View Full Version : A disappointing mudshark love story

10-21-2022, 07:36 PM
I've seen lots of dispappointed mudshark love stories lately on the People's Court, - usually when their niggers crash their cars, steal their money, beat them up, and/or don't pay dat chile suppo't - but this one takes the cake for the pure depravity.

This is Rachel, hard-rode, hard-drinking whore who was looking for her heart's desire on FaceSpook Meat Market, a place where dreams can come true. She really, really wanted to rut with a nigger, and after exchanging some romantic texts, complete with pics of muh poosay and muh dik, she choose Mr. Lor, a lightbulb-headed, fugly, drunken buck.


So eager was Rachael for some of what Mr. Lor has that she agreed to drive from Rochester, NY to Binghamton to meet her nigger in a cheap motel. He was going to pay for it but at the last minute texted her that he was too busy to deal with such trivial things and that she should put it on her credit card. Rachael had no problem with that since the nigger told her he'd pay her back. Yeah. :lol .

She sat waiting in the parking lot for 1 1/2 hrs for Mr. Lor to get there and scratch her itch. Judge Milian asks if it didn't occur to her to turn around and go home. No way. Rachael came for nigger muh dik and she was going to get it, no matter what! She said her nigger was drunk and drugged when he got there, but that didn't deter her, oh no.

She went out to buy ciggies and other shit for them. When she got back, Mr. Lor stripped down buck-nekkid, sat on the bed, and when he got up, Rachael says he left - in her words -"poop" on the sheet. So what? She stayed the night with him anyway. Rachael is not one to let a little shit put her off. She says there was no muh dikkin', just "kissing". 21206 He says there were several boinkings. That's the only thing that came out of his chiggun hole that I believed.

Sadly, Mr. Lor whose eyes look like two pissholes in the snow says he's a teacher yet says things like "We was" and "She DEFACED me", didn't pay her as he promised. Imagine that. He says some fambly member got batwinged so his way of working through his grief was to "Drown my sorrows" and hook up with a dirty reamed-out mudshark at a sleazy motel. I guess it's the nigger way of overcoming bereavement.

Both of them appeared to be drunk and/or drugged during their appearance here. They were DISGUSTING. What really puzzles me is wondering why Rachael couldn't find a nigger to muh dik her closer to home. 21205 Surely there are plenty of groids in Rochester who would be willing to jump her shop-worn ass?

So ends the sad, star-crossed, romantic tale of mudsharking gone wrong with the shit-stained Romeo and the hard-rode nigger-loving Juliette. Touched my heartstrings, it did.

10-21-2022, 07:49 PM
Why is the shark suing for? BBC turned out to me LBC?

10-21-2022, 07:54 PM
Why is the shark suing for? BBC turned out to me LBC?


The whore wanted 1600$ for the room and her gas to get to this tryst, money for her aggravation and the 100$ she says he stole from her wallet. She got 400$ for airing this filthy laundry to a national audience.

10-21-2022, 09:38 PM
really puzzles me is wondering why Rachael couldn't find a nigger to muh dik her closer to home. http://www.chimpout.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=21205&d=1647823781 Surely there are plenty of groids in Rochester who would be willing to jump her shop-worn ass?
So ends the sad, star-crossed, romantic tale of mudsharking gone wrong with the shit-stained Romeo and the hard-rode nigger-loving Juliette. Touched my heartstrings, it did.

I know Rochester... It was once the Jewel of Western New York as Eastman Kodak had it's corporate headquarters there. Then came the digital age and the ass-wipes in the head offices believed digital photography was a flash in the pan and film was the only true way to take a pic. They got on board very late in the game with a ridiculous docking station contraption which was the only way to download pics from their camera. Also, they had their own compression technology that used lots of space and provided for very shitty pics.

After investing hundreds of millions, I think they sold 6 units lol (or some such low number)

Anyway, Eastman Kodak fell off the face of the earth and with it went Rochester wheere their headquarters were based... whites left en-mass and enter the nigger beasts.... THERE ARE TONS OF NIGGERS IN ROCHESTER... If I had to bet, she's porked most of them and needed fresh radiator hose....

Well written, by the way... A fun read!

Jim Crow
10-22-2022, 07:57 AM

10-22-2022, 11:08 AM
I've seen lots of dispappointed mudshark love stories lately on the People's Court, - usually when their niggers crash their cars, steal their money, beat them up, and/or don't pay dat chile suppo't - but this one takes the cake for the pure depravity.

This is Rachel, hard-rode, hard-drinking whore who was looking for her heart's desire on FaceSpook Meat Market, a place where dreams can come true. She really, really wanted to rut with a nigger, and after exchanging some romantic texts, complete with pics of muh poosay and muh dik, she choose Mr. Lor, a lightbulb-headed, fugly, drunken buck.


