View Full Version : The Nigger

10-09-2022, 11:40 PM
Whenever or wherever the nigger appears in numbers that surpass its usefulness as a curio, destabilization, and pestilence occur. As the direct opposite of all that is decent, it is quite accurate to describe the nigger as the bane of civility. It arrives at the gates of civilization as an unwelcomed import and always stays longer than necessary. The nigger as a species has never (and I reiterate) never created a civilization. It sullies civilizations doorstep with splayed and un-wiped feet as it knuckle drags over societies welcome mat; death, disease, destruction and a general ugliness plod paw in paw with the nigger, it is the antithesis of civilization.

Niggers are aware of the aforementioned affectations, so much so that they have been led in coordinated effort to steal the histories of others and make them their own in puerile effort to assume human form. The infamy of niggers pilfering history has reached such preposterous proportions that the entire civilized world stands in insult. Their claims are so specious and obtuse that they exceed the delusions of the mentally defective.

We have heard the fantastical lies promulgated by western spooks and their enablers that create a mien of entitlement beyond muh-dikkery and malice. The sub-Saharan anthropoid claims to be Chinese, Greek, Viking, Celt, Egyptian etc.; everything except what it is, a nigger, in these lies the nigger reasons that it is human because it is self-aware, yet it offers no positive contribution.

The general lack of civility and social structure within the groidal, planet wide, is proof that niggers have never created a civilized society or that they are worthy of it. Their inability and unwillingness to assimilate further demonstrates that they are not merely a subspecies but rather a counter-species.

The presence of the nigger has always guaranteed devastation in the locale unfortunate enough to suffer habitation and infestation. At no time has a nation run by or overrun by niggers ever prospered or been anything but an albatross on the neck of its neighbors. The growing presence or acceptance of the nigger and niggerdom historically has been a call to arms or the beginning of the end of decency, morality, hygiene, and prosperity.

The nigger and its keepers are truly the bane of civilization.

10-10-2022, 08:55 AM
niggers are ' good for business ' and a whole plethora of industries profits from their failings. This business is literally a nigger zoo. People pay to see the animals.

10-10-2022, 06:11 PM
Stimulating write-up! Hopefully it's not the last. The way I've come to see it now is that niggers are irreducibly and irremediably DIFFERENT. It's useless to speculate as to nigger 'psychology', their behavior can probably be explained mechanistically but not in terms you or I would understand. They can but represent for us the element of savagery that we as a species have left in our primordial past. Niggers are more like living fossils from an earlier evolutionary path. It is of course historical fact that nogs have never built civilization. Their best use is as a counter-example of morality and behavior. Too bad we get the opposite.

10-11-2022, 07:54 AM
Whenever or wherever the nigger appears in numbers that surpass its usefulness as a curio, destabilization, and pestilence occur. As the direct opposite of all that is decent, it is quite accurate to describe the nigger as the bane of civility. It arrives at the gates of civilization as an unwelcomed import and always stays longer than necessary. The nigger as a species has never (and I reiterate) never created a civilization. It sullies civilizations doorstep with splayed and un-wiped feet as it knuckle drags over societies welcome mat; death, disease, destruction and a general ugliness plod paw in paw with the nigger, it is the antithesis of civilization.

Niggers are aware of the aforementioned affectations, so much so that they have been led in coordinated effort to steal the histories of others and make them their own in puerile effort to assume human form. The infamy of niggers pilfering history has reached such preposterous proportions that the entire civilized world stands in insult. Their claims are so specious and obtuse that they exceed the delusions of the mentally defective.

We have heard the fantastical lies promulgated by western spooks and their enablers that create a mien of entitlement beyond muh-dikkery and malice. The sub-Saharan anthropoid claims to be Chinese, Greek, Viking, Celt, Egyptian etc.; everything except what it is, a nigger, in these lies the nigger reasons that it is human because it is self-aware, yet it offers no positive contribution.

The general lack of civility and social structure within the groidal, planet wide, is proof that niggers have never created a civilized society or that they are worthy of it. Their inability and unwillingness to assimilate further demonstrates that they are not merely a subspecies but rather a counter-species.

The presence of the nigger has always guaranteed devastation in the locale unfortunate enough to suffer habitation and infestation. At no time has a nation run by or overrun by niggers ever prospered or been anything but an albatross on the neck of its neighbors. The growing presence or acceptance of the nigger and niggerdom historically has been a call to arms or the beginning of the end of decency, morality, hygiene, and prosperity.

The nigger and its keepers are truly the bane of civilization.

The @$$lifter is the SAME way!! Although slightly more intelligent (but not much!!)