View Full Version : Nigger knocks itself out while stealing!

Jim Crow
11-07-2022, 04:49 PM
Nigger knocks itself out trying to flee store with luxury stolen goods.Video shows!


11-07-2022, 06:23 PM
Niggers are stupid, hopeless failures in all they do, well, except for bumping off their mudsharks and self-batwinging with fentanyl.

The comments now on every screwed-up nigger vid are uniformly nigger-hating. I think the majority of humans have had it with criminiggers, but understandably are afraid to speak out about it.

Give him a break his Moma wants a designer purse she's tire of carrying her items in a Pop-Eye Chicken plastic bag.

11-07-2022, 07:47 PM
I wish they would learn to self delete better.

Defund Welfare
11-07-2022, 08:51 PM
My favorite part is no released information cause “juvenile”. The niggers reach peak mental maturity long before 17, and thus is a fully grown adult that should be punished like one.

11-07-2022, 11:35 PM
Damn! Look at all the outright evil racist hateful comments!

11-08-2022, 06:35 AM
I would say this dumbass made the police's job more easier as now they can catch this critter but knowing the state of the country, they probably might release this dindu nuffin afterwards.

11-08-2022, 09:20 AM
I would say this dumbass made the police's job more easier as now they can catch this critter but knowing the state of the country, they probably might release this dindu nuffin afterwards.

Especially if there is a soros funded D.A. in charge in the location!!

11-08-2022, 07:53 PM
So they say a "Man" robbed a store, yet the perp is a juvenile? Which one is it? Man is, in the broadest possible terms, a word for a male who has reached the legal age of majority. At 17, in America, he is still a boy. That is simply speaking in the broadest terms. Now, speaking in terms of reality, a man is a male, who has reached the age of majority, and has set his childlike and immature ways behind him, actively contributes to society, or, worst case scenario, if unable to directly contribute, does not actively hold society back. In any case, regardless of age, this is not a man we are talking about here, but a plain, simple nigger. Nothing more.

11-09-2022, 06:57 PM
I wish they would learn to self delete better.

True! But it's a two sided sword, when they'd be able to improve their marksmanship, they'd also become more dangerous for humans. But since they are way too stupid to do anything right, that's a purely hypothetical discussion anyway :D.

11-11-2022, 12:09 PM
So they say a "Man" robbed a store, yet the perp is a juvenile? Which one is it? Man is, in the broadest possible terms, a word for a male who has reached the legal age of majority. At 17, in America, he is still a boy. That is simply speaking in the broadest terms. Now, speaking in terms of reality, a man is a male, who has reached the age of majority, and has set his childlike and immature ways behind him, actively contributes to society, or, worst case scenario, if unable to directly contribute, does not actively hold society back. In any case, regardless of age, this is not a man we are talking about here, but a plain, simple nigger. Nothing more.

Isn't that something? The nog might be 17 years and 11 months old, but it's "just a lad" who had no idea that planning and carrying out a (failed) crime was wrong! It's just a lad!

11-11-2022, 06:01 PM
So they say a "Man" robbed a store, yet the perp is a juvenile? Which one is it? Man is, in the broadest possible terms, a word for a male who has reached the legal age of majority. At 17, in America, he is still a boy. That is simply speaking in the broadest terms. Now, speaking in terms of reality, a man is a male, who has reached the age of majority, and has set his childlike and immature ways behind him, actively contributes to society, or, worst case scenario, if unable to directly contribute, does not actively hold society back. In any case, regardless of age, this is not a man we are talking about here, but a plain, simple nigger. Nothing more.

Tru Dat!!

Coon Town
11-13-2022, 09:45 PM
Reminds me of a nigger I once heard about who made its self good during an attempted burglary of a liquor store. The genius ape in that story decided it would attempt to cut a hole in the flat roof of the liquor store late one night, lower its self inside and ransack the place. Apparently the nog had one of those C cell Maglights in its mouf when it slipped and fell thru the hole it had created. Nigger landed on its face and rammed the flashlight through its filthy skull. IIRC the nigger's mammy tried to win the nigger lotto by suing the store owner.

11-14-2022, 02:22 AM
I was thinking maybe the coon chugged a few before robbing the place.


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