View Full Version : We be celts n vikings n sheeeit!

11-23-2022, 07:17 PM
‘I is all Egyptian muhfugga’ was ludicrous enough.
Now they’re also Celts and Vikings!🤣🤣😆😝😂

11-23-2022, 07:31 PM
The most I will say niggers and us are related goes back two million years ago, as Homo erectus. Then within 100,000 years, we went on to become Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, and modern day Homo Sapiens. Niggers are still far, far behind in evolution. That's why it's utter hogwash to even claim niggers are the first Vikings and Celts. Were there niggers 1,500 years ago in Europe? Sure, but 100% as slaves or chattel. None probably got their muh-dikk on and died within a winter or two.

I suppose it's just ordinary nigger fantasy: Wakanda, nigger Vikings, Celts, and sheeeit.

Tar Remover
11-23-2022, 07:54 PM
That's odd..... I looked in the mirror this morning and after a sip of coffee, for some strange reason it occurred to me that I didn't look ANYTHING like a nigger. Go figger.......

11-24-2022, 02:18 AM
When "we wuz kangz" isn't enough - now they have to say "we wuz Vikangz!"

Tar Remover
11-24-2022, 08:27 AM
When "we wuz kangz" isn't enough - now they have to say "we wuz Vikangz!"

:rofl:rofl:rofl or is that Vikoons....?

Tar Remover
11-24-2022, 08:41 AM
I saw fit to troll the fuck out of that stupid ass shit too. These pathetic monkeys hate themselves so much that they insist on ripping off our culture and trying to claim it as their own. I asked the idiot primates WHY. I tried to convince them that they are just stupid monkeys. Maybe you guys can pitch in and give me a hand.....
*Looks like they delete everything I post......

11-24-2022, 08:46 AM
The most I will say niggers and us are related goes back two million years ago, as Homo erectus. Then within 100,000 years, we went on to become Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, and modern day Homo Sapiens. Niggers are still far, far behind in evolution. That's why it's utter hogwash to even claim niggers are the first Vikings and Celts. Were there niggers 1,500 years ago in Europe? Sure, but 100% as slaves or chattel. None probably got their muh-dikk on and died within a winter or two.

I suppose it's just ordinary nigger fantasy: Wakanda, nigger Vikings, Celts, and sheeeit.

EXACTLY!! They want to be ANYTHING but niggers!! I got in an argument with a nigger "puhfessa of Egyptology" on fecesbook and I showed him pictures from Pharoah Ramses II tomb showing a tall Caucasian Man with a tan running over these buckwheat looking niggers with his chariot!! Also the pictures of the nigger "dick washers!!" Needless to say this nigger had a chimp out and refused to discuss the matter with me anymore!!

11-24-2022, 08:49 AM
I saw fit to troll the fuck out of that stupid ass shit too. These pathetic monkeys hate themselves so much that they insist on ripping off our culture and trying to claim it as their own. I asked the idiot primates WHY. I tried to convince them that they are just stupid monkeys. Maybe you guys can pitch in and give me a hand.....

When I had my old "Haywood Giablomi" account on feces book I used to TROLL the fuck out of niggers. Mark cuckerberg deleted my account more than 8 years ago due to repeated "Community Standards" violations!! Since Elon took over twatter I've been bashing high profile niggers there!! I am having way more fun there!!!!!!

11-24-2022, 09:56 AM
They already claim Beethoven was a nigger. So, why not Celts and Vikings?

Tar Remover
11-24-2022, 12:07 PM
When I had my old "Haywood Giablomi" account on feces book I used to TROLL the fuck out of niggers. Mark cuckerberg deleted my account more than 8 years ago due to repeated "Community Standards" violations!! Since Elon took over twatter I've been bashing high profile niggers there!! I am having way more fun there!!!!!!

AWESOME! I just might join you there!

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-24-2022, 12:17 PM
When I had my old "Haywood Giablomi" account on feces book I used to TROLL the fuck out of niggers. Mark cuckerberg deleted my account more than 8 years ago due to repeated "Community Standards" violations!! Since Elon took over twatter I've been bashing high profile niggers there!! I am having way more fun there!!!!!!
I’ve already been suspended from twatter twice in the last week since I joined. I’m already up to 7 days. It’s no different than fb at this point.

11-24-2022, 12:21 PM
"'sup, muhfuggas. We beez Vikings 'n sheeiit".


11-24-2022, 12:38 PM
AWESOME! I just might join you there!

Jump in!! The water's fine!!

11-24-2022, 12:59 PM
the problem is, is that ultimately niggers want to be white. This is why they keep claiming on our shit. Bathing in piss and eating each other are exclusively nigger occupations.

Straight from the jungle book....I wanna be like you-ooo !!


