View Full Version : So...It Should Be The NIGGER Hockey League?

10-20-2022, 09:00 AM
The black NHL diversity director saying that the league is too white...gee, what a shock! Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, black hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too black? This 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again...

That was the 'cleaned up' version of what I was thinking when I posted this as a reply to an article on Newsmax. Our version should read like this...

Some stupid nigger is ooking and eeking that the NHL is too white...gee, what a fucking shock! A nigger complaining about something run by the evil YT Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, nigger hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too full of niggers? This bullshit 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again. In other words, humans will become sick enough of niggers and all the baggage that they bring to FINALLY do something tangible about it.

It is up to Caucasian humans to stop this. There are too many fucking cowards who are afraid of being called a racist, so they can only suck the nigger dick out of fear. Fuck that! I admit that I am not only a racist, but I am also a realist as well. I have seen the niggers for what they are and what they represent. A nigger future looks like Chimpcago and Detroitlet with the streets of Los Angeles mixed together like some nigger brew of awfulness. I am a former police officer so I have seen the niggers and what they REALLY are, in their OWN BACKYARDS, and in THEIR OWN slum communities. They want what we have but don't have the intelligence or the will to make it so. They are the perfect example of a welfare culture. The fucking asshole Democrats LOVE this, but only until it starts to take a shit on their own front steps. Only until a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, stinky stupid nigger comes to fuck their lilly-white daughters.

I hate niggers, and I don't care who knows it.

10-20-2022, 09:02 AM
The black NHL diversity director saying that the league is too white...gee, what a shock! Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, black hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too black? This 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again...

That was the 'cleaned up' version of what I was thinking when I posted this as a reply to an article on Newsmax. Our version should read like this...

Some stupid nigger is ooking and eeking that the NHL is too white...gee, what a fucking shock! A nigger complaining about something run by the evil YT Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, nigger hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too full of niggers? This bullshit 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again. In other words, humans will become sick enough of niggers and all the baggage that they bring to FINALLY do something tangible about it.

It is up to Caucasian humans to stop this. There are too many fucking cowards who are afraid of being called a racist, so they can only suck the nigger dick out of fear. Fuck that! I admit that I am not only a racist, but I am also a realist as well. I have seen the niggers for what they are and what they represent. A nigger future looks like Chimpcago and Detroitlet with the streets of Los Angeles mixed together like some nigger brew of awfulness. I am a former police officer so I have seen the niggers and what they REALLY are, in their OWN BACKYARDS, and in THEIR OWN slum communities. They want what we have but don't have the intelligence or the will to make it so. They are the perfect example of a welfare culture. The fucking asshole Democrats LOVE this, but only until it starts to take a shit on their own front steps. Only until a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, stinky stupid nigger comes to fuck their lilly-white daughters.

I hate niggers, and I don't care who knows it.

GREAT minds THINK alike!!

Jim Crow
10-20-2022, 05:27 PM
When I grew up I loved watching NHL hockey. Not just because I love the game, but because it was a white man sport. You would rarely see a nigger on the ice.Now,the liberal cucks have to a couple on every team.

10-20-2022, 05:55 PM
The black NHL diversity director saying that the league is too white...gee, what a shock! Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, black hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too black? This 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again...

That was the 'cleaned up' version of what I was thinking when I posted this as a reply to an article on Newsmax. Our version should read like this...

Some stupid nigger is ooking and eeking that the NHL is too white...gee, what a fucking shock! A nigger complaining about something run by the evil YT Perhaps the ice is too white as well? How about the evil white hockey players beating a poor, nigger hockey puck with sticks? Awful! Can we turn this around and say that the NBA is too full of niggers? This bullshit 'diversity' agenda is being crammed down our throats, and at some point there will be a massive repudiation, a huge pendulum swing back in the other direction. The diversity and inclusion mob will not know what hit them as this country tries to find its equilibrium again. In other words, humans will become sick enough of niggers and all the baggage that they bring to FINALLY do something tangible about it.

It is up to Caucasian humans to stop this. There are too many fucking cowards who are afraid of being called a racist, so they can only suck the nigger dick out of fear. Fuck that! I admit that I am not only a racist, but I am also a realist as well. I have seen the niggers for what they are and what they represent. A nigger future looks like Chimpcago and Detroitlet with the streets of Los Angeles mixed together like some nigger brew of awfulness. I am a former police officer so I have seen the niggers and what they REALLY are, in their OWN BACKYARDS, and in THEIR OWN slum communities. They want what we have but don't have the intelligence or the will to make it so. They are the perfect example of a welfare culture. The fucking asshole Democrats LOVE this, but only until it starts to take a shit on their own front steps. Only until a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, stinky stupid nigger comes to fuck their lilly-white daughters.

I hate niggers, and I don't care who knows it.

Hahaha! Nothing is ever "too black" and everything is not black enough.

Niggers on ice! Niggers whining that some player on an opposing team said something rayciss to them! This, in a sport where there is slashing, high-sticking, tripping, and fighting. But a name! He called me a name! Name-calling is now a felony if directed at nigs.

My father was a major hockey fan. I recall once when I was a kid asking him why there are no niggers playing hockey. "They have weak ankles", he said. I can only imagine what he would think now that this sub-simian pavement ape (with its filthy coal-burning whore) and others like it are on the TV screen.


10-20-2022, 10:38 PM
When are the diversity directors for the NFL and NBA going to come out and say those sports are TOO BLACK and need MORE WHITE PLAYERS?

Thursday Night Feetsball is currently playing on the bar TV. There are 34 nigger players and only 10 White players. That is extremely racist and the NFL needs a diversity program for more White players.

10-21-2022, 11:57 AM
When are the diversity directors for the NFL and NBA going to come out and say those sports are TOO BLACK and need MORE WHITE PLAYERS?

Thursday Night Feetsball is currently playing on the bar TV. There are 34 nigger players and only 10 White players. That is extremely racist and the NFL needs a diversity program for more White players.

Tru Dat!!