So eager was Rachael for some of what Mr. Lor has that she agreed to drive from Rochester, NY to Binghamton to meet her nigger in a cheap motel. He was going to pay for it but at the last minute texted her that he was too busy to deal with such trivial things and that she should put it on her credit card. Rachael had no problem with that since the nigger told her he'd pay her back. Yeah. :lol .

She sat waiting in the parking lot for 1 1/2 hrs for Mr. Lor to get there and scratch her itch. Judge Milian asks if it didn't occur to her to turn around and go home. No way. Rachael came for nigger muh dik and she was going to get it, no matter what! She said her nigger was drunk and drugged when he got there, but that didn't deter her, oh no.

She went out to buy ciggies and other shit for them. When she got back, Mr. Lor stripped down buck-nekkid, sat on the bed, and when he got up, Rachael says he left - in her words -"poop" on the sheet. So what? She stayed the night with him anyway. Rachael is not one to let a little shit put her off. She says there was no muh dikkin', just "kissing". 21206 He says there were several boinkings. That's the only thing that came out of his chiggun hole that I believed.

Sadly, Mr. Lor whose eyes look like two pissholes in the snow says he's a teacher yet says things like "We was" and "She DEFACED me", didn't pay her as he promised. Imagine that. He says some fambly member got batwinged so his way of working through his grief was to "Drown my sorrows" and hook up with a dirty reamed-out mudshark at a sleazy motel. I guess it's the nigger way of overcoming bereavement.

Both of them appeared to be drunk and/or drugged during their appearance here. They were DISGUSTING. What really puzzles me is wondering why Rachael couldn't find a nigger to muh dik her closer to home. 21205 Surely there are plenty of groids in Rochester who would be willing to jump her shop-worn ass?

So ends the sad, star-crossed, romantic tale of mudsharking gone wrong with the shit-stained Romeo and the hard-rode nigger-loving Juliette. Touched my heartstrings, it did.

Nigger buck is a shit-skinned, male version of Amber "Turd!!"

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-23-2022, 01:01 AM
I've seen lots of dispappointed mudshark love stories lately on the People's Court, - usually when their niggers crash their cars, steal their money, beat them up, and/or don't pay dat chile suppo't - but this one takes the cake for the pure depravity.

This is Rachel, hard-rode, hard-drinking whore who was looking for her heart's desire on FaceSpook Meat Market, a place where dreams can come true. She really, really wanted to rut with a nigger, and after exchanging some romantic texts, complete with pics of muh poosay and muh dik, she choose Mr. Lor, a lightbulb-headed, fugly, drunken buck.


So eager was Rachael for some of what Mr. Lor has that she agreed to drive from Rochester, NY to Binghamton to meet her nigger in a cheap motel. He was going to pay for it but at the last minute texted her that he was too busy to deal with such trivial things and that she should put it on her credit card. Rachael had no problem with that since the nigger told her he'd pay her back. Yeah. :lol .

She sat waiting in the parking lot for 1 1/2 hrs for Mr. Lor to get there and scratch her itch. Judge Milian asks if it didn't occur to her to turn around and go home. No way. Rachael came for nigger muh dik and she was going to get it, no matter what! She said her nigger was drunk and drugged when he got there, but that didn't deter her, oh no.

She went out to buy ciggies and other shit for them. When she got back, Mr. Lor stripped down buck-nekkid, sat on the bed, and when he got up, Rachael says he left - in her words -"poop" on the sheet. So what? She stayed the night with him anyway. Rachael is not one to let a little shit put her off. She says there was no muh dikkin', just "kissing". 21206 He says there were several boinkings. That's the only thing that came out of his chiggun hole that I believed.

Sadly, Mr. Lor whose eyes look like two pissholes in the snow says he's a teacher yet says things like "We was" and "She DEFACED me", didn't pay her as he promised. Imagine that. He says some fambly member got batwinged so his way of working through his grief was to "Drown my sorrows" and hook up with a dirty reamed-out mudshark at a sleazy motel. I guess it's the nigger way of overcoming bereavement.

Both of them appeared to be drunk and/or drugged during their appearance here. They were DISGUSTING. What really puzzles me is wondering why Rachael couldn't find a nigger to muh dik her closer to home. 21205 Surely there are plenty of groids in Rochester who would be willing to jump her shop-worn ass?

So ends the sad, star-crossed, romantic tale of mudsharking gone wrong with the shit-stained Romeo and the hard-rode nigger-loving Juliette. Touched my heartstrings, it did.
Probably greased that nigger dome up and slid right in that wallowed out snatch.

Coon Town
10-25-2022, 12:40 PM
She went out to buy ciggies and other shit for them. When she got back, Mr. Lor stripped down buck-nekkid, sat on the bed, and when he got up, Rachael says he left - in her words -"poop" on the sheet. So what? She stayed the night with him anyway.

Hmmm....a shitstain leaving a shit stain....who'da thunk it? The fact that the reamed out mudshark still spent the night with the monkey says all there is to say about YT wimminz who fuck niggers.

