View Full Version : Atlanta Federal Reserve President nigger indulging in that age old nigger pastime of Insider Trading LOL

Whitey Ford
10-17-2022, 03:19 PM
Atlanta Fed President Bought Low and Sold High in 2020 as the Fed Bailed Out Wall Street; Then He Failed to Report those Trades


It was one year ago that Wall Street On Parade raised a multitude of red flags about Raphael Bostic, the President of the Atlanta Fed. We have published the entirety of that article below so that our readers can see just how long it took both Bostic and the Atlanta Fed to come clean with the American people about his trading on Wall Street.

On Friday, Bostic released a seven-page statement in which he owned up to the following: failing to list a multitude of trades that were conducted on his behalf by trading firms on Wall Street over a period of five years; failing to properly report income on his assets on his financial disclosure forms; trading during blackout periods when trading was barred by the Federal Reserve; providing inaccurate values on his financial disclosure forms. The upshot was that Bostic had to restate his financial disclosure forms for the entire five-year period he has filed them at the Atlanta Fed , i.e., 2017 through 2021.

If a publicly-traded company had to restate its earnings and admit that it had lied to the American people for five straight years, you can bet that the CEO and CFO would be fired in short order by the Board of Directors. But the Board of the Atlanta Fed is sticking with Bostic – at least for now.
