View Full Version : Goat fukr sets restaurant on fire, but released next day, NYC

10-18-2022, 03:57 PM
Some goat fucker sets fire to a restaurant and was caught and released the next day. Yes, this catch and release was in NYC.

I'm not going to bother with the cocksucker's name.


10-18-2022, 04:26 PM
Well, no harm done. Paki on Paki crime (Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan, so they're the same hideous Muslim pieces of shit). Sand niggers are just a variant of the regular niggers.

10-18-2022, 09:52 PM
Some goat fucker sets fire to a restaurant and was caught and released the next day. Yes, this catch and release was in NYC.

I'm not going to bother with the cocksucker's name.


IMAGINE that!! Was it achhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmed bin goatfuck?!

10-19-2022, 06:15 PM
I'm glad the victim was another non-human but crime in NYC, LA, and every other city under the neo-fascist rule of George "Satan" Soros-funded woke district attorneys is being used as a deliberate biological weapon against white people. It's anti-white terrorism, plain and simple. They are deliberately using niggers, sand niggers, border niggers, and other violent thugs as foot soldiers in their terrorist war against us. By making it known that violent crime and looting will not be prosecuted, and letting criminals free without bail, they are sending a clear message to criminals that it's open season upon us. It is no different from an owner siccing his trained attack dog on a person. Those leftist DAs and their masters have blood on their hands and are guilty of genocide. That soulless ghoul Satan Soros is without question the biggest terrorist, biggest war criminal, and most evil being in history. If other muzzies or niggers are victimized by these wild roving criminals, that's just collateral damage to our woke overlords. They don't even care about their henchmen and allies. They have zero respect for any human or animal life except their own.

With midterm elections coming up for my fellow Americans, it may seem pointless choosing between nigger-loving libtard Democrats and nigger-loving cuck Republicans, and I can certainly understand that, but please, for the love of God, vote against woke libtard crime-enabling DAs wherever you can find them. That's the single most important thing on this ballot.

Jim Crow
10-20-2022, 07:23 AM
Only in Nu Yawk and commyfornia could this stupidity happen. Worthless Muslim fuck should’ve been charged with arson. I’m hoping that he burns down some fucking liberal’s house while out on bail! But that still wouldn’t teach the liberals anything!

10-20-2022, 08:39 AM
Video of the goat fucker.


11-30-2022, 02:19 PM
"NYC man arrested for setting Asian restaurant on fire over botched dish released a day later" Yahoo speak.
"Paki arrested for setting another Moslem grease pit on fire over botched dish released a day later" Real Speak