View Full Version : A nigger gave a disrespectful look at chick-fil-A

10-25-2022, 06:27 AM
I was at chick-fil-A picking up dinner for everyone, and I proceeded to the line that snakes toward the counter. There were only a few people in line and most of the line was empty, but standing and blocking the entrance was, you guessed it, a nigger. I think they get in the way because nobody pays attention to them anymore.

I said, excuse me, then he harrumphs and groans, shakes his head and then moves out of the way. I just do not understand these nitwits.

Odin's balls
10-25-2022, 02:32 PM
They've always been in the way.

They serve no other purpose other than being useless mouths to feed

Keep Britain White
10-25-2022, 05:39 PM
Niggers do serve one good purpose: they remind us how glad we are to not be one of them.
I honestly believe there is not a single nigger alive who would choose to be black - no matter how they try to convince themselves otherwise.

Tar Remover
10-25-2022, 09:53 PM
Niggers are brainless apes...... Maybe you could have coaxed it away by tossing a chunk of watermelon off to the side....

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-25-2022, 10:02 PM
They consider it reparations to get in whitey’s way and inconvenience them. Sounds like you got off easy enough though.

10-25-2022, 10:28 PM
They consider it reparations to get in whitey’s way and inconvenience them. Sounds like you got off easy enough though.

Tru Dat!!

Jim Crow
10-26-2022, 07:03 AM
It probably wanted you to argue or fight w/it!Niggers are always looking to start shit!

10-26-2022, 12:17 PM
It probably wanted you to argue or fight w/it!Niggers are always looking to start shit!

It made zero sense that he was standing at the entrance of an empty serving line, but then again they never make sense. You can never reason with niggers. Even when you try to help them, it's like they don't get it or do not want help.

10-26-2022, 01:12 PM
Niggers do serve one good purpose: they remind us how glad we are to not be one of them.
I honestly believe there is not a single nigger alive who would choose to be black - no matter how they try to convince themselves otherwise.

Sorry, I cant agree with that one. To me it seems that niggers think they are the pinnacle of the mankind with their Muh Diks, and nothing is better than life of rape and violence in nigga style.
The niggerer the nigger is, more proud it is being a nigger. A nigger who wants to be white is a nigger with IQ over 80; extremely rare thing to see, usually those are put as totem animals immediately.

Jim Crow
10-26-2022, 05:05 PM
It made zero sense that he was standing at the entrance of an empty serving line, but then again they never make sense. You can never reason with niggers. Even when you try to help them, it's like they don't get it or do not want help.

Nigger was standing at entrance looking for some kind of free gibbs or a confrontation that could lead to free gibbs!

10-27-2022, 12:09 AM
Niggers are good for business. Those that tell us how wonderful they are profit heavily from their hopelessness. Niggers shouldn't be awarded any kind of human rights...simply because they're not human !!

Blue Gum
10-27-2022, 07:51 AM
I was at chick-fil-A picking up dinner for everyone, and I proceeded to the line that snakes toward the counter. There were only a few people in line and most of the line was empty, but standing and blocking the entrance was, you guessed it, a nigger. I think they get in the way because nobody pays attention to them anymore.

I said, excuse me, then he harrumphs and groans, shakes his head and then moves out of the way. I just do not understand these Niggers.

Just another one of the very common traits niggers possess......

Be really careful around niggers, the nigger IS a Very Unstable violent animal.

10-28-2022, 08:16 AM
Niggers are brainless apes...... Maybe you could have coaxed it away by tossing a chunk of watermelon off to the side....


10-28-2022, 10:29 AM
I judge anyone who isn't confident in their ability to defend themselves against a nigger. Carry whatever weapon is legal to carry if you have to. Carry pepper spray if you have to. You have every legal right to defend yourself. Niggers really aren't that tough. They just take advantage of those who don't stand up for themselves.

I have an uncle who is a news anchor. I still consider him to be lacking in manhood because he doesn't know how to defend himself. We haven't spoken since I told him that. It really doesn't bother me because I'm a man and I handle my own.

10-28-2022, 01:18 PM
Sorry, I cant agree with that one. To me it seems that niggers think they are the pinnacle of the mankind with their Muh Diks, and nothing is better than life of rape and violence in nigga style.
The niggerer the nigger is, more proud it is being a nigger. A nigger who wants to be white is a nigger with IQ over 80; extremely rare thing to see, usually those are put as totem animals immediately.

What did you mean by them being made totem animals?

Lip Plate
10-28-2022, 10:24 PM
It probably had no money, but the love of fried chicken was so strong that it could think rationally. As someone on this board brilliantly pointed out, it was a scheme to get free gibs or a confrontation leading to free gibs..

10-29-2022, 03:53 PM
If I lived in the US, I would avoid going to KFC and all other fried chicken fastfood joints. The stink of the niggers in them must be so strong and revolting, that I would lose my appetite.

10-30-2022, 02:44 AM
Niggers do serve one good purpose: they remind us how glad we are to not be one of them.
I honestly believe there is not a single nigger alive who would choose to be black - no matter how they try to convince themselves otherwise.

The old days of slavery and the current days of affirmative action and nigger worship have one very important thing in common: In both cases, the white man is feeding the nigger. This is the one area in which the "legacy of slavery" is actually true: We're still feeding those apes.

No matter how much "pride" niggers claim to have in their blackness, deep down they are insecure because they are dependent on another race feeding them. This creates a huge inferiority complex in the negro, and they react by overcompensating, lashing out at the hand that feeds them, and plain old chimping out.

10-30-2022, 12:53 PM
What did you mean by them being made totem animals?

Ah. I meant that they are worshipped like a totem statues in ancient american indian cultures. Always put into the middle of attention when a nigger does something special like is capable of flushing a toilet or saying "thank you" , always put into high places just for being a nigger with brown skin. A symbol that people all of sudden need to worship.
And animals, since theyre animals. So every nigger that is capable of doing anything above IQ 60, is now put into spotlight of being something special and to be worshipped, like a "totem" "animal".

01-11-2023, 06:50 AM
It’s that lack of empathy

01-19-2023, 06:55 AM
This is a clear case of ‘disrespect’ in nigger culture. If this was nigger v. nigger the end result would have been a wild brawl, destruction of the establishment, flying condiments, screaming mammies and niglets, and a police cordon of the building.

01-20-2023, 04:31 AM
In a sane world, every human in there would have dragged it out and tossed it into the street.

01-20-2023, 10:42 AM
They've always been in the way.

They serve no other purpose other than being useless mouths to feed

Tru Dat!!

01-27-2023, 02:05 PM
So happy I found this site! A free space to share how much I hate these niggers. These comments brightened my afternoon 😂