, the niglet logged into mammy's Amazon account and bought the headset.

About six years ago, the niglet swung the fambly's puppy around by its tail. And six months ago, it started a nest fire by burning a balloon filled with a flammable liquid.



Ray Cizzums
12-07-2022, 12:04 AM
It should’ve gone for the trifecta! Mom, sis and itself! Leave it to a nigger to leave a job 1/3 done.

Pardon me Dr. Crow, but what kind of therapy did you prescribe for the 10 year old ?

Jim Crow
12-07-2022, 07:07 AM
Pardon me Dr. Crow, but what kind of therapy did you prescribe for the 10 year old ?
Seated shock treatment! Same as nigger Till got!

12-07-2022, 12:17 PM
Here's a video confirming that this was a niglet.

10 year old Noah shot and killed its mammy, Quiana Mann, because the sow refused to buy it an Oculus headset.

The next day, the niglet logged into mammy's Amazon account and bought the headset.

About six years ago, the niglet swung the fambly's puppy around by its tail. And six months ago, it started a nest fire by burning a balloon filled with a flammable liquid.



Nice pics..... A shit-stain for sure... And to think that beast went into his Mammy's computer within hours after shooting her and ordering the device he shot her over is above and beyond even for niggers.... We'll see how long they lock the little shitstain up for... My bet: No more than 10 years. He'll be out before it's 21 YO

12-07-2022, 06:54 PM
And dumb cucks still think Fox News is on "our side." Fox is just controlled opposition meant to sucker us into thinking we have a "voice" in the media. Fox is owned by the same people who own CNN, MSNBC, and all the other woke channels. It's all CONTROLLED, it's all FAKE NEWS.

A REAL NEWS channel would be telling us that THIS WAS A NIGGER and THIS IS TYPICAL NIGGER BEHAVIOR (TNB).Except they aren't supposed to name a perp so young.

12-08-2022, 02:50 AM
Nice pics..... A shit-stain for sure... And to think that beast went into his Mammy's computer within hours after shooting her and ordering the device he shot her over is above and beyond even for niggers.... We'll see how long they lock the little shitstain up for... My bet: No more than 10 years. He'll be out before it's 21 YO

It actually ordered the thing after batwinging its mammy? Oh lawdy jeebus. Mathematically, that has to be TNB squared. Nigger to the niggth power.

12-08-2022, 07:29 AM
It actually ordered the thing after batwinging its mammy? Oh lawdy jeebus. Mathematically, that has to be TNB squared. Nigger to the niggth power.


10 years old is old enough to fully comprehend the loss of a parent... especially after you just blew it's brains all over the living room wall... Still, that little shit-stain, using his mother's Amazon account - you know.. the Mammy he JUST murdered - ordered the very thing it's now dead Mammy forbid him from buying ... There is a whole lot to digest here...

Should niggers even be allowed to use Amazon?? Or the internet, for that matter....

12-09-2022, 10:19 AM
Here's a video confirming that this was a niglet.

10 year old Noah shot and killed its mammy, Quiana Mann, because the sow refused to buy it an Oculus headset.

The next day, the niglet logged into mammy's Amazon account and bought the headset.

About six years ago, the niglet swung the fambly's puppy around by its tail. And six months ago, it started a nest fire by burning a balloon filled with a flammable liquid.



A blm recruit!!

12-10-2022, 12:35 AM
A blm recruit!!

Exactly, when it gets out of juvie it'll be shaking whitey and everyone else down and probably end up with millions the same as those BLM idiot sows did.

Normally the shitlet would have just killed for being denied a chiggun wangz, but with a couple extra IQ points it killed for a piece of technology.
Wonder who the oil driller was in this little turd bird's fambly monkey tree !

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-16-2022, 05:03 PM
As bad as we all think and know the MSM is... Things have reached a level I never thought possible. The Taibbi/Twitter story which showed REPEATED FBI involvement in the cover up of the Hunter Biden lap top story is being ignored by the MSM.... That's right... The FBI covering up a BOMB SHELL story in late October regarding a presidential election is being ignored by the Main Stream Media...

