View Full Version : Non-white users, how nigger-loving is where you come from?

10-23-2022, 08:29 AM
Are people honest about niggers?

10-23-2022, 05:41 PM
Are people honest about niggers?

Does a bear SHIT in the woods?!

10-23-2022, 08:16 PM
Is that an honest question?

Yes, shit stinks.

10-24-2022, 09:50 AM
German, Scottish, Italian, and Spanish with an English last name here. I look like a Mediterranean and Anglo mix so mestizos sometimes like to pretend that I'm one of them. I can tell you that most Mexican mestizos can't stand niggers. They call them mollos. The only mestizos who like blacks are the ones who are too heavily influenced by rap and other media sources, so mostly young people who don't know better. The thing about mestizos, some act like dumb savages. Some act just like a young man trying to make his father proud. They're aren't the brightest bunch. They're not my brothers and sisters but I may be willing to think of them as a cousin.

10-24-2022, 02:48 PM
At least Japanese hate niggers. 0 trust to them, as should be everywhere. When some nigger is popular enough, like a top boxer or something, they might become naive to it, but overall they dont want their country be filled with raping apes.

10-25-2022, 01:05 AM
It should be pretty much universally known by now that every country around the world hates niggers. They haven't made any useful contributions to society and everything that comes from their "culture" is always a form of degeneracy that mostly appeals to the youth or the ignorant.

10-25-2022, 01:18 AM
At least Japanese hate niggers. 0 trust to them, as should be everywhere.

The Japanese should hate niggers rightfully so and if I were Japanese here is one reason why I would hate them. This video link I'm sharing with you is about a nigger in Japan asked nicely to turn his music down but he refuses to do so and as usual chimps out over being told what to do.


10-25-2022, 06:51 AM
The Japanese should hate niggers rightfully so and if I were Japanese here is one reason why I would hate them. This video link I'm sharing with you is about a nigger in Japan asked nicely to turn his music down but he refuses to do so and as usual chimps out over being told what to do.


Poor boy. Everywhere they go, they are met with racism. Everyone be racists. They hate him just because he's blakkk. All the other Japanese are blasting Gagaku music.

10-25-2022, 07:34 AM
Also note how camera guy had the foresight to start recording when dealing with niggers.

Why don't they deal with the nig the same way they do in the hot Savannah? Use a hammer.

10-25-2022, 07:40 AM
The Japanese should hate niggers rightfully so and if I were Japanese here is one reason why I would hate them. This video link I'm sharing with you is about a nigger in Japan asked nicely to turn his music down but he refuses to do so and as usual chimps out over being told what to do.


Damn! Typical nigger babble. “Bitch” “Nigga” “Bruh” “Muhfugga”.
Imagine going to Japan for a nigger-free vacation and encountering this.
Fuck off back to Africa, nigger!

10-25-2022, 12:49 PM
That's a good question, because lately I think about how nigger loving is my town. And I know it is a lot

10-25-2022, 01:56 PM
Also note how camera guy had the foresight to start recording when dealing with niggers.

Why don't they deal with the nig the same way they do in the hot Savannah? Use a hammer.

Or the way they do in Haiti - a slab of broken concrete over the cranium. Just look at that nigger's behavior and filthy language. Where does it think it is - Detroit?

10-25-2022, 02:19 PM
Truly, niggers are creatures that cause nothing but harm wherever they go. There isnt a single place on the planet, that would have become better place because niggers did there something. After the initial cotton picking at least, thats what they were good for a while, but what a price that was to pay later.

10-25-2022, 10:26 PM
Hispanic here. Yes we hate "los prietos" or "los morenos". Stupid ape thugs. Yes I am racist. There I said it. But so is everyone else.

10-26-2022, 01:09 AM
Poor boy. Everywhere they go, they are met with racism. Everyone be racists. They hate him just because he's blakkk. All the other Japanese are blasting Gagaku music.