Ray Cizzums
10-25-2022, 06:54 PM
Eyes, looking like two pissholes in the snow ? :lol
I'm stealing that one, 'Diva....

10-25-2022, 07:11 PM
Eyes, looking like two pissholes in the snow ? :lol
I'm stealing that one, 'Diva....

Hahaha! That pic reminds me of the heroic, iconic scene of Captain Cizzums hunting down the Great Black Landwhale. :lol

10-25-2022, 11:41 PM
Probably greased that nigger dome up and slid right in that wallowed out snatch.

That's funny as hell!

knot a Knigger
07-10-2024, 01:29 AM
Isa is the Shakespeare of chimpout! Eloquent and intriguing verse.

07-10-2024, 10:34 PM
I howled all the way through your story, Diva! :D

07-15-2024, 10:24 AM
I know Rochester... It was once the Jewel of Western New York as Eastman Kodak had it's corporate headquarters there. Then came the digital age and the ass-wipes in the head offices believed digital photography was a flash in the pan and film was the only true way to take a pic. They got on board very late in the game with a ridiculous docking station contraption which was the only way to download pics from their camera. Also, they had their own compression technology that used lots of space and provided for very shitty pics.

After investing hundreds of millions, I think they sold 6 units lol (or some such low number)

Anyway, Eastman Kodak fell off the face of the earth and with it went Rochester wheere their headquarters were based... whites left en-mass and enter the nigger beasts.... THERE ARE TONS OF NIGGERS IN ROCHESTER... If I had to bet, she's porked most of them and needed fresh radiator hose....

Well written, by the way... A fun read!Rochester was s great place but like most places in Nig Yawk State it turned into a niggerfuxated shit hole. The stupid white libturds in Lake Placid and Saranac Lake are doing their shoddy best to niggrify the Adirondacks but with less success. Niggers hate the woods.

07-15-2024, 10:45 AM
Rochester was s great place but like most places in Nig Yawk State it turned into a niggerfuxated shit hole. The stupid white libturds in Lake Placid and Saranac Lake are doing their shoddy best to niggrify the Adirondacks but with less success. Niggers hate the woods.

Lake Placid too? We used to love going there, years ago. But yeah - no niggers in the woods. Who are they going to rape and rob there - bears?

07-15-2024, 09:49 PM
Who are they going to rape and rob there - bears?

I wish they'd try.

07-15-2024, 11:32 PM
I wish they'd try.

That would be comical. Niggers have a genetic fear of large animals, ingrained in their pea brains from the time they had to run from lions and hyenas.

07-17-2024, 01:19 PM
Lake Placid too? We used to love going there, years ago. But yeah - no niggers in the woods. Who are they going to rape and rob there - bears?
LP is a pretty international city as far as the tourists go. The few niggers you might see are magic rich ones. But next door in Saranac Lake there is a coven of stupid white mainly female nigger lovers :niggerlover who squawk & fume about say a hill called "Negro Hill" and want more niggers to move in so the Tri Lakes Region can have more drive-byes, home invasions, (hopefully with the libturds as the victims) speshul ed niglets and welfare parasites.
Renaming pays homage to Black settler, lays foundation for honoring local history

By Mike Lynch

The renaming of a brook in the northern Adirondacks in honor of 19th century Black settler John Thomas has given diversity advocates a burst of hope with this “longshot” win and at least one says it may have ripple effects.

Paul Smith’s College professor Curt Stager led the effort for changing the name of Negro Brook. The source of John Thomas Brook is located near Kate Mountain in the town of Franklin. From there, it flows south to Twobridge Brook one mile northwest of Bloomingdale.https://www.adirondackexplorer.org/stories/john-thomas-brook-name-change
Tiffany Rea-Fisher, director of the Adirondack Diversity Initiative, speaks on a panel about diversity, equity and inclusion
last month at Camp Chingachgook in Fort Ann. Photo by Gwendolyn Craig

07-17-2024, 08:28 PM
LP is a pretty international city as far as the tourists go. The few niggers you might see are magic rich ones. But next door in Saranac Lake there is a coven of stupid white mainly female nigger lovers :niggerlover who squawk & fume about say a hill called "Negro Hill" and want more niggers to move in so the Tri Lakes Region can have more drive-byes, home invasions, (hopefully with the libturds as the victims) speshul ed niglets and welfare parasites. https://www.adirondackexplorer.org/stories/john-thomas-brook-name-change
Tiffany Rea-Fisher, director of the Adirondack Diversity Initiative, speaks on a panel about diversity, equity and inclusion
last month at Camp Chingachgook in Fort Ann. Photo by Gwendolyn Craig

The renaming of a brook in the northern Adirondacks in honor of 19th century Black settler John Thomas has given diversity advocates a burst of hope

The nigger stole the name "JOHN THOMAS"? Oh, that's rich but quite appropriate:


Diversity advocates?