View Full Version : Antifa in Nashville: F. you, you f. white cracker

10-22-2022, 12:48 PM
In Nashville there has been a rally against child mutilation. Look at the reaction of the "White" traitors (as far as I am concerned, they gave up their human membership, they aren't human any more, I consider them to be niggers):


Jim Crow
10-24-2022, 02:57 PM
Antifa is the worst! I’d like to drive a tank down the street at 60 miles an hour, while they are protesting in it!Just their faces are obnoxious enough and punchable enough to set me off!

10-24-2022, 09:43 PM
Antifa is the worst! I’d like to drive a tank down the street at 60 miles an hour, while they are protesting in it!Just their faces are obnoxious enough and punchable enough to set me off!

I LOVE that video where a "pantifa" p@$$y swung a baton at a Proud Boy and the P.B. DECKED it with a RIGHT HOOK!! Rocky would have been PROUD!!

10-24-2022, 11:23 PM
Matt gets some of the most obnoxious lefties this world has ever seen. They try to silence him, humiliate him and they hate him but they won't ever get their way. This one man is THAT much of a man that it takes an entire group of idiots to take him down.

Whitey Ford
10-26-2022, 12:54 AM
There was a time that I really hated antifa. Now I just see them for what they are. They are pathetic. They are the product of everything wrong with the worst of society. Their parents (if they had any) never loved them. They project the worst things that they hate about themselves on to other people. They claim to hate fascists, but don't know what fascism is.

Back in the day, Reagan cut federal funding for insane asylums. Then they closed the asylums and these people walk the streets. It's kind of like that old zombie movie tagline; 'when hell is full, the dead will walk the earth.' Now the insane just join antifa and annoy the hell out of society.

Dig the nig preacher :lol


Coon Town
11-03-2022, 09:43 AM
When I first read Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four back when I was in High School, I never dreamed I'd ever see things like Newspeak, or Doublethink actually come to pass. That was back in the halcyon days of 1989/1990. Over the years since then I've noticed the aforementioned items coming into use, tho not exactly as Orwell envisioned them. The rise of "Antifa", and other groups using fascist tactics and mindsets to condemn people who believe in facts & logic as "Fascists", and the major media supporting them just cements Orwell's status as a damn prophet.

11-05-2022, 06:41 PM
There was a time that I really hated antifa. Now I just see them for what they are. They are pathetic. They are the product of everything wrong with the worst of society. Their parents (if they had any) never loved them. They project the worst things that they hate about themselves on to other people. They claim to hate fascists, but don't know what fascism is.
Exactly, history repeats itself -> SA!

Back in the day, Reagan cut federal funding for insane asylums. Then they closed the asylums and these people walk the streets. It's kind of like that old zombie movie tagline; 'when hell is full, the dead will walk the earth.' Now the insane just join antifa and annoy the hell out of society.
True, but I wonder if there had been so many mentally ill people back then. I personally suspect drug abuse (especially the "harmless" marijuana) in young age has a lot to do with that as well. Of course that's an chicken egg problem, but ultimately the root of the problem is socialist agenda.