View Full Version : nigger caught on tape kidnapping and raping 14 year old

10-13-2022, 12:58 PM

Los Angeles police released chilling surveillance video showing a man kidnapping a 14-year-old at a park in El Sereno before allegedly forcing the victim into a bathroom and sexually assaulting the teen. Edward William Banks, 27, was arrested on Tuesday and is currently held on $1 million bail on the charge of aggravated kidnapping to commit rape.


Surveillance video initially released by LAPD showed the suspect – described as a Black male with curly hair, a goatee, and wearing a white shirt with green and red stripes and dark jeans – with his arm wrapped around the teen victim’s shoulder and neck.


"The suspect threatened the victim with a weapon and forced the victim into a bathroom," police said. "The suspect then proceeded to sexually assault the victim. The suspect left the location in an unknown direction. Portions of this incident were captured on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)."


10-13-2022, 07:30 PM
Wakanda. One way. Now.


10-13-2022, 11:20 PM
This is the kind of shit liberals get their rocks off. A nigger 'diversifying' a young girl so she can later birth a disgusting mulatto and have the entire cycle happen all over again in the future. So not only is he a nigger doing his typical muh dickery to someone white but he's also a paedo. Hmm, I assume this will probably be swept under the rug and forgotten about in a matter of days since he's a nigger. That's the thing that angers me the most, everyone just acts like this is normal behavior for a nigger and we are just meant to forget about this shit ever happened. However if someone else who isn't a nigger does this exact same crime, then it makes national headlines I'm sure because THAT is apparently more newsworthy.

Jim Crow
10-14-2022, 06:21 AM
Calli is liberal as fuck! The nigger will be treated with leniency and released to do it again! If this were a wild animal that attacked a teen, it would be euthanized.Niggers are not human. they are savage beasts and should be treated as such!

Blue Gum
10-15-2022, 08:43 AM
The nigger has probably been released 8 hours after it was arrested, yea the liberal democraps think there are too many nigger bucks caged in nigger-U, it's systemic racism....lol

No...you nigger loving democraps, it's the nigger animal that is Way below the cultural standards of Western societies. The nigger animal DOES NOT possess the cognition or conscience that is required to advance and contribute to a human society, niggers are unsympathetic OR empathetic...Period.

10-19-2022, 05:17 PM
Is the victim a nigger though?

Tar Remover
10-21-2022, 04:10 AM
AND he had "curly" hair...... Who'da thunk it.....

10-21-2022, 04:44 PM
El Sereno is not too far from Dodgers Stadium. Mostly Hispanic, so victim more than likely, a human. I wouldn't be surprised if this ape is out loose again.