View Full Version : "Ahh gonna kill him fo' eatin' muh donut sticks!"- Jemaine launders his dead adopted niglet in his washing machine

Whitey Ford
11-18-2022, 02:11 PM
Texas parents charged after 7-year-old found dead in washing machine


The adoptive parents of a Texas boy whose body was found inside a washing machine in July have been arrested in connection to his death, authorities said.

Jemaine Thomas, 42, was charged with capital murder in connection to the death of his son, Troy Khoeler, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez announced Tuesday night. Thomas’ wife, Tiffany, 35, was charged with injury to a child by omission.

The couple first reported Troy, 7, missing from their Spring home in the early hours of July 28. A search of the residence later that morning led to the discovery of the child’s body in a top-loading washing machine in the garage.

An autopsy subsequently revealed that Troy – a former foster child adopted by the Thomases in 2019 — had been “beaten, suffocated and possibly drowned,” the Sun Herald reported. Incriminating blood evidence was also allegedly found throughout the home, including in the washing machine.

Court documents filed Tuesday allege that the couple threatened to put Troy in the oven after he confessed to eating some of Tiffany’s oatmeal cream pie, KPRC reported. Prosecutors also claim that text messages between the couple reveal that Jemaine was furious that the child ate his doughnut sticks, writing, “I need to get the [locks]. I’m going to end up kill[ing] him.”


11-18-2022, 08:51 PM
had been “beaten, suffocated and possibly drowned,”

Is that the nigger version of a "time out"?

11-18-2022, 09:33 PM
Those are some 60 IQ faces right there.

Coon Town
11-18-2022, 09:47 PM
“beaten, suffocated and possibly drowned,”

Probably also mudikked, muhpoosied, and God knows what else.

11-19-2022, 10:46 PM
LOLOL. So these genius niggers bump off dey niglet, call the po-po to report niglet missing ("dis gonna be our alibi, dey never gonna suspect us now"), and don't even get rid of the carcass?

I read this story, then I see an ad for "Wakanduh Forever"...Never in history has there been such a huge gap between nigger fantasy and nigger reality.

11-20-2022, 05:59 PM
I am surprised that the sow didn't just eat the niglet.

11-20-2022, 06:53 PM
LOLOL. So these genius niggers bump off dey niglet, call the po-po to report niglet missing ("dis gonna be our alibi, dey never gonna suspect us now"), and don't even get rid of the carcass?

I read this story, then I see an ad for "Wakanduh Forever"...Never in history has there been such a huge gap between nigger fantasy and nigger reality.

Just what I was thinking. How small-brained and utterly stooopid do you have to be to think the popo won't find the carcass of the deleted IN YOUR CRIB?

I'm surprised the nigs didn't say, "He musta crawled in dere hisself! I dundu nuffin!"

This 60 - 70 IQ thing isn't working for niggers and they're just lucky they are worshipped by all Libtards, SJWs, and toxic "social media".

Jim Crow
11-20-2022, 08:58 PM
Niggers can’t resist killin one another over “muh food” and “muh dik”. So “muh doughnut sticks” is a legitimate reason for killin a nigglet. It should’ve offed the sowapotomus too! After all it appears to have eaten a lot of the buck’s food over the years!

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-21-2022, 12:49 AM
LOLOL. So these genius niggers bump off dey niglet, call the po-po to report niglet missing ("dis gonna be our alibi, dey never gonna suspect us now"), and don't even get rid of the carcass?

I read this story, then I see an ad for "Wakanduh Forever"...Never in history has there been such a huge gap between nigger fantasy and nigger reality.
They should’ve stuffed it in the toilet. Popo would just think the huge sow took a shit that wouldn’t flush.

11-21-2022, 02:26 PM
I recommend death penalty for the 2 niggers. If anybody else, any human, killed a nigger child, they'd be sentenced to death, because of nigger worship. In order for equality to prevail, killers also deserve death.

It won't happen, you say? That's exactly my point. Why does our society even give these savages a free pass? Where's Crump to defend these apes? Fucking nigger "lawyer".

11-21-2022, 05:08 PM
dat wut yu git fo tak'n muh donut sticks.

11-22-2022, 09:28 AM
I'll say one thing about the nogs. Just when you thought they couldn't go any lower, they put that extra effort in and dig a new low.

11-22-2022, 10:01 PM
The level of savagery in niggers is beyond compare.

11-25-2022, 12:42 AM
I am surprised that the sow didn't just eat the niglet.

Well, you should always wash produce thoroughly before eating it (especially bagged stuff that was supposedly pre-washed, which is as much a source of bacterial contamination as fresh produce).

On the other hand, these niggers wanted to wash the shit off their main protein that day.

Then there's the nigger version of an amusement park.