11-24-2022, 02:24 PM
Saw some familiar faces commenting in there... The coon 'author' is pulling all truths and leaving the nigger lies

Tar Remover
11-24-2022, 03:18 PM
Saw some familiar faces commenting in there... The coon 'author' is pulling all truths and leaving the nigger lies

Did you see me? Or did they pull it.....

11-24-2022, 07:32 PM
Did you see me? Or did they pull it.....

You left a one word post that they left up... Only one from you I saw

Tar Remover
11-25-2022, 06:46 AM
You left a one word post that they left up... Only one from you I saw

What a bunch of niggers...... Well, I guess the TRUTH can sometimes be painful. Especially if you are a nigger!

Chiggum bone sucker
11-26-2022, 11:46 AM
Niggers are not, have never been, and never will be human. They see all the great accomplishments of humans, then look at themselves living in squalor, even with all the nigger privilege and countless gibs pawed to them by humans, and it makes them very jealous. Since they have no history besides inventing jenkem, crack, and AIDS, the niggers apetempt to do what they do best- steal. They try to steal humans' history and claim it as their own.

11-28-2022, 11:32 AM
Niggers are not, have never been, and never will be human. They see all the great accomplishments of humans, then look at themselves living in squalor, even with all the nigger privilege and countless gibs pawed to them by humans, and it makes them very jealous. Since they have no history besides inventing jenkem, crack, and AIDS, the niggers apetempt to do what they do best- steal. They try to steal humans' history and claim it as their own.

Stealing is all niggers do.

11-30-2022, 09:13 AM
Niggers are not, have never been, and never will be human. They see all the great accomplishments of humans, then look at themselves living in squalor, even with all the nigger privilege and countless gibs pawed to them by humans, and it makes them very jealous. Since they have no history besides inventing jenkem, crack, and AIDS, the niggers apetempt to do what they do best- steal. They try to steal humans' history and claim it as their own.

Another example is the "black hebrew israelites!!" These PRIMATES who are VICIOUSLY Anti Semitic claim to be the original Jews!! THe are followers of louis farrakoon!!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-18-2022, 08:02 PM
I’ve already been suspended from twatter twice in the last week since I joined. I’m already up to 7 days. It’s no different than fb at this point.

And FOX NEWS is sucking on Elon's pipe like he's saved the fkn world and somehow restored freedom of speech. It's painfully obvious that regardless of whatever social media platform it is (not this one of course), saying anything negative about their pet pavement apes will result in suspension and ultimately get you banned from the platform.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
12-18-2022, 08:06 PM
"'sup, muhfuggas. We beez Vikings 'n sheeiit".


Bull Conor
12-22-2022, 07:01 AM
I had a nigger tell me one time that niggers taught the Swiss, of all people, how to make watches......lol

All niggers ARE thieves number 1, after that, niggers ARE liars, way back in the day early in my first occupational venture, I worked retail, of course the company would push; be nice, be friendly and greet each customer, I'm Not kidding; 99% of niggers after I'd say "hi, how are you doing?" Would Never acknowledge you, virtually every other customer would Always say "fine...thank you", Again...for me, niggers and democrapic liberals Are the same because at the end of the day, all niggers and democraps VOTE the same way.....Republicans too....BUT NOT on the same level. I've heard stories about congress trying to get a majority of Republicans on the same page of a bill, maybe they do, maybe they don't, BUT I've NEVER heard that concerning democraps...they're like niggers...they All vote lock-step with "da party".

Disgusting democrapic liberal Scum.

Bull Connor was a democRap
12-22-2022, 02:35 PM
I had a nigger tell me one time that niggers taught the Swiss, of all people, how to make watches......lol

All niggers ARE thieves number 1, after that, niggers ARE liars, way back in the day early in my first occupational venture, I worked retail, of course the company would push; be nice, be friendly and greet each customer, I'm Not kidding; 99% of niggers after I'd say "hi, how are you doing?" Would Never acknowledge you, virtually every other customer would Always say "fine...thank you", Again...for me, niggers and democrapic liberals Are the same because at the end of the day, all niggers and democraps VOTE the same way.....Republicans too....BUT NOT on the same level. I've heard stories about congress trying to get a majority of Republicans on the same page of a bill, maybe they do, maybe they don't, BUT I've NEVER heard that concerning democraps...they're like niggers...they All vote lock-step with "da party".

Disgusting democrapic liberal Scum.

Fun fact: Bull Connor was a democrap. In fact, he was elected Democraptic National Committeeman for Alabama

12-22-2022, 02:37 PM
I had a nigger tell me one time that niggers taught the Swiss, of all people, how to make watches......lol

i once had a nigger tell me that Stradivari stole the plans on how to make the Stradivarius (Violin) from Apefreaka. The nigger was dead serious too.