View Full Version : What is a nigger doing at Google?

12-02-2022, 10:02 PM
Google has a "doodle for a day" that they use to push their lame ass woke shit. It usually changes after 24 hours. However, I keep seeing this nigger as if it's playing a video game, and it's been over a day. I haven't checked what it's supposed to be. I bet it's a magic genius nigger who invented Atari or something. Just tired of seeing it.

I swear, if I could push one button that will make all niggers get lost out of existence, I would.

12-02-2022, 10:08 PM
It invented video game cartridges and sheeit. I also noticed that the spook has lasted more than one day.

12-02-2022, 10:10 PM
Sharp minds think alike lol - See shoutbox

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-03-2022, 02:39 AM
Google has a "doodle for a day" that they use to push their lame ass woke shit. It usually changes after 24 hours. However, I keep seeing this nigger as if it's playing a video game, and it's been over a day. I haven't checked what it's supposed to be. I bet it's a magic genius nigger who invented Atari or something. Just tired of seeing it.

I swear, if I could push one button that will make all niggers get lost out of existence, I would.
Ha! I saw the same thing. I was wondering what this nigger was too. I clicked on it and it is a minigame with the nigger running around collecting munnies and giving facts about what an innovative nigger he is. Today is his birfday! Happy birfday magic nigger!

12-03-2022, 07:32 AM
It invented video game cartridges and sheeit. I also noticed that the spook has lasted more than one day.

Wouldn't we all!! I'm SICK to death of niggers in T.V. commercials and all kinds of media!!

12-03-2022, 09:36 AM
It invented video game cartridges and sheeit. I also noticed that the spook has lasted more than one day.

What a surprise... A magic nigger who figures out how to better waste time... As if niggers did not do enough of that already

12-03-2022, 12:14 PM
nigger invented shit.

that nigger can't clean a trash can.

12-03-2022, 02:10 PM
It invented video game cartridges and sheeit. I also noticed that the spook has lasted more than one day.

It's the same as saying niggers invented peanut butter, traffic lights, water guns or anything else. This nigger didn't invent jack shit. He simply stole the idea from other applications of the day and used it on video consoles. Plug in firmware, peripherals and all manner of accessories were already in use before this or any other nigger photo bombed his way into the scene. The fact that they ended up in video game consoles was no surprise to the tech industry. This is just one more case of crediting niggers to make them look good.

12-03-2022, 05:34 PM
and giving facts about what an innovative nigger he is. Today is his birfday! Happy birfday magic nigger!

As if one frigg'n word can be believed from Google. Filthy liars, Worse than anything the CCP could ever come up with. Google is the embodiment of satan on this planet

12-03-2022, 08:06 PM
Sharp minds think alike lol - See shoutbox

Yeah maing, I was tired of having to see a nigger head as a cartoon. Finally it changed.

Though a Californian...I still wish a great tidal wave wipe out the bay area.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-04-2022, 12:52 PM
As if one frigg'n word can be believed from Google. Filthy liars, Worse than anything the CCP could ever come up with. Google is the embodiment of satan on this planet
They take every chance they get to kiss black ass. It’s nauseating.

12-05-2022, 02:25 AM
As if one frigg'n word can be believed from Google. Filthy liars, Worse than anything the CCP could ever come up with. Google is the embodiment of satan on this planet

At the risk of my tinfoil hat poking through my monitor, I actually theorize that Screwgle's interest in quantum computing AI is what will bring to fruition the words of Revolutions chapter 13.

12-05-2022, 04:25 AM
It's the same as saying niggers invented peanut butter, traffic lights, water guns or anything else. This nigger didn't invent jack shit. He simply stole the idea from other applications of the day and used it on video consoles. Plug in firmware, peripherals and all manner of accessories were already in use before this or any other nigger photo bombed his way into the scene. The fact that they ended up in video game consoles was no surprise to the tech industry. This is just one more case of crediting niggers to make them look good.

Don't forget our senile, negro worshipping fake president Biden claiming that a nigger invented the light bulb and mean rayciss Thomas Edison stole it and took the credit. People and niggers hear this kind of garbage from sources they consider as having "authoritay" like the fake president and fake news Google and they start to believe it. One wonders if those people ever ask questions like, "if niggers are a race of kangz that invented everything in history, why are they low-IQ retards who live in the ghetto, smoke crack, and shoot and stab each other over who ate the last chiggun wang?"

12-06-2022, 11:08 PM
Guys a failure the nigger lovers at Google just so desperate to find any majikal science nigger in gaming or computers so they can try and shove it down dumb kids throats as "woke history", and make up all kinds of horse shit on the way.

Guy is not a pioneer got a job for a failure game company that lost to Atari's pong, the most basic game ever, then started his own nigger own business when that failed, and his nigger owned / i hate YT business totally failed of course, because he was garbage, and low IQ like all Blacks,

then some globalist admins at Stanford or maybe guilty whites gave the nigger a job teaching at Stanford, just for being a nigger, where I'm sure the nigger bragged to all the nerds about how great he was (lied non stop)...
Stanford at that time undoubtedly just wanted to hire one token nigger, because I can guarantee you none worked there prior, to appease their few libtards and feminists, or probably some diversity quota

You've got to be beyond stupid to believe any of this nigger invention or nigger pioneer bullshit.

I thought they were going to say the nigger invented the plastic box around a game cartridge, as if a protective plastic box had not been used before, and I'm sure they would have done that, if not for the fact that making a cheap plastic box is far above his nigger abilities.

Trying not to use Google ever again.