View Full Version : Why do niggers stink?

10-16-2022, 03:49 AM
Serious question. What the science behind that distinct smell?

10-16-2022, 05:45 AM
Serious question. What the science behind that distinct smell?

It's usually one of six things (or a combination):

1. They don't use soap when showering or bathing.
2. They don't use deodorant.
3. They don't shower or bathe.
4. Niggers have a higher density of sweat glands per square inch than humans.
5. Liberal use of something containing cocoa butter. (This is probably the most common and noticeable cause of the stink in first world nations)
6. Niggers naturally produce an offensive odor so as to frighten away insects that may contain malaria.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-16-2022, 06:42 AM
Serious question. What the science behind that distinct smell?
It’s both a defense mechanism and a warning.
Lions have to be starving to eat one.
It is a warning that they’re vile, violent savages and we should all stay away.

Blue Gum
10-16-2022, 09:48 AM
The real answer? ....So blind people can hate them too.....lol

10-16-2022, 09:49 AM
So that blind people can hate them too.

The answer can come from a skunk. Nobody will bother a skunk twice.

10-16-2022, 11:48 AM
So that blind people can hate them too.

The answer can come from a skunk. Nobody will bother a skunk twice.

Even skunks smell BETTER than niggers!! And they are better behaved!!

10-16-2022, 01:36 PM
Serious question. What the science behind that distinct smell?

This is a question that has come up before and there is a legitimate scientific explanation that I have explained in these two previous post:



10-16-2022, 03:53 PM
This reminds me of a personal incident that happened this summer. I was sick for a few days, and way too tired to even take a shower. I was sweating all nights and had stomach aches too. Maybe it was the covid, maybe not, I dont know. Anyway, after a few days I was a bit better and simply had to go to the grocery store. When I got inside the store, I realized that I smell horrible, as said I had not showered in a few days and being outside my home made me realize that I stink. I felt ashamed about myself and thought that "sheet now I smell like a nigger!". But I had to do my shopping, take shower back home. But then alas, all of sudden, a nigger who had been behind me, walked past me. And it smelled exactly what I was thinking that what is this hideous stink of mine! When the nigger went further, the stink went away! LOL and there I had been thinking that it was my foul smell, but it was just a shitmonkey who had been behind me! I probably wasnt in good shape either of course, but still, it was pretty hilarious as I was so ashamed of my lack of hygiene and then found out that the stink was a nigger all the time.... :D

10-16-2022, 04:41 PM
Skunks can never be niggers as they are half white. The nigger funk stunk is clearly caused primarily by its complete lack of cognitive ability. Clean to a nigger is the third day of not doing rock.

10-16-2022, 05:40 PM
I don't really know what niggers smell like since I've tried to stay far enough away from them to avoid their scent. My mother informed me when I was a kid that they have a "funny smell". That stayed with me for life to help me avoid the groid.

10-16-2022, 06:19 PM
I don't really know what niggers smell like since I've tried to stay far enough away from them to avoid their scent. My mother informed me when I was a kid that they have a "funny smell". That stayed with me for life to help me avoid the groid.

Good thing you stay away from them as niggers might spray you.

10-16-2022, 06:21 PM
Even skunks smell BETTER than niggers!! And they are better behaved!!

That's a good point. I've never heard of a skunk raping or murdering.

10-16-2022, 10:59 PM
That's a good point. I've never heard of a skunk raping or murdering.

Tru Dat, MAING!!

10-16-2022, 11:01 PM
That's a good point. I've never heard of a skunk raping or murdering.

De-scented skunks also make nice pets, something NO nigger could ever be even if de-stunked.

10-16-2022, 11:04 PM
This reminds me of a personal incident that happened this summer. I was sick for a few days, and way too tired to even take a shower. I was sweating all nights and had stomach aches too. Maybe it was the covid, maybe not, I dont know. Anyway, after a few days I was a bit better and simply had to go to the grocery store. When I got inside the store, I realized that I smell horrible, as said I had not showered in a few days and being outside my home made me realize that I stink. I felt ashamed about myself and thought that "sheet now I smell like a nigger!". But I had to do my shopping, take shower back home. But then alas, all of sudden, a nigger who had been behind me, walked past me. And it smelled exactly what I was thinking that what is this hideous stink of mine! When the nigger went further, the stink went away! LOL and there I had been thinking that it was my foul smell, but it was just a shitmonkey who had been behind me! I probably wasnt in good shape either of course, but still, it was pretty hilarious as I was so ashamed of my lack of hygiene and then found out that the stink was a nigger all the time.... :D

Facts are interesting things!!

10-18-2022, 07:34 PM
Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? That’s a good question and their are plenty of good answers I have read above. I just want to say I do fire inspections in apartments mostly (in Apelanta) and have noticed the stomach of nigger before I walk into an apartment. It smells like bromide (burning sulfur) from all the black nigger hair products they use. They smell like bad breath and mothballs. Also their apartments often smell like burnt fried chicken grease. I also see all their positive affirmation post it notes they place on their bathroom mirrors saying stuff like “I and a king/queen” “I am a millionaire” “I will make 85k a year” etc. Another thing I see are all their shitty sip and stroke paintings of black women and their black nigger hair doos with these affirmations painted in. Every aspect of a nigger is obnoxious including their smell.

10-19-2022, 12:07 AM
That's a good point. I've never heard of a skunk raping or murdering.

The "me too" movement does in fact claim that Pepe Le Pew is indeed a rapist even though they have never produced any evidence other than a few off color remarks made to a few female cast members. They may have successfully cancelled him since I haven't seen him in any recent films.

It could be possible that he is a rapist since he is overly consumed with muh dikk, stinks and appears to be half black.
