View Full Version : Niggers at the gym

11-02-2022, 10:13 PM
I’ve been going to the gym a lot lately trying to get in better shape. The niggers there sure detract from the experience, especially in the locker room where they evidently don’t have the
Intelligence or social skills to obey the most common forms of etiquette. They homestead all their clothes and bags over the limited bench space and make snide comments if you squeeze past them to get to your locker. Today one of them left all his stuff filling up the whole bench as he was shaving in the adjacent room where the sinks were. They also rap along to the music in their earbuds while waving their upper limbs around and making gang signs with their opposable thumbs. They are an
Inferior group of creatures and should be isolated in their own gym, away from full fledged humans.

11-02-2022, 10:24 PM
I’ve been going to the gym a lot lately trying to get in better shape. The niggers there sure detract from the experience, especially in the locker room where they evidently don’t have the
Intelligence or social skills to obey the most common forms of etiquette. They homestead all their clothes and bags over the limited bench space and make snide comments if you squeeze past them to get to your locker. Today one of them left all his stuff filling up the whole bench as he was shaving in the adjacent room where the sinks were. They also rap along to the music in their earbuds while waving their upper limbs around and making gang signs with their opposable thumbs. They are an
Inferior group of creatures and should be isolated in their own gym, away from full fledged humans.

Like the one in PRISON!!

11-03-2022, 02:56 AM
Niggers at the gym? How do you deal with the SMELL??

Jim Crow
11-03-2022, 07:02 AM
I used to frequent the gyms for years.A while back,,I acquired an older Wieder max w/410lbs resistance.Along w/my olympic weights,bench and various equip,I don’t need the gym! as a result, workouts are quicker and I never miss days.
Going to the gym was always an ordeal.30min round trip travel time. I had to wait for machines or equipment. My total workout time took over two hours! I can get done in my home in around an hour.And no niggers!

11-03-2022, 07:08 AM
niggers do indeed ruin everything. Stay away from those dangerous and smelly creatures.

Tar Remover
11-03-2022, 09:06 AM
You will definitely find niggers in places like that. You could get a disease.

11-03-2022, 10:45 AM
Niggers at the gym truly are loud, obnoxious, smelly and in everyones way. Like they are everywhere. All it takes is 2 niggers in a big gym, and it turns into uncivilized ghetto. The niggers shout at each other across the room like nobody else was there. They listen to their shitty rap music from their ghetto phone speakers and try to flex in front of the mirrors in most narcist and embarrasing ways. They put their gym bags in everyones way. They spend long times taking the weigths and machines, because they spend so much time playing with their phones and talking instead of actually using the equipment they have taken. They dont wear shoes, and spread their smelly nigger sweat from their shitfeet across the gym. Truly they are, annoying as hell and just 2 niggers in 1 gym, and the training will be inefficient and stressing experience to everyone else.

11-03-2022, 11:12 AM
You will definitely find niggers in places like that. You could get a disease.

or two, or three...... yukky niggers !!

11-03-2022, 01:23 PM
I saw one walking down the street today, it was a yellow eyed, overweight, nappy headed mammy with a dead look on her face.

Anyone who associates with them is an idiot.

Tar Remover
11-03-2022, 01:46 PM
or two, or three...... yukky niggers !!

Disgusting, filthy perverted Dirt Spooks.

Tar Remover
11-03-2022, 01:47 PM
I saw one walking down the street today, it was a yellow eyed, overweight, nappy headed mammy with a dead look on her face.

Anyone who associates with them is an idiot.

They came out of hell.

11-03-2022, 01:54 PM
Disgusting, filthy perverted Dirt Spooks.

YES YES YES !!! Niggers are vile and their immediate transportation to the pleasantries of Wakanda must be arranged asap !

11-03-2022, 09:48 PM
Niggers at the gym truly are loud, obnoxious, smelly and in everyones way. Like they are everywhere. All it takes is 2 niggers in a big gym, and it turns into uncivilized ghetto. The niggers shout at each other across the room like nobody else was there. They listen to their shitty rap music from their ghetto phone speakers and try to flex in front of the mirrors in most narcist and embarrasing ways. They put their gym bags in everyones way. They spend long times taking the weigths and machines, because they spend so much time playing with their phones and talking instead of actually using the equipment they have taken. They dont wear shoes, and spread their smelly nigger sweat from their shitfeet across the gym. Truly they are, annoying as hell and just 2 niggers in 1 gym, and the training will be inefficient and stressing experience to everyone else.

I have seen that myself!!

Blue Gum
11-05-2022, 05:27 AM
I'd find another gym to go too......one that wasn't so fixated with niggers ....

11-05-2022, 11:24 AM
I heard it on a podcast. Add this one to the list: light bulb, turn signals, peanut butter, the pyramids, black Wall Street, and of course, penicillin.

11-06-2022, 12:12 PM
Well yeah. According to leftist media, breathing was invented by niggers and shitting invented by muslims, so without muslims and niggers we would we would fill up with shit and couldnt breathe. Thats how stupid their "this was invented by niggers" lists are, like nobody else would have done those ever without them, according to some 9000 years old cave painting years showing a shitting nigger in Somalia.
All the advenced things in those lists are also full of blatant lies.

11-19-2022, 06:19 PM
They should have three locker rooms for customers: one for human women, one for human men, and one for niggers, trannies, and everything else that is neither human, male, or female.

11-20-2022, 12:31 PM
They should have three locker rooms for customers: one for human women, one for human men, and one for niggers, trannies, and everything else that is neither human, male, or female.

I SECOND that!!