And these stupid black tar pieces of shit wonder why every one hates them. Something similar happened to me last year when I visited the Mexican neighborhood I grew up with. Doesn't seem so Mexican anymore as it's being taken over by a few niggers and libtards. I was going to go to a little shop where my father used to take me to go buy groceries when I was young and have something to eat too as they also prepare food as well. Then this nigger comes in with his soon about to be dead latina or white girlfriend and that was enough for me to loose my appetite though I stayed regardless as my food was about to be served. Then this fucking stupid silver back gorilla pulls out his phone and starts listening to his shitty ooga booga trap babble "music" because this nigger didn't like the Mexican music being played. Nobody told him anything as most Mexican folks don't like to stir up any trouble unlike the typical common nigger. I had to sit there listening to his shitty babel music, though I would have said something to him but I didn't want to give off a nigger look of starting trouble even though it was for a good reason.

10-26-2022, 01:18 AM
Damn! Typical nigger babble. “Bitch” “Nigga” “Bruh” “Muhfugga”.
Imagine going to Japan for a nigger-free vacation and encountering this.
Fuck off back to Africa, nigger!

That's the least thing niggers would do is to fuck off to apefrica. They will infest any other good country BUT their own muthaland yet these idiots want to be accepted in countries they don't and will not fit in. Then if all doesn't go according to their plan, just say the magic word 'racist' and all of a sudden it's everyone else's fault and not their own.

10-26-2022, 07:01 AM
Also, in that video, they sent tiny cops to try to wrangle that silverback. The Japanese are definitely not prepared for wrangling silverbacks. What were they going to do, hit it with a leather whip?

10-30-2022, 01:32 PM
The Japanese should hate niggers rightfully so and if I were Japanese here is one reason why I would hate them. This video link I'm sharing with you is about a nigger in Japan asked nicely to turn his music down but he refuses to do so and as usual chimps out over being told what to do.


Japan is a country that HATES 'kokojin!!"

10-30-2022, 01:37 PM
Hispanic here. Yes we hate "los prietos" or "los morenos". Stupid ape thugs. Yes I am racist. There I said it. But so is everyone else.

I am an Anglo-Celtic Hispanic mix and I HATE Los "Prietos Apestosos" as WELL!! I also VEHEMENTLY HATE @$$lifter$ as WELL!! My mother's ancestors drove those GOAT FUCKERS out of Spain!!

10-30-2022, 05:46 PM
Speaking of telling loud niggers to pipe down...


11-01-2022, 05:02 PM
Speaking of telling loud niggers to pipe down...

So they say there are pictures of the suspects, but they aren't going to post them. LOL. Criminal acts of violence should face corporal punishment.

11-01-2022, 08:06 PM
So they say there are pictures of the suspects, but they aren't going to post them. LOL. Criminal acts of violence should face corporal punishment.

I agree with you completely


11-02-2022, 08:31 AM
So they say there are pictures of the suspects, but they aren't going to post them. LOL. Criminal acts of violence should face corporal punishment.

Just look up the names of the "suspooks" dey beez tyrone shitavius jackson, leroy theotis carter and lamont kwame weeyums!!

11-02-2022, 08:01 PM
Fuck those nasty animals.

11-03-2022, 08:46 AM
Fuck those nasty animals.

No, thanks.

11-08-2022, 04:20 AM
I looked up that words meaning, it turns out 'Kokojin' is a rather inoffensive term basically meaning "black man". The correct term you're looking for is 'kurombo' and according to some search results, it's the proper equivalent word for nigger.

11-08-2022, 05:09 AM
This is actually an important and interesting question. Why? Many minorities are specifically targeted by the black beasts especially here in the US. I lived abroad for many year and got to know some of Asians... The few I knew well enough to ask such a question or get into a discussion mainly kept their cards close to their chests and many of this group I'm sure had no opinion. A few (2 actually) despised the beasts.

As a matter of official Chinese policy... 'Fuck the niggers!!!!'.... Gotta like this ! The same Chinese Gov't that is rounding up the filthy ass-lifters and shuttling them off to camps for orderly disposal.

Yeah, China's a problem... But you gotta give credit where credit is due..
