View Full Version : Nigger Serial Killer Just Aperested in Stockton CA

10-15-2022, 11:41 PM
Wesley Brownlee was arrested by Stockton police and named as a suspect in the serial killings of five men in that Central California city as well as a murder and non-deadly shooting in Oakland. Police said he was "out hunting" another victim when he was apprehended.

Remember when all the "smart" people "knew" all serial killers were whites?

"I'm so surprised the suspect is an African American."
Said no one seriously.

10-16-2022, 12:07 AM
Police in Stockton, California announced that a suspect has been arrested in relation to six murders and one shooting since April 2021.

Stockton Police Department Chief Stanley McFadden announced that Wesley Brownlee, 43, was arrested while he was armed and on a "mission to kill" another victim.

McFadden said that police followed Brownlee while he was driving on Saturday morning, and while watching his "patterns," officers determined that "he was on a mission to kill" and he was "out hunting."

When police officers made contact with Brownlee at around 2 a.m. after stopping him, they observed he was wearing a mask around his neck with dark clothing, McFadden said, adding that he was armed when taken into custody.https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-serial-killer-police-arrest-man-suspected-stockton-murders

10-16-2022, 08:24 AM

Let's hope that Stockton, COMMIFORNIA doesn't have a soros-funded D.A!!

10-16-2022, 11:17 AM
Remember when all the "smart" people "knew" all serial killers were whites?

"I'm so surprised the suspect is an African American."
Said no one seriously.

Of course. We have been bombarded with White serial killers - movies, books, TV shows, interviews, etc., non-stop. Everyone on the planet knows the names and life stories of Gacy, Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, Rader, etc.

I bet no one can name any of these nigger serial killers, not even Samuel Little, thought to be the most prolific serial killer in US history. I don't have a problem with him since he mostly batwinged breeder sows, but still, let's keep it hushed up.


There was a YT video featuring all the nigger serial killers, but surprise:



10-16-2022, 11:47 AM
Of course. We have been bombarded with White serial killers - movies, books, TV shows, interviews, etc., non-stop. Everyone on the planet knows the names and life stories of Gacy, Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, Rader, etc.

I bet no one can name any of these nigger serial killers, not even Samuel Little, thought to be the most prolific serial killer in US history. I don't have a problem with him since he mostly batwinged breeder sows, but still, let's keep it hushed up.


There was a YT video featuring all the nigger serial killers, but surprise:



Beta soy boy cuckerberg being big brother again!!

10-16-2022, 11:49 AM
Face it, the white ones are legend for the sheer ferocity, numbers and length. Bundy was Mr Cool, fooling everyone for years and ESCAPING JAIL TWICE.
Niggers just do in one nameless crack hoe after another who take two years before anyone else notices they were batwinged. :traybat

10-16-2022, 12:55 PM
Face it, the white ones are legend for the sheer ferocity, numbers and length. Bundy was Mr Cool, fooling everyone for years and ESCAPING JAIL TWICE.
Niggers just do in one nameless crack hoe after another who take two years before anyone else notices they were batwinged. :traybat

This is true. Niggers often don't report their fambly members or even their sprogs missing for days or weeks. I guess they don't notice one missing nigger in the groidles occupying their Sec8 cribs and nests.