View Full Version : Norway's Princess Martha Mudshark quits her royal duties to spend more time with her pet nigger

Whitey Ford
11-08-2022, 03:49 PM
Princess abandons royal duties over relationship with ‘shaman’


Norway’s royal family announced on Tuesday that Princess Martha Louise would cease her official duties and relinquish her patronages to focus on her relationship with Durek Verrett, a self-proclaimed “shaman” to the stars who sells magic amulets.

In an official statement, the royal court said Martha Louise would no longer use the title of Princess or refer to the royal family in her commercial ventures or on her social media accounts, while other members of the family would take over patronage of the organizations she sponsored.

“The Princess is taking this step to create a clearer dividing line between her business activities and her role as a member of the royal family,” the statement read.

Nutcase moonbat in a mid-life crisis.

Martha Louise 51, is no stranger to controversy, having lost her ‘Her Royal Highness’ title in 2002 when she claimed she could speak to angels and chose to work as a clairvoyant. However, the latest move came after a surge in media interest in her relationship with Durek Verrett, a so-called “6th-generation shaman.”


11-08-2022, 04:24 PM
A nigger "shaman"? Don't think so. That nigger has quite a history, of course, and not just with mudsharks.

Verrett has said that he was convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment in the United States, after he had organized a party in an abandoned house that was set on fire

In 2008 he reported his then-wife - a 21-year-old mudshark - to the immigration authorities as an illegal resident, and as a result she was jailed and deported from the country...

Like most bucks, he's on the down-low, as well:

From 2007 to 2015 Verrett also had a boyfriend, a masseur named Hank Greenberg, who was also his business partner. They broke off their engagement prior to their planned wedding in 2015, and Greenberg later accused Verrett of being manipulative, violent and dangerous, and said he has a "brainwashed" cult of followers where "his word is law.

Verrett lived for six years with his then-manager Tiana Griego, who said that "Durek controlled my whole life. It was as if he became jealous of anything that stole his attention. I was not allowed to start a serious romantic relationship or raise my son

So, lots of TNB. I wonder how long the coalburning, brain-washed Princess is going to last. At the very least she needs to demand some STD and monkeypox tests.


11-08-2022, 04:27 PM
Outright act of war on her people. There is no fate, no torture, she could endure that could atone for that crime against humanity.

11-08-2022, 04:55 PM
Her ex-husband committed suicide, because this mudsharking was too humiliating.

Thousands of years to become human, only to have it defiled by a filthy negro. Good news is there'll be no royal halfbreeds.

Whore, nothing royal about this skank.

11-08-2022, 06:48 PM
Her ex-husband committed suicide, because this mudsharking was too humiliating.

Thousands of years to become human, only to have it defiled by a filthy negro. Good news is there'll be no royal halfbreeds.

Whore, nothing royal about this skank.

She's obviously insane:

Martha Louise 51, is no stranger to controversy, having lost her ‘Her Royal Highness’ title in 2002 when she claimed she could speak to angels and chose to work as a clairvoyant.

Even so, insanity doesn't justify or explain this - wallowing with a revolting downlow, violent criminigger who doesn't care where he shoves his nasty muh dik.


I don't get it. How far gone can she be that she, a beautiful, wealthy member of royalty, simply couldn't find a nice human male??

I guess her family doesn't want a Ginger Cuck and His Sheboon circus, so have washed their hands of her. I wonder if she'll keep getting enough money to satisfy the buck? If not, the next stop is the Mudshark Mortuary.

11-08-2022, 08:33 PM
S. I wonder if she'll keep getting enough money to satisfy the buck? If not, the next stop is the Mudshark Mortuary.

First, that picture, literally, made wretch.... The highest form our species has evolved to being set back 15 million years.... As for the Mortuary... THE SOONER THE BETTER

11-08-2022, 11:41 PM
Outright act of war on her people. There is no fate, no torture, she could endure that could atone for that crime against humanity.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

11-08-2022, 11:50 PM
And the nigger?

Durek Verrett — a guru to Gwyneth Paltrow who charges $1,500 an hour for his insights

He gave guidance to that nasty old trollop with her revolting "Eau du Warm Turtle Tank" muh poosay candles. Not really suprising. Pet niggers are all the rage among the freaks of Hollyweird.:lol

First, that picture, literally, made wretch.... The highest form our species has evolved to being set back 15 million years.... As for the Mortuary... THE SOONER THE BETTER

Under the circumstances - her mental issues and now complaining about "white privilege" and raycism toward her beau (as though he would be welcome even if he were lily-white if he was a felon who was engaged to a man!) and wanting to marry this criminal, bi, feral sub-simian con artist I do think death might be the kindest option for her.

11-09-2022, 12:45 AM
She can't be called a "princess" if she has a dirty nigger "lover". Any reasonable monarch wouldn't allow to befriend or "fall in love" with such filth.

Coon Town
11-09-2022, 01:12 AM
Add another one to the mudshark deadpool.

Enjoy your AIDS, "Princess".

11-09-2022, 07:11 PM
Disgusting! The people of norway should send her and her faggot shaman directly to Wakanda!

11-09-2022, 07:55 PM
A nigger "shaman"? Don't think so. That nigger has quite a history, of course, and not just with mudsharks.

Like most bucks, he's on the down-low, as well:

So, lots of TNB. I wonder how long the coalburning, brain-washed Princess is going to last. At the very least she needs to demand some STD and monkeypox tests.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durek_VerrettAnd these same foolish people claim "racists" (realists) are stupid and unscientific.

11-09-2022, 09:16 PM
She's obviously insane:

Even so, insanity doesn't justify or explain this - wallowing with a revolting downlow, violent criminigger who doesn't care where he shoves his nasty muh dik.


Niggers carry a viral/bacterial load that would sink a battleship. Some highlights from the CDC:

"...found that gonorrhea rates increased from 802.4 per 100,000 African Americans in 1997 to 848.8 in 1999. "

" Infection rates were higher among women (52 percent) visiting the clinics than men (32 percent), and higher among African Americans (48 percent)"

Ignatow, above, mentioned her first husband offed himself... Wonder if she slathered some nasty virus on him...

That pic still makes me wretch, BTW...

11-10-2022, 07:49 AM
Your heading states "Princess abandons royal duties..." I'm hoping that's just the vermin MSM giving her latitude. My hope: the Norwegian Royal Family has kicked her nigger loving ass right the hell out of the family. What this woman has done is downright disgusting... Criminal in the extreme... In fact, worse than criminal.. It's a high crime against her family and her people.

Strip her of her title, her duties AND HER MONEY...... Let her support her pet ape on a waitress' salary. And you can bet @Whitey Ford's meme: 'U deserve it' above, will be right around the corner..

I downloaded that meme, BTW. Both too good and too truthful not to have in my collection