The FBI involvement is an outrage and is clearly criminal... Worse, the VERMIN FILTH in the MSM are poo-pooing the story as 'nothing new' while these very same MSM 'reporters' attack one of their colleagues (Taibbi) who released the story.

We have witnessed nothing short of a seismic shift away from both decency and constitutionality DIRECTLY into third world despotism. This is an incredibly important development. Holy Shit, folks.. .We have truly turned a corner.

Absolutely! I'm old enough to remember when ALL News networks would be in a frenzy to expose this level of corruption. Not to mention the MSM's unwillingness to report on the open border disaster. I'm wondering if this country can even handle another two years of that braindead, mumbling, niggerloving mummy Biden. I'll be just as surprised if the Republicans can ever win an election for President again after he's done importing all these future Democrat voters into this country.

12-16-2022, 10:30 PM
Absolutely! I'm old enough to remember when ALL News networks would be in a frenzy to expose this level of corruption. Not to mention the MSM's unwillingness to report on the open border disaster. I'm wondering if this country can even handle another two years of that braindead, mumbling, niggerloving mummy Biden. I'll be just as surprised if the Republicans can ever win an election for President again after he's done importing all these future Democrat voters into this country.

It's exactly the reason the treasonous DemonRATS are allowing them in... They vote over 3:1 dem... See this..


These fucking illegals are being shipped to republican swing states in large numbers.

They are not looking just to win control over both houses/presidency... they are looking to have supermajorities that would negate any veto and be able to vote down filibusters... It will be like there are no Republicans if the DemonRATS get that Majority and it's looking like they can, given this influx...

This is A FUCKING ACT OF WAR...... It's right up there with Bunker Hill and Ft Sumter. And the Reppubies are sitting in congress with their thumbs up their ass sending yet more 10's of billions to the corrupt Ukraine...

What the fuck,???? This is BEYOND bad....

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-17-2022, 01:07 PM
Except Tucker Carlson, he knows the score.

Yeah, Tucker's good. I'm sick of Hannity and his love affair with Lindsey Graham.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-17-2022, 01:43 PM
It's exactly the reason the treasonous DemonRATS are allowing them in... They vote over 3:1 dem... See this..


These fucking illegals are being shipped to republican swing states in large numbers.

They are not looking just to win control over both houses/presidency... they are looking to have supermajorities that would negate any veto and be able to vote down filibusters... It will be like there are no Republicans if the DemonRATS get that Majority and it's looking like they can, given this influx...

This is A FUCKING ACT OF WAR...... It's right up there with Bunker Hill and Ft Sumter. And the Reppubies are sitting in congress with their thumbs up their ass sending yet more 10's of billions to the corrupt Ukraine...

What the fuck,???? This is BEYOND bad....

So true. Pisses me off to no end that these fuckers are willing to dump billions of dollars to Ukraine to protect Ukrainian borders and unwilling to protect our own. As far as Republicans, if they don't grow a set of balls and start holding these corrupt Democrats accountable for all their bullshit, I'll never vote for another Republican for the rest of my life. Whenever they have control of The HOR, The Senate, or both, they just roll over and take it up the arse by the Demonrats. Biden needs to be IMPEACHED!! Actually he needs to pay the ultimate price for TREASON!!! And someone needs to get a fuckin handle on all this nigger-coddling. Fuckin just trying to pass bullshit legislation GIVING Niggers money for reparations. Reparations? Are you shittin me!! 600,000 white soldiers died to free their useless black asses and have been nothing but a financial burden ever since. They want to hand out $325,000 a piece to these murder monkeys here in Commiefornia. Everytime I hear about handouts to these criminal pavement apes because "we wuz slabes n shee-it it makes my blood boil.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-17-2022, 02:48 PM
Nice pics..... A shit-stain for sure... And to think that beast went into his Mammy's computer within hours after shooting her and ordering the device he shot her over is above and beyond even for niggers.... We'll see how long they lock the little shitstain up for... My bet: No more than 10 years. He'll be out before it's 21 YO

The thought process here was…. “Ahh cans ohda dis sheeit and play it fo a few dayz befo dey find dat bidge” It’s all about the now and instant gratification for niggers.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-20-2022, 02:26 AM
"He'll be out before it's 21 YO"
Oh that's a